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Showing posts from April, 2017

Casual Screaming About John Tartaglia

Hi. I know I need to be better with posting. I'm sorry that I suck. I'm working on it! Good thing no one actually reads my blog. I'd hate to actually disappoint anyone. If you know me, you know that I admire John Tartaglia. He is an amazing performer and a really nice person. No, I have never met him, but we have had a few exchanges on Twitter. He has been in three Broadway productions: Avenue Q, Shrek the Musical, and Beauty and the Beast. He has been in several TV shows, and has has had a couple of shows of his own. I first "discovered" him when I was babysitting my cousin. She loved watching Playhouse Junior, which is now Disney Junior, I believe. We stumbled across Johnny and the Sprites. Which I don't understand to this day why it ended. It was such an amazing show and the songs were so catchy. Even though I watched the show with my cousin whenever it came on, I didn't really think much about John. I mean I had a small crush on him, but soon