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Fangirl Friday: George Harrison!

 ANOTHER WEEK WE HAVE CONQUERED!!! My mental health is tanking, but recently something reignited my Beatles fixation and I figured since it's George Harrison's 80th birthday tomorrow! I'd write about him. I mean he is my favorite Beatle, contrary to popular beliefs and some evidence that points elsewhere. HAPPY 80TH, GEORGIE! LOOK! Before you say anything I KNOW Paul McCartney is my ride or die, the love of my life. HOWEVER, he's not my favorite Beatle. He was when I first got into them as a teenager. But as an adult, I've found a new appreciation for George Harrison. I believe George Harrison is the superior Beatle. I think he's written better music while in the Beatles and in his solo career. When I originally made the decision to write this post for this week specifically I figured there were plenty of ways to go about it. I could write about my favorite George moments when he was in the Beatles. I could list my favorite songs of his. But I think I'll jus...