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Showing posts from June, 2019

Untitled 11 [Writing #27]

This is from an old fanfiction I wrote a long time ago. I'm plagiarizing myself. Not really because I changed a little. Its untitled. I debated calling it queer fluff, but that didn't fit it well. So here it is! Fair warning there is some strong language in this one. James stood in the kitchen, cooking breakfast. He was listening to the radio as he did every morning. "I Saw Her Standing There" by the Beatles started playing, making him smile. He began singing along. "Well when I was just seventeen You know what I mean And the way she looked was way beyong compare How could I-" Just when he was getting into the song someone yelled, making him lower the volume. "What was that?" He asked, loudly. "Turn that shit off!" It was Winston. James laughed and kept the radio on low. He began humming the song when a young woman with massive bed head wandered into the kitchen wearing nothing but an ocersized shirt James had lent her. &

The Boy [Writing #26]

I'm publishing my writing again! Is it a good thing or a bad thing? The world may never know. This one was originally written as part of a fanfiction I wrote in high school, but I changed it a bit. But kudos to anyone who can figure out who it was originally written about. Here is "The Boy". No relations to the horror film starring Rupert Evans, though I actually enjoyed the film. She looked at the little boy. Everything about the child reminded her of his father. From his hazel eyes to his smile to the way he walked. Even those damn eyebrows Brooke loved. But where was James? She hadn't seen him since she left Clarksville all those years ago. He had begged her to stay, but how could she? To him she was just his mistress and that's all she'd ever be if she stayed. She needed to get out for herself and for her son. There was nothing she wouldn't do for Bobby. Including leaving the city she called home her whole life. She wanted to give him a chance

Happy Birthday Paul!

Today is Sir James Paul McCartney's 77th birthday! He was born in 1942 in Liverpool, England. You may know him as half of Lennon-McCartney and the bassist of the Beatles or for his solo career. Or you might know him from that Kanye West and Rihanna song. Yeah. That one. He has been, still is and will always be one of my favorite people. He is where my name McCartha came from. I was so obsessed wity him in high school someone just started calling me McCartha and as you know I have claimed that name for my writing and everything I do on the internet. And yes, I was obsessed with him and still have a lot of love and respect for him despite our 55 year age gap. Paul with John Lennon's son, Julian But I just wanted to write a quick post about him because as I said, he's one of my favorite people in the world. For many reasons. The first and most important being this the man that made me fall in love with music. Maybe one of these days I'll publish my colleg


Heyo! I hope anyone who has read/kept up with this blog is doing well! I know its been a while since my last post. I still don't have WiFi at home which makes writing these posts hard. I am trying to at least post from my phone, but it's tedious and I don't like it. I rather type on my laptop than on my phone. I rediscovered some old writings of mine and some I'd like to share as one-shots/short stories. I just have to do a lot of editing. But at least I'll be posting something on this blog instead of letting it go dead for weeks at a time. For now I am going to try to post once a week. I have so many things I want to write about but I can't do a good enough post on my phone, hence why the Set It Off posts have been SUPER postponed. I hope my writing will suffice for now. Just to keep this blog alive. I haven't been writing much recently due to the worst writer's block I have ever experienced in my life. Also not to mention I'm going