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Untitled 11 [Writing #27]

This is from an old fanfiction I wrote a long time ago. I'm plagiarizing myself. Not really because I changed a little.

Its untitled. I debated calling it queer fluff, but that didn't fit it well.

So here it is! Fair warning there is some strong language in this one.

James stood in the kitchen, cooking breakfast. He was listening to the radio as he did every morning. "I Saw Her Standing There" by the Beatles started playing, making him smile. He began singing along.
"Well when I was just seventeen
You know what I mean
And the way she looked was way beyong compare
How could I-"
Just when he was getting into the song someone yelled, making him lower the volume. "What was that?" He asked, loudly.
"Turn that shit off!" It was Winston. James laughed and kept the radio on low. He began humming the song when a young woman with massive bed head wandered into the kitchen wearing nothing but an ocersized shirt James had lent her.
"Morning, Cassie." James flashed his sister a smile. She held her head as she sat at the kitchen table. "Crazy night?"
"Next time Harry and Ritchie invite me to a party, please remind me to turn them down." She moaned and laid her head down on the table. Winston made his way to join his roomates in the kitchen. He stopped in the doorwat. Cassie sat up and stared at him through squinted eyes. She was blind without her glasses.
"Why the hell do you have to wake up so fucking early?" Winston asked. James smiled, not answering his boyfriend. Winston walked over and wrapped his arms around James. "Answer me, you ass." He playfully gnawed at the other man's ear.
"Ah!" James pulled away. "Leave me alone! He broke Winston's embrace.
"Fine!" Winston sat next to Cassie. "How's Jacob?"
"Really?" Cassie asked. "Just because you have a successful relationship doesn't mean you need to bring up my failed one."
"What do you mean?" Winston asked. "You and Jake broke up? I thoughy you were on a break."
"A break? Why the hell do you think I moved in with you guys?" Cassie asked.
"I told you they vroke up. Remember?" James asked.
"What? When did you tell me? I'd remember if you told me. I'm sorry, Cas."
"It's whatever." She shrugged. "Good riddance, I guess."
"Breakfast is finished." Paul announced, changing the subject before his sister got into one of her whiney moods.
"How was the party with Harrison and Richard?" Winston asked.
"It was exactly how you'd expect. Got black out drunk and hot dragged home at four in the morning." She laughed, before grabbing her head. "And now I'm suffering through a hangover." She lit a cigarette and offered Winston one.
"No thanks. I'm trying to quit."
"Winston Sanders is going to quit smoking? I'm shocked." She put the pack on the table.
"I'm proud of you." James put a plate down in front of Winston.
"Thank you, my love." Winston smiled. "So, Cassie, when are you planning on moving out?"
"Winston!" James whipped Winston with the towel on his shoulder.
"Shit! What did I do?" Winston asked. "Its an honest question."
"Trust me. I want out just as much as you guys do. Thank you for taking me in. Brian is looking for a roomate."
"Brian Kyle? Do you really want to be his roommate?" James asked.
"Sure." Cassie shrugged. "Who else is there?"
"Harrison. Richard. Dad. Gerald."
"Harrison is going to be married soon. Richard has a crush on me. Gerald is starting a family and I don't want to live with my father."
"Are you kidding me? I'd love to live in Jim's house. I'd never have to work." Winston laughed.
"You wouldn't take advantage of my dad." James looked at his boyfriend.
"That's not taking advantage of him. That's appreciating him." Winston laughed.
"But can you imagine if I lived with him? I'd never be able to bring anyone home."
"Of course not. Jim still looks at you as his baby girl."
"I'm a grown woman."
"Barely. You're twenty one." James pointed out.
"I am a grown woman in the eyes of the law. I have a job. I can support myself I just prefer not to live alone."
"Living alone is great, though. I miss it." Winston replied.
"Do you?" James asked.
"You know what I mean." Winston pulled James onto his lap.
"Stop." James laughed, getting up. "Well, Cassie, I would prefer you mobingmin with dad than Brian."
"Why? What's wrong with Brian?" Cassie asked.
"Uh- try he's a misogynist and an asshole and-"
"No he's not. He's sweet."
"You don't know him like we do." Winston added. "Just go live with Jimbo for a little while."
"I'll think about it. Why do you guys want me to move out so badly?" Cassie asked. James looked at Winston who shrugged. "Did Winnie finally-" James smiled and nodded, making Cassie scream.
"Holy fuck, Cas!" Winston covered his ears.
"I'm sorry, but its about time! I never thought you'd do it. I thought Jamey would beat you to it. Is there a ring?" She asked.
"No because Winston didn't want to be those gays." James laughed.
"Sorry to break it to you, Winnie, but you are those gays."
"Fuck off. No we're not and stop calling me Winniem you know how much I hate that name."
"Okay. Winnie."
"Don't start, Cas." James glared at his sister.
"So we want you out so we can have loud celebratory sex in our house."
"Jesus! Okay! Shit. I'll move in with dad, then. Christ." Cassie shook her head. James laughed. "Congratulations future Mr. And Mr? Who's name are you taking or are you hyphenating?" She asked.
"We haven't decided. Geez. We just got engaged last night."
"Wow. Gerald is gonna be a dad. You're getting married and I'm still single." She laughed.
"You'll find the right guy. Or girl." Winston shrugged.
"Nah. I need to stay single for a but. Jake-"
"Jake can suck a dick." James stopped his sister. "You need to do whatever to help yourself but don't make yourself unavailable. You never know."
"Harry wanted to introduce me to Bridgette's sister. Apparently she is pretty gay."
"Go! She's hot." Winston told her.
"How do you know?" James asked.
"Because I just do."
"I don't know."
"You do what you gotta do. Don't listen to this moron." James looked at his sister.
"Moron? My IQ is higher than yours, pretty boy." Winston challenged.
"Don't start, Winnie." James glared at Winston.
"You're lucky I love you." Winston kissed his fiance.
"Ugh. You guys are disgusting." Cassie rolled her eyes. "Thanks for breakfast. I'm going to go eat in my room." She stood up. "Congrats, Jamey." She kissed James' cheek and left the kitchen. James smiled at Winston.


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