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Showing posts from March, 2021

Let's Talk About the Lil Nas X Controversy

 Heyo! So I originally had other plans for this week's posts, but this is something I am very passionate about and I figured why not voice my opinion since it seems like everyone else is. You obviously need some background as to why this is a subject near and dear to my heart. I am a 24-year-old non-binary pansexual person. I came out to my family in 2015, when I was 18. So I've been out for 6 years. Before I came out, I was raised in Christianity. I cannot imagine life before going to church. My family was religious. When I was 18, I got the option to stop going to church; plus I went away for college. I've gone back to church since on holidays, but other than that I left the church. I do not consider myself a Christian anymore. I left the church because of God and the follower, who call themselves Christians but only spread hate. I have no beef with Jesus Christ. We're cool. Why did I leave the church? Because ever since I was a child, I had it drilled in my head that

That Time Richard Nixon Unknowingly Smuggled Cannabis into the United States

 Heyo! Sorry for the delay and my unintentional break. Yes, That Time... is moving to Mondays. Don't question it. Today, we're visiting a story from history that made me laugh when I first read about it. It will be a short one as there isn't much on this topic, but I wanted to write about it. Let's get into it! Some backstory first for the two main players: Louis Armstrong and Richard Nixon. One is an American hero who deserves all my love and attention. The other was a president that I have very few nice things to say about. Richard Nixon was the 37th President of the United States. He was president from 1969 until 1974 when he resigned following the infamous Watergate scandal . He was also previously the 36th Vice-President from 1953 until 1961. Like I said, I have very few nice things to say about him so this is all the background you're getting. Louis Armstrong is one of my favorite artists, hands down. He is SO good. If you haven't listened to his music, I


So I took a much-needed month-long break because my mental health wasn't doing too well. I might have gotten COVID a second time, so I've been stuck in my room alone with my thoughts. I need to get back to posting weekly so I don' go crazy. With that being said, I also have another blog! I created McCartha Writes  to post my creative writing. At the moment it'll just be fanfiction because, yes I am 24 years old and still write fanfiction. Don't come for me. I have my first thing posted on it! It's an Avengers fanfiction that I've been working on since 2008 titled Drops of Jupiter . I hope you choose to support my new blog, if not that's fair. I'll still be posting here. I have some very exciting posts for April! All related to Jesus Christ Superstar because it's become my favorite musical and Easter is in April. May post those weekly or just dedicate a week to my JCS posts. We'll see. So That Time... posts will be back this Sunday!