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Showing posts from May, 2021

Taking a Hiatus

 Heyo! So I'm just going to be honest. No holding back. No sugarcoating. M mental health is deteriorating fast. I know my last post said I was coming back, but as you can see that never happened. I am going to take a legitimate break from this blog. A planned break. I feel like I have lost the little bit of control I had on my life and my mental health has been at an all-time low since I started taking antidepressants. Even though I've pretty much been on hiatus since February, it was never planned, so I always had a little nagging at the back of my brain. A little voice reminding me that I needed to write a post. That I needed to update and it didn't help anything. Especially with things going on in my personal life. With that all being said, I love this blog. It has become a hobby and I am not dropping it. Just taking a break. No I don't know how long this hiatus is going to be. I have no set time frame. I just know I am not going to be back until I feel like I can ha

Where I've Been

 Heyo! So I took off most of March and most of April which I did not plan. It just happened. I've been pretty open about my mental health issues online. I'll explain as much as I can in this post, but a lot of it is SUPER personal. The March hiatus was due to my unhealthy sleeping pattern plus losing motivation. Keeping up this blog is a hobby, but just a hobby. I have Adsense on, in hopes to one day be able to make some money, but right now I'm not making any. So being motivated to write posts is a BIG reason I've been able to be somewhat active in the beginning of the year. I got some of that motivation back in April, but then something went down. I don't talk much about my family much on this blog to respect everyone's privacy. I cannot remember if I've talked about my strained relationship with my mother here. To make a long story short: My mother has been making life a living hell for my brothers and I. It came to a head in early April. Mentally, I have