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Showing posts from October, 2023

Fangirl Friday: Jonas Brothers

Happy Friday! Off the bat, I'm going to come out and say it: this is the longest post I've written. It's about three people who will all get their own separate Fangirl Friday posts inevitably. I have so much to say because these guys have impacted my life so much and for so long. So bear with me. Warning:  I mention my own struggles with depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation. (L to R) Kevin, Joe, and Nick Jonas Today's subjects are the Jonas Brothers! This is a long time coming. This is a love I've held for 17 years. I allow myself to ramble on these Fangirl Friday posts, hence why this ended up so long. I apologize for absolutely nothing. I am writing this in the middle of my second Jonas Brothers fixation. I am currently obsessed and I don't mean that lightly. I have been so annoying because I cannot stop talking about them to everyone I know. It's like 2008 all over again. The Jonas Brothers is a band made up of three brothers: Kevin Jonas - Lead gui

That Time Two Princes Disappeared

 Heyo! Happy Monday! We're back to 3 posts a week as long as my mental health allows. Today we are focusing on the mystery of two princes as the title suggests.  I am but a dumb American who had a past fixation with British history - and everything British if I'm being honest. A former, and recovered teaboo if you will. Disclaimer : This post mentions the alleged (theorized) murder of children. I have plenty of other more lighthearted history posts you can check out if this one is too dark. A very long time ago - I was still in elementary school - my mother bought a book that was all about British monarchs. That was my first brush with the story of the Princes in the Tower. They didn't even have a whole page. Just a little section in King Richard III's chapter. Consider this post, me giving them their own page. King Edward V and the Duke of York in the Tower of London painted by Paul Delaroche Let's start at the beginning. Edward V was born on November 2, 1470, to K

Fangirl Friday: Brian d'Arcy James

If you look at the spreadsheet I use to organize my blog ideas, you'll see that Brian d'Arcy James has been at the top of the list for the past two years. I've been wanting to write about him for as long as I've been blogging, but haven't had the right motivation or inspiration. He is a man who has lived rent free in my head for nearly a decade and he has one of the most amazing voices in opinion. NOW despite first being introduced to him in 2015, when I watched Mozard in the Jungle - he appeared as Beethoven - I did not become a fan. At the time I had no idea who he was obviously. What put him on my radar was the following year when I got into Hamilton. He was the original King George III off-Broadway. I had a name and face in my head that I would end up recognizing a few times before becoming the fan I am today. What turned me into a fan of Brian's was when I watched Shrek the Musical for the first time. I watched it for another actor - John Tartaglia, who I&#

Kinda Review: Fastlife - Joe Jonas

 Heyo! I know I haven't posted since April. You can thank my mental health and a lack of Wi-Fi. ALSO, I haven't written a Kinda Review since February 2019 and it's October 2023 so this is going to be interesting and different. Disclaimer that I am NOT a music critic or a critic of any king. I am just someone who listens to music regularly. These posts are mostly ramblings about albums I enjoy. If there are music videos, I'll try to include them in the post. Every song will be linked in the title. Fastlife album cover and tracklist Today's subject is Fastlife, the debut album of Joe Jonas. The album was released on October 11, 2011. I am writing about it 12 years later because I believe in justice for Fastlife. I specifically wanted to post this around the anniversary and it just so happens that the 12th anniversary is a Wednesday so TODAY is the 12th anniversary. Happy birthday, Fastlife! If you know me, you know that Joe Jonas is very important to me for so many re