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Falsettos (2016 Revival)

Falsettos. Also known as
- RENT: The Prelude
- Gays Keep Dying: The Musial
- Daddy's Kissing Boys, BUT WE CAN'T SEE IT: The Musical
- Stop Traumatizing Jason: The Musical
- Gay Jews: The Prequel
- Sadness and Tears
- And many many more

Credit to the Wheezer Squad for helping me come up with some of those.

If you have seen the Falsettos 2016 revival, then this post is for you. And by see the revival, I am also counting if you saw the bootleg.
The Tight-Knit Family
I didn't get into the musical until it was too late to see the revival. However, I am in love with it.

The cast of the 2016 revival:
Christian Borle as Marvin
Andrew Rannells as Whizzer Brown
Anthony Rosenthal as Jason
Stephanie J. Block as Trina
Brandon Uranowitz as Dr. Mendel Weisenbachfeld
Tracie Thoms as Dr. Charlotte
Betsy Wolfe as Cordelia
Trina, Whizzer, Mendel, Marvin, and Jason in Falsettoland at the start of act two
Track List:
Act 1
1. Four Jews in a Room Bitching
2. Tight-Knit Family
3. Love is Blind
4. Thrill of First Love
5. Marvin at the Psychiatrist
6. Everyone Tells Jason to See a Psychiatrist
7. This Had Better Come to a Stop
8. I'm Breaking Down
9. Please Come to Our House
10. Jason's Therapy
11.A Marriage Proposal
12. Tight-Knit Family (Reprise)
13.Trina's Song
14. Mach of the Falsettos
15. Trina's Song (Reprise)
16. The Chess Game
17. Making a Home
18. The Games I Play
19. Marvin Hits Trina
20. I Never Wanted to Love You
21. Father to Son
Act 2
22. Falsettoland/It's About Time
23. Year of the Child
24. Miracle of Judaism
25. The Baseball Game
26. A Day in Falsettoland/Racquetball
27. The Fight
28. Everyone Hates His Parents
29. What More Can I Say?
30. Something Bad is Happening
31. More Racquetball
32. Holding to the Ground
33. Days Like This
34. Cancelling the Bar Mitzvah
35. Unlikely Lovers
36. Another Miracle of Judaism
37. Something Bad is Happening (Reprise)
38. You Gotta Die Sometime
39. Jason's Bar Mitzvah
40. What Would I Do?
41. Falsettoland (Reprise)
I honestly have no idea how to go about this post, so bear with me. I really don't want this post to get to long, but I love Falsettos so much, I can write pages about it.

DISCLAIMER: I love Christian Borle with my heart and soul, but I have a love/hate relationship with Marvin. Because he is a bit of an ass for most of the musical and Christian played him very well.

I honestly got into Falsettos mainly because of the revival. I have been a fan of Christian Borle and Andrew Rannells for a long time. I saw a few of the promo videos and everyone was talking about it, so finally, two days before they closed on Broadway, I got into it. Unfortunately, I did not get to see it live, which sucks, but I still love it very much.

Betsy Wolfe, Tracie Thoms, Anthony Rosenthal, Christian Borle,
Andrew Rannells, Stephanie J. Block, Bran Uran
I think the entire cast did an amazing job and I fell in love with all of them, even though it was just Christian and Andrew who attracted me to it. And I admire that the cast became a family because of the show.

I think it's safe to say that Falsettos is my favorite musical, so far in my life. I saved 77 photos from the revival onto my laptop for this post, but I will not use them all.

Everything about this production is amazing. The simple set and set pieces that fit into a cube. The amazing cast. The costumes. The music. I just love it so much.

Overall Thoughts:
Favorite Character: Mendel
Least Favorite Character: AIDS (Of course)
Favorite Song: "Love is Blind"
Least Favorite Song: "Something Bad is Happening (Reprise)"
Rating Out of 10: 11/10
Falsettos Opening Night
I have some ideas for thoughts about he musical. For example, whether or not Marvin was abusive towards Trina, Jason and Whizzer. And what happened after Whizzer died. But I'll put those in another blog post for later. I'll also explain in that post exactly why I love/hate Marvin. He is my BitterQueen.

There will probably be more Falsettos posts in the future to look forward to because I love it so much. And maybe more posts about musicals.

Expect posts about Christian Borle, Stephanie J. Block, Bran Uran, and Andrew Rannells in the near future.


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