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My Top 10 Favorite Musicals (As of June 2017)

Hi! I really am trying to be more active on this blog. I know I've done really bad so far. I'm sorry.

While brainstorming what to write my next blog post about, I thought why not rank my top 10 favorite musicals? So here I am to rank my top 10 favorite musicals and I will explain why the musical is in my top 10.

1. Avenue Q

    • Avenue Q is an amazing musical. Besides the very relatable storyline and characters, it is hilarious and you will have songs like "If You Were Gay" and "Spcial" stuck in your head for the rest of your life. This is my favorite musical of all time because I am in my early twenties, still in college, and I don't know what my purpose in life is, if I even have one. Also, Avenue Q is basically Sesame Street for adults. There are actors and puppets onstage. The puppeteers are seen an act with their puppet as they puppeteer. Overall, it's a clever idea for a musical and it's really good. Avenue Q is also how I fell in love with John Tartaglia and if you look at this blog post, you'll see I really do love and admire John.
2. Falsettos
    • If you know my personally, you are aware of my obsession with the Falsettos 2016 revival starring Christian Borle, Andrew Rannells, Stephanie J. Block, Brandon Uranowiz, Anthony Rosenthal, Tracie Thoms, and Betsy Wolfe. It was so good and I am so sad it ha such a limited run. The storyline is heartbreaking and uplifting at the same time. You can see my post about the revival here. I love both the original Broadway cast and the revival cast. I was introduced to the musical by the revival cast, so they will have a special place in my heart, but I could never choose between the two.
3. Book of Mormon
    • I am so blessed to be able to say Book of Mormon was my first Broadway show. It is an hilarious show. You will have the songs stuck in your head. It is written by the guys who created South Park and the songs are by Robert Lopez, who also wrote Avenue Q and Frozen. If you haven't listened to the cast album, please do. It's so good. When I went to see the show, I saw Nic Rouleau in the role of Elder Price and he did such a great job. If you do get a chance to see the show, I think everyone and anyone would like it, as long as they don't take religion too serious. The song, "Hasa Diga Eebowai" translates to "Fuck you, God" so as long as you see the show with someone who won't be insulted by that song you'll have a great experience.
4. Hedwig and the Angry Inch
    • I fell in love with this Hedwig and the Angry Inch at 2am. It is constantly my go to musical when I need something to listen to. If you know me, you know that one of my favorite genres of music to listen to is rock, and this is a rock musical. The show itself is like a rock concert. If you enjoy rock, as much as I do, you would probably like this show. Check out the cast album. I prefer the soundtrack for the film. Hedwig is portrayed by John Cameron Mitchell in the film. He is also the creator of the show and the original Hedwig on Broadway. The revival Hedwig is played by Neil Patrick Harris, who is also really good.
5. In the Heights
    • A musical about Latinx characters, why wouldn't I rank In the Heights in my top 5? Growing up, as a small Puerto Rican child, the only musical I knew of that had Latinx characters was West Side Story. But in West Side Story portrayed us as gang members and even though it is near and dear to my heart because it is the first musical I ever fell in love with, I prefer how Lin-Manuel Miranda portrayed the Latinx characters in In the Heights. We have business owners and friends. Budding romances and heartbreak. In the Heights is everything you would want in a good musical. No wonder why it broke held the record for most Tony nominated musical for a while and it took home a lot of those Tonys.
6. Legally Blonde the Musical
    • Honestly, I knew about Legally Blonde for YEARS, but it never really grabbed my attention, because I've never been a fan of chick flicks. However, it wasn't until I learned that Christian Borle was in the original cast of the musical, that I decided to give it a try. I watched the movie first, which I fell in love with, and then I listened to the musical and fell in love with it. The story, the music, the characters. Everything about this musical is great. And it's a happy musical. Nothing over the top bad happens to the characters, which is a hard thing to find in musicals.

7. Shrek the Musical
    • Shrek the Musical was something I didn't think would be good. I love all of the Shrek movies, but I wasn't expecting it to be so good. Honestly, I was expecting "All Star" by Smash Mouth to appear somewhere. It didn't, and I'm glad it didn't. It showed a side of Farquad that no one ever thought of, and a side of Shrek that the movies barely touched on. It's a great show, good for the family.
8. Dear Evan Hansen
    • Dear Evan Hansen has ranked in my top 10 because it is a relatable musical and the music is great. The storyline and characters are interesting. I think that Evan is a great character by bad person. I mean he's lying for most of the musical. I do recommend you listen to the album, my favorite song is "Sincerely, Me" and my favorite character, is Jared. Just listen to it and you'll understand why I love it so much. The cast is amazing. Ben Platt, who plays Evan, is one of my favorite people.
9. Phantom of the Opera
    • Okay, I have some history with Phantom of the Opera. When I was a small child, going to Blockbusters with my dad, the DVD cover of the Phantom movie freaked me out. I was scared of Gerald Butler as the Phantom for a while. Then in 2012, I watched the 25th Anniversary performance when it was still on Netflix. I fell in love with Ramin Karimloo, Sierra Boggess, and Hadley Fraser, who played the Phantom, Christine and Raoul, respectively. I do prefer the 25th anniversary cast, but it's an amazing show, overall, no matter what cast.

10. Les Miserables
    • Les Miserables is another show I have history with. I only got into this show originally because I read a Nick Jonas fanfiction and I didn't know anything about this show, so I watched the 2010 performance on YouTube. This was in 2011ish and I had no idea I would fall in love with Ramin Karimloo, who played Enjolras in that performance, a year later. Les Miserables is such a great show. I wish I was able to see it before it closed, last year. I did go see the film starring Hugh Jackman as Jean Valjean in theaters when it came out, but I think they could have made some better casting choices. But Samantha Barks, who I fell in love with the first time I watched the 2010 performance, is my favorite actress to play Eponine, who is my favorite character.

Here are my top 10 favorite musicals. I may write full posts about each of these musicals in the future, so keep your eyes open.


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