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My Chemical Romance

Heyo! I know it's been a while and I'm sorry. I am going to try to do daily posts again. We'll see what happens.

Let's talk about another band I admire and love and whose break up, ripped my heart out. That band is My Chemical Romance!
My Chemical Romance. Is it a band? Or just an idea? Well, to me it's a band that got me through bullying in my Freshman year of high school. I have been an MCR fan since an ex-best friend of mine introduced them to me in middle school and I was obsessed. A family friend from church, incorrectly, told my mom that they were a Satanic band and she had an issue with my listening to them. So I stopped listening to them out in the open, and the same ex-best friend burned me three CDs of some of their songs and I listened to them on a little portable CD player while everyone else in my school had iPods. I was never one of the cool kids, obviously, but that didn't matter to me.

My Chemical Romance's most famous song is probably "Welcome to the Black Parade" which I'll put here (g-note warning obviously):
It's in this format because I had to upload it from my
computer because it wouldn't let me add it from YouTube.
Blame blogger.

They were an intense band. They're original members, that most people credit includes:
Gerard Way - Lead Singer
Ray Toro - Lead Guitar
Mikey Way - Bass Guitar
Frank Iero - Rhythm Guitar
LtoR: Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, and Ray Toro
They broke up in 2013, which broke my heart, but since then I have tried to follow their solo careers. I haven't been the most successful at keeping up with them, but I'm trying. If I had to choose a favorite member, it would be Frank Iero hands down. I don't know why. But I do love every member of this band. As with most bands, it wouldn't be a band without all four of them.

In my opinion, their studio discography is way too short. I wish it were longer, but things didn't work out that well. They recorded four studio albums including:
1. I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love (2002)
2. Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge (2004)
3. The Black Parade (2006)
4. Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys (2010)
I'll tell you my favorite album, though no one asked for it. I love Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge. I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love is definitely in a close second.

Fun fact: Since I'm writing this in October and hopefully going to be posting this before the month is over, the first time I ever tried to dress up, I tried dressing up as a Killjoy. It was supposed to be me and my ex-best friend. I don't remember her Killjoy name, but mine was "Poseiden's Promise" and she drew me my own Killjoy symbol or patch type thing. It was cool at the time. My costume failed. I was in all black and a leather jacket because at the time my only clothes were all black. I was a young emo.
Former drummer, Bob Bryar is to the left.
My Chemical Romance was in my top 5 bands, but they've since been bumped down to top 20. I love them and they hold a lot of sentimental value to me, but I also don't listen to them all the time because then I'm reminded that they may never get back together and make music and it makes me sad. What can I say?

Favorite Song: "Honey, This Mirror Isn't Big Enough for the Two of Us"
Least Favorite Song: "I Don't Love You"
Rate Out of 10: 8/10 - Emo Gods
This band helped me get through bullying and several deaths in my family and I am thankful for them. I do hope that they do get back together in the future and I hope that they make more music together, but I think I'll be okay if they don't.
I am still working on the ranking Queen music videos post, but it will be up soon! I promise. Cross my heart.


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