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Defending Jesse St. James to the Death

I've already done my casual screaming about Jonathan Groff. You can read it here. Today, we're going to talk about the character he played in Glee. That character is my favorite character in Glee: Jesse St. James. I'll try not to make this post too long.

People look at Jesse as the villain of season one. I understand why they feel that way, but I disagree. I know. If you believe him to be the villain, you'll point out when he and the rest of Vocal Adrenaline eggs Rachel in the McKinley High parking lot which can be seen here:

Rachel says "Break it, like you broke my heart." And Jesse responds "I loved you." And then breaks the egg on her head.

Jesse really did love Rachel. I know he only got involved with her initially to set her up and to try and destroy New Directions from the inside, but he did end up falling in love with her. I, personally, believe that she deserved the egging.

Mostly because she broke his heart. Let's not forget the "Run Joey Run" video and situation. Rachel was playing three different guys: Jesse, Finn, and Puckerman.

Rachel Berry broke Jesse's heart. More than he broke hers.

Let's go on to season 2!

So Jesse shows up and accompanies Rachel to prom. Nothing wrong there. Finn keeps trying to antagonize him and at prom, Finn pushes Jesse. Jesse pushes back. I don't think Jesse did anything wrong here.

I know you'll probably bring up when he made the New Directions members audition. Part of this was out of bitterness against Finn. I know. But I think he genuinely wanted to help the New Directions be good.

Yes, he did choose Rachel. But he's in love with her. And as much as I love the whole Glee cast, we know Lea Michelle is more talented than most. He came back to Lima for Rachel. Yes, he's biased for choosing her, but he loves her.

At Nationals Jesse says, Finn and Rachel's kiss cost New Directions the competition and he's not wrong! He was jealous of Finn, sure, but the kiss did cost them the competition. I don't think he did ANYTHING wrong in this season. Really.

Season 3!

Okay, I have to admit that his feelings towards Unique are foul and wrong. I am not going to defend his behavior because I don't agree with it.

He does congratulate Finn on Finn and Rachel's engagement. I imagine that wasn't easy because he still loves her.

He convinces Carmen Tibideaux to give Rachel a second chance and that is ultimately how she gets into NYADA - besides her insane talent.

Jesse doesn't really show up for seasons 4 and 5.

In season 6, he shows up again and they sing another song with Rachel like in season 2. They discuss the Broadway role she was offered. He wants her to be successful and tells her she doesn't need college. However, she tells him she turned down the offer to go back to NYADA.

At the end of season 6, which is the conclusion of the show there is a time jump. Rachel is a surrogate for Kurt and Blaine's baby and she is married to Jesse.

She is married to Jesse.

He finally got what he deserved after loving her for six seasons. And yes, I am well aware that if Cory Monteith has not passed away, that would have not been the ending.

But I am glad that's how Rachel got her happy ever after, after Finn.

So in the end, I still stand by the fact that I don't think Jesse St. James is a villain in Glee. I think from the point of view of the New Directions, he definitely seems like one. I can defend every "wrong" move he's made - except for how he treated Unique.

I hope this post wasn't too long!


  1. Replies
    1. I don't think he was as evil as some believes but he was not what Rachel needed. She needed someone to ground her. Jesse and she were too much alike and I think their egos would clash and cause divorce.

    2. I agree! They both want to be the best, but they both also have similar beliefs that only one can be better than the other. So that would definitely cause a rift in their relationship. I don't know if it'll lead to divorce because they'd both be worried about how the world perceives them. They'd be like a lot of old Hollywood relationships. On the outside they look fine, but they're both miserable on the inside.


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