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Showing posts from January, 2019

Untitled #10 [Writing #25]

My writing is back! Kind of. I won't post as often as I used to, but whenever I write something I'll share it. This is just a simple random one-shot that I just started writing. Words: 468 Sarah sat in her bed, scrolling through her Instagram. She barely remembered last night, but at least she wasn't hungover. A photo of her doing a keg stand grabbed her attention. Her best friend posted it. Of course, he did. "Shit." She opened the comments to see what people were saying about her. Most people were impressed and cheering her on, but then the comment from her pastor father made her smile drop. JohnMcKenzie68: I shouldn't be surprised and yet I'm still disappointed. Hope no one else from church sees this. Sarah sat up and called her best friend immediately. Oliver answered after the third ring. "Christ, Sarah. Don't you know how to text?" He asked, sounding annoyed. "Delete that picture. Now!" "Which one?" Oli

Random Update

I am working on more posts, but they're all music posts, so I don't want to post them all close together. I'm thinking about doing an Oscars prediction. Also, I want to start posting my writing again. I won't post my writing as much as I used to, which was once a week. It'll be as inspiration flows. To break up all the music posts I have, I'll post my writing sometime this week and I'll post my Oscar predictions sometime next week. Right now I think I'll post once or twice a week so there's constant content flowing. I really do appreciate the attention my blog has been getting. It means a lot that anyone reads my posts. I wish there was a way I could pay you back. Thank you so much. I've got so many music posts ready, but I want to keep up the diversity of this blog, but if you get a bunch of music posts back to back, I'm sorry. Music is the most important thing in my life and I spend the most time with it. Also, I am going to write a

My *DELAYED* Reaction to "The Bad List" by Z Berg and Ryan Ross

Heyo! It's been a minute. I was in Puerto Rico for the last three weeks of December. I didn't bring my laptop on the trip, hence my lack of posting. Then when I got home, I didn't have WiFi at home. But now I have WiFi, so I'll be working hard on my blog while I can. Last month we got blessed with new music from Set It Off, Gerard Way and Ryan Ross. I will talk about all of it, I promise. Today I'm talking about Ryan Ross' new song and that video. The song is titled "The Bad List" and it is a collaboration between Ryan and Z Berg. Full disclosure I was not familiar with Z Berg before this song, but I appreciate her now. Here's the video: Are you as shocked as I am that I got to actually insert the actual video for once? I think the song is considered a Christmas song, but I have been listening to it almost a month after Christmas. It's got a really pretty melody. The video is something. You see a man find a lifeless body on a beach


Heyo! I am back from vacation but I don't have wifi once again so I'm not sure when I will be able to post regularly. I will be writing posts on my laptop and saving them for when I have wifi. I'm writing this one on my phone. Things to look forward to: • My reaction to Set It Off's new music • My reaction to Jon Walker's new music • My first time in Puerto Rico • Kinda Review of Set It Off's new album when it comes out And a bunch of other things I have planned that I can't remember off the top of my head right now. I'm going to try to post small simple things like this from my phone but we'll see.

Happy New Years!

Happy New Years! I wasn't planning on posting my annual New Year's post, but here we are. I'm writing this on December 5th, because I will not have my laptop anywhere near me till after New Year's since I'm going on vacation. I am not going to promise to post daily like I always do. It's been my New Year's resolution for the past 3 years in a row. I am just promising to post more. I am so glad November went mostly successful. I did post every day. I am hoping that since I took December off, I will be able to write better posts than the end of November posts. I have a few posts planned for 2019. So stay tuned. Everything I promised, but never posted yet, will be written and posted. I just need a break. Here are my new year resolutions: Post on my blog more Take CPR classes and get certified Get a job Listen to new music / Stop only listening to the same 6 bands Since it's 2019, we await the reunion of My Chemical Romance. I was planning o