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My Initial Reaction to I DON'T KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME's New Single "Leave Me Alone"

Let it be known that I'm starting to write this at 12:09am on Aug. 5. I'm on my third listen to the song. This is a reaction and me casually screaming about this amazing bamd.

As you may or may not know, I have been a fan of I DON'T KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME since pretty much the beginning. I've been a fan of their frontman, Dallon Weekes, for YEARS! He's a hero of mine. I've written about him and iDKHow before on this blog.

Anyway, today iDKHow released a new single titled "Leave Me Alone". I absolutely love it. I think it's hands down my favorite song the bamd has released yet! The funky sound, the bass, the vocals, the drums. Every thing about this song gets me hyped!

I'm blown away, yet again by these gentlemen. Not shocked as I've loved every song they have released thus far. I got the unbelievable privilege of seeing them perform live back in Nov. of 2018 - which is still the greatest night of my life.

They never cease to amaze me. This song sounds like maybe another angry bop in the same vein as "Choke", one of their earlier songs.

The amount of talent Dallon and Ryan Seaman exhibit in these songs is AMAZING! And they deserve more love and attention.

I'm looking at you, Fearless. You've put my boys on the shelf for way too young and I'm still waiting for the album. WHERE IS THE ALBUM? WE NEED TO DAMN ALBUM!

We got the EP, 1981 Extended Play in 2018 which was just a tease.

I did hear a little rumor that the album is to be released sometime in October, but I am not sure if the bamd has confirmed it or not. We'll have to wait and see!

I am beyond hyped and excited for what is to come for the bamd. Thank you, Dallon and Ryan. Your music always cheers me up and gets me dancing.

Well, done boys! Cannot wait for the next one! And cannot wait for the album!


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