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Casually Screaming About Paul McCartney!

My time has finally come. 

Heyo! Let me introduce myself, my name is McCartha Evita Monteith. It is not my real name, but one I had adopted as my online "persona" and the name I will publish under when I finally finish writing something.

The name McCartha was a nickname given to me because my actual name is way too common. At first, I hated it, but I grew to love it. What does my name have to do with this post? McCartha was bestowed upon me for my deep love for Sir James Paul McCartney. My love for him has become my brand and a bit meme-ish. If you are a youngling, you're probably wondering who Paul McCartney is. You've come to the right place.

Long story short: Paul was a member of the band, The Beatles. The Beatles are often considered the greatest band in the world. I personally disagree with that, but that's for another post. I promise that one is coming. He is currently a 78-year-old rockstar. Yes, you read that right. He is 78 years old and still making music and touring.

My story with him begins long before I actually became the diehard fan I am today. My dad raised me with all types of music, including The Beatles and their solo music. So I have always known of Paul McCartney is for as long as I can remember, even if I never knew his name when I was a kid. He's always popped up because of The Beatles, his second band, Wings, and his solo career. Despite being raised with music, I didn't really appreciate music the way I do today until my early teens.

Around 2009 or 2010, my parents invited me to watch a concert on TV with them. It was Paul's Good Evening New York City show at Citi Field Stadium. That night my life changed. It was the first time I actually listened to music. He opened the show with "Drive My Car" which would become my favorite Beatles song. I very much enjoyed the show, but that isn't what turned me into the fan I am. His performance only made me appreciate music a lot more than I had before.

Fast forward to December 12, 2012, I was awaiting the broadcasting of the 12/12/12 Hurricane Sandy Relief concert. I had mostly wanted to watch the show for Bon Jovi's performance, but I watched the whole thing and Paul happened to perform. When he took the stage, my fifteen-year-old puberty-ridden brain fell in love with this old dude. Don't know why or how, but it happened. I had fallen in love with a man 55 years older than me.

Paul became and still is my main celebrity crush. He is above the others. Two months after the 12/12/12 concert, I found a Paul is Dead mockumentary on Netflix, but not knowing it was a mockumentary, I panicked and watched it. It focused on the conspiracy theory that the real Paul McCartney died in 1966 and was replaced by a look-a-like to prevent mass fan suicides. It's a bit complicated, but I would love to write a post about it!

The mockumentary made me become a fan of The Beatles and thus began my whole fixation with The Beatles and Paul McCartney. That is the story of how I became a diehard fan of Paul McCartney. I often got made fun of when people found out and by my own family, but being teased wasn't anything new, so I just took it.  I whole-heartedly believe if it wasn't for Paul and The Beatles, I may not have survived the hell that was my high school expierence.

When the 12/12/12 concert recording became available, I bought it, and inside the CD jacket were a few photos of the artists that performed. I always had it open to Paul's photo and had it in my notebook so between every class in school, I'd see him and he would give me the motivation to get through the day.

Keep in mind, this was a photo of 70-year-old Paul McCartney that kept me motivated. It wasn't young 20-something Paul. I chose oldman Paul as my muse and inspiration. I do mean muse. I wrote cringey fanfiction back then, but he also inspired a character in one of my original stories.

I do not understand why out of all the celebrities in the entire world, I could have fallen in love with, it had to be him, but I have accepted it. No, I don't have daddy issues. Everyone seems to think that, but I have had an excellent relationship with my dad my whole life. Maybe, when I finally get to see a therapist, they can explain to me why I like older men. Oh, yeah, Paul isn't the only oldman in my "League of Crushes". My current main Instagram account started off as a classic rock fanpage, where I posted The Beatles a lot. I still do occasionally post the band, but I still very much post about Paul.

This December will make eight years that I have been head over heels for this oldman, but I have no regrets. I chose to include mostly photos of oldman Paul because people seem to think I only like him because he was attractive in his youth. Like yes, that is true, but I did fall in love with him before I saw any photos of him as a young adult. Looking at any new and current photos of him make me as giddy as seeing old photos of him. My fangirl crush on him is truly like a schoolgirl crush. I was 15 when I first fell in love and now I am 23 years old and I have the same love and passion now as I did then.

I cannot wait for him to release new music. Heard he's got some beef with the president, so I'm excited to see if he's going to write a song about that. We need McCartney III after what this year has dealt us. I think we deserve it. Please, sir. I would give my left tit, my soul, and anything else you want for McCartney III.

This post was heavily edited, and a lot was omitted because I get overly emotional and excited when I write or talk about Paul. He means the absolute world to me. I dream of one day being able to see him live and perhaps maybe even get to meet him. He really is a hero of mine and someone I admire. My love for him is much more than just a celebrity crush. This man has saved my life and has inspired my writing when I wanted to give up.

Thank you, Paul, for everything you have done for me and for everything you have given the world!


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