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That Time Queen Elizabeth I May Have Been an Imposter

 Heyo! Back at it again with "That Time..."! Today we're going over the curious case of the alleged imposter who claimed to be Queen Elizabeth I and took the throne of England.

For those unaware, Queen Elizabeth I was Queen of England from 1558 until her death in 1603. Born into the House of Tudor to the infamous King Henry VII and his second wife, Anne Boleyn in 1533. Her mother was beheaded in 1536 when Elizabeth was just three years old. She was not crowned Queen immediately following her father's death. She was preceded by her brother, Edward, and then her sister, Mary I. Finally becoming Queen at 25.

However, there is a legend that the person sitting on the English throne from 1558 to 1603 was not Elizabeth, but an imposter. The story which was made popular by world-renowned author, Bram Stoker, starts in the village of Bisley. Around 1543 or 1544, Elizabeth was sent away to escape the plague that was ravaging most of the country. Her father had planned to visit her, but before he could she fell deathly ill and died. Panicked and afraid of the King's rage, her governess and the man charged with her care replaced the princess with another girl in the village. However, there were no girls of Elizabeth's age. They chose a boy named Neville who was friends with Elizabeth to replace her.

How could they get away with such a scheme? Wouldn't Henry recognize his own daughter? Wouldn't he know it was a boy in girl's clothing? Allegedly, since Elizabeth was known to be shy and since Henry had spent little time with her, he found nothing out of the ordinary. How did this scheme continue successfully for the rest of Elizabeth's - or Neville's - life? There are some real-life facts that can support this theory.

As many know, Elizabeth never married nor had any children. She refused several marriage proposals. Perhaps because she was really a man and did not want to be discovered? She constantly wore wigs, which people who support this theory say was to hide a receding hairline. The Queen was known to cake on her face make-up. Many having blamed the lead in the make-up for her death. As you can see in both portraits above, she wore dresses with a high neckline. She was also very particular about how she was portrayed in portraits. During her lifetime, it is reported she only ever used her own doctors who she trusted. She even insisted that after her death she did not want an autopsy.

Another thing the people who support this theory bring up is her speech to the troops of Tilbury before the Spanish Armada. She is quoted saying, "I know I have the body of a weak, feeble woman, but I have the heart and stomach of a king and of a king of England too". Another quote from her people turn to is what she said on her deathbed: "I will have no rascal to succeed me, and who should succeed me but a king?" Take what you will from these quotes.

A few people around Elizabeth believed something was up. Sir Robert Tyrwhitt wrote in 1549, "I do verily believe that there hath been some secret promise between my Lady, Mistress Ashley, and the Cofferer never to confess to death". The "Lady" he refers to is Elizabeth. Mistress Ashley is Elizabeth's governess and the Cofferer is Sir Thomas Parry, who was Elizabeth's caretaker during her time in Bisley.

The following year, Elizabeth's tutor, Roger Ascham wrote: "The constitution of her mind is exempt from female weakness, and she is endued with a masculine power of application". Some people take this as proof that Elizabeth was a man. I, personally, see this as a very sexist comment that Elizabeth was too smart for a woman. Not surprised, since this was a very misogynistic time in history.

During her reign, there were several rumors that she could not bear children. In 1559, Count de Feria, an advisor of Philip II of Spain writes, "If my spies do not lie, which I believe they do not, for a certain reason, which they have recently given me, I understand that she will not bear children".

The thought that this whole legend and theory was cultivated by the guy who wrote Dracula is so funny to me. I don't know if I believe this theory, but it's fun to think about. Do you believe this legend? Let me know! Also, let me know what other history stories you'd like me to write about!


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