Heyo! I know that you're probably wondering: how can I have more to say after I wrote 7.6k words about the Jonas Brothers two weeks ago? Besties, that was barely scratching the surface. Now you get to read me ramble about them individually. I just fought a gnarley cold. That is my excuse for not posting in almost 2 weeks. I'm sorry.
The subject of this week's Fangirl Friday is the eldest Jonas Brother, Kevin Jonas! His birthday is coming up, so happy birthday Kevin! In case you missed my Fangirl Friday about the Jonas Brothers, I stated that I am a Joe girl, but I had a stint as a Kevin girl from 2011-2015.
NOW if you've been living under a rock for the past twenty years and have no idea who Kevin Jonas is, let me introduce you to the ICON. He is the oldest brother and the lead guitarist of the band, Jonas Brothers. He is also a husband, father, former reality star, contractor, app developer, etc. The man has his bases covered and I am a fan.
Technically my first impression of Kevin dates BEFORE the Jonas Brothers when he did an E-Brain commercial. I remember that commercial, but I obviously had no idea who he was so I didn't really care at the time. He was another kid in a commercial for a product I couldn't have. He was also in a Burger King commercial with Joe. The Jonas Brothers commercial lore is incredible and I recommend looking up their old commercials that predate the band. But I don't count these commercials as the beginning of my story with the Jonas Brothers despite having seen those commercials on TV.
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Nick, Joe, and Kevin |
My story with Kevin started as it did with his brothers. I saw the Jonas Brothers perform "Mandy" on TV in 2006 and fell head over heels in love with his brother, Joe. Do I remember what my first impression of Kevin was at that performance? No. But to be fair I don't remember my first impression of Nick either. I was kind of distracted by Joe at the time.
As I was 9 years old in 2006, I didn't have a lot of power to follow or keep up with the Jonas Brothers. We had a family computer, but our internet usage was limited. I also didn't know how to look up anything the way I do now. Which is why I didn't truly become a fangirl til 2007, following their signing with Hollywood Records and the release of their self-titled album. This was the year they appeared on Hannah Montana in the episode "Me and Mr. Jonas and Mr. Jonas and Mr. Jonas". That might have been the first time I truly paid attention to Kevin.
I have a soft spot for Kevin and always have. It originates from the negativity he always got within the fandom. I hated that so much. In my opinion, if you consider yourself a Jonas Brothers fan, you should love all three of them, not just your favorite. That was my take in 2007 and that is my take in 2023. I mentioned in the Jonas Brothers Fangirl Friday that I have a very deep parasocial relationship with the Jonas Brothers. I do not know them personally and they have no idea that I even exist, but I have this familial love for Kevin. As if he's a distant cousin I sometimes check in on his family and see how they're doing.
In 2008, Camp Rock came out. Kevin played supporting character, Jason Gray. Also known as"birdhouse guy" when people forget his name. Jason was clueless but endearing. After rewatching the Camp Rock movies recently, he's become my favorite character in the franchise. This is a Jason Gray stan blog. In the sequel, Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam, he is put in charge of junior campers, which at first is chaotic, but he ends up earning their respect and helping them get close to achieving their dreams of being rockstars. And spoiler, but he gets his birdhouse finally. They make him a guitar-shaped birdhouse at the end. It was adorable.
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Kevin with his ICONIC mutton chops |
I remember being on the bus in the summer of 2008, talking to some fellow Jonas Brothers fans about how if you listen closely to the chorus of "Play My Music" you can hear Kevin's voice. We were obsessed with hearing what Kevin sounds like when he sings. Ever since then, I've wanted to hear Kevin sing without backing his brothers. I want him front and center, even if it's a single lyric. I am happy to report that we got just that - and a little bit more.
Also in 2008, Kevin was listed as one of People magazine's "Sexiest Men Alive". He was only 21 and rocking the mutton chops at the time. Truly an icon.
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Kevin and Danielle on their wedding day |
Kevin got married to his wife, Danielle in 2009. I remember losing my mind over it. Trying to find ll the photos I could of them online. I remember going into the supermarket with my mom and seeing some magazine that had their wedding photos in it and carrying the magazine around while my mom shopped so I could look at all the photos.
The Jonas Brothers' show, Jonas, premiered on the Disney Channel in 2009. Kevin played Kevin Lucas, the oldest brother and lead guitarist of their band in the show. The band in the show was called Jonas even though their last name in the show was Lucas. Don't question it. Kevin Lucas was just as clueless and endearing as Jason Gray. We also got to see Kevin sing for the first time when he performed "I Left My Heart in Scandinavia" for an episode of the show. I didn't see the episode until years later because I didn't have cable. I watched Jonas on Sprint TV on my phone, but I didn't get to choose the episodes so I missed a lot of it. I hope the Jonas fandom collectively lost their minds over it, though.
Let's quickly talk about my stint as a Kevin girl. In 2011, I was mad at Joe for something so dumb. I was an emotional 13-year-old with a lot on my plate and I took it out on Joe who up to that point had been my emotional support celebrity. I denounced myself as a Joe girl and picked up the mantle of Kevin girl because I was still a Jonas Brothers fan even if I would have fought Joe on sight.
In 2012, Kevin and Danielle's reality show, Married to Jonas premiered. I watched it religiously because my family finally had cable at the time. I loved it despite hating most reality TV. I will always make exceptions for the Jonas Brothers no matter what. Loved getting to see into Kevin and Danielle's lives. Of course, appearances from the rest of the Jonas family were always a bonus.
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Kevin and Danielle |
My favorite thing about following Kevin and Danielle all these years since they got married is seeing how in love they are with each other. I decided when I was very young that I didn't want to get married - only exceptions being Joe Jonas or Paul McCartney obviously - but if I could experience just a smidge of what Kevin and Danielle have with someone else, I think I could be happy. Talk about couple goals.
The first time I heard Kevin sing was the bridge in "First Time" in 2013. I remember losing my mind. I posted and screamed about it on Instagram. I was so hyped and hopeful that it meant we'd get more songs with Kevin singing front and center. And then the Jonas Brothers broke up and I was devastated.
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Kevin with Alena and Valentina |
One of the highlights of being a Jonas Brothers fan is seeing them become fathers. Kevin was the first. His oldest, Alena was born in 2014. I was ecstatic! I remember when I found out Danielle was pregnant. I remember the gender reveal. I remember the DAY Alena was born. I was at the supermarket when Kevin posted the photo of him holding her as the announcement. My heart was full of love for him and his family.
There is a video of Kevin sitting on the stairs of his home playing guitar. Alena is a toddler and she is dancing and clapping along to the music. It's hands down my favorite Kevin video of all time. His second daughter, Valentina, was born in 2016 and I remember how excited I was for baby number 2! I am so soft for dad Kevin. Every new photo I see of him with his girls never fails to make me smile.
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Kevin, Alena, Valentina, and Danielle |
Kevin is the one I kept up with most after the breakup. I still followed Joe and Nick on socials, but I rarely ran into their posts. I'm pretty sure Kevin was the first person I ever had on post notifications on Instagram. I TRULY was a Kevin girl. Even after I started calling myself a Joe girl in 2015 again.
EVEN NOW I might even have more photos of Kevin on my phone than I have of Joe, OR I have the same amount for both. I don't know because none of my photos are currently organized on my phone. It's a mess.
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Kevin, Joe, and Nick |
When the Jonas Brothers got back together in 2019, I was over the moon! Joe and Nick had continued making music after the breakup, but Kevin stepped back from the music. So getting all three of them back together again was and still is exciting. I will never take the Jonas Brothers being together and making music for granted ever again. Because we lived in a world where that wasn't a thing anymore and I hated it.
I love seeing videos of Kevin from The Tour. The amount of clips I have saved is ridiculous. He still does his iconic spin while he plays guitar. His dorky little dad dance breaks. The way he vibes to DNCE or Nick's solo songs. Kevin is an absolute icon and I love him.
My love for him continues to grow. I like to say I am emotionally a Kevin girl. Currently, on all of my socials, it is Kevin month to celebrate his birthday. I have changed all of my profile photos to Kevin and my Tumblr theme is Kevin-centric. Let it be known that I didn't go this hard for any of his brothers. I posted on Nick and Franklin's birthday. I didn't even post for Joe's birthday - but to be fair the fixation hadn't hit yet.
If by some miracle, Kevin ever sees this post: hi, Kev. Hope you're doing okay. Hope the fam is doing well. Thank you for existing and blessing the world with your music. Happy birthday!
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