Heyo! Happy Wednesday! Today is my 27th birthday so I figured why not write about my favorite EP of 2023? If you know me or you've followed this blog for a minute, you understand I am a Jonas Brothers fan. And with my almost eighteen years of loving them, I have also loved their family. Including the youngest brother, Franklin Jonas. I was actually keeping up with his TikTok more than his brothers' before the Jonas brainrot hit last August. As stated in my previous Jonas Brothers post , I have a soft spot in my heart for Franklin. Sewer Rat cover art and promo shot Today's subject is the debut EP from Franklin Jonas titled, Sewer Rat . To be fully honest, I didn't listen to the EP when it dropped because I had NO IDEA - I didn't even listen to The Album until MONTHS after it dropped. I didn't listen to Sewer Rat until September and I have been obsessed with it ever since. Friendly reminder I am not an expert in music. I am not a music critic. I am just someo...
I'm the Invisible Queer and I love writing about entertainment and history!