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Rambling About the Jonas Brothers' Music for 4k Words

 Heyo! Happy Valentine's Day! This is a fun one and a long one. The title is not misleading. I wrote a lot about the Jonas Brothers' music. And I regret nothing.

I have written about the Jonas Brothers previously. Also wrote about Kevin. Still working on posts about Joe and Nick.

Last week I got an anonymous ask on Tumblr. The ask said: "If you had to make 1 album out of separate Jonas Brothers songs, what would it look like? What would the theme be? What order would you put them in, what kind of story would you tell?"

Their first mistake was not giving me a limit to how many songs I could use, but I decided to keep it under 50. I ended up with a list of 41 songs. Being that I cannot be casual about anything, ESPECIALLY Jonas Brothers, I wrote around 100 words about why I love and included each song. Hence why it is almost 4k words.

If by some MIRACLE any of the Jonas Brothers come across this post: Hi. How are you? Hope you and the family are doing well. Thank you for blessing us with your music. I owe you so much and I hope I get to see you guys perform in 2025.

I made a playlist for the songlist, so feel free to check it out! And feel free to listen along to it as you read about why I love these songs.

1. "Jersey" by Jonas Brothers from Music from Chasing Happiness, 2019

This is their most raw, possibly their best, and most beautiful song. It never fails to make me cry my eyes out. It's a song about them. Chronicles their life as a band, as brothers. From growing up together in New Jersey, going to Hollywood, the band breakup, to coming back as a family and then as a band. It is such a good song, and I would say it's the most important song on their discography besides the next one on the list.

2. "Please Be Mine" by Jonas Brothers from It's About Time, 2006

Can't compile a list of Jonas Brothers songs without the FIRST song they wrote together. The song that birthed the band and changed the world forever. Is it one of their best songs? No, but it's also not their worst. Without this song, we wouldn't have the Jonas Brothers. The clip of them performing it in Chasing Happiness as adult, makes me soft and a little emotional.

3. "Mandy" by Jonas Brothers from It's About Time, 2006

This is the first Jonas Brothers song I ever heard so I gotta include it because had I not heard it in 2006, I'd have never fallen in love with them and who knows what I'd be obsessed with now. So I couldn't not include it. I wished I was Mandy because I wanted to be the girl Joe was singing about. This song holds SO much sentimental value to me. Whenever I hear it, I can place myself back in 2006, watching them perform it on TV and falling head over heels in love with them. Especially Joe. Never would I have thought 17 years later I'd still be head over heels in love with them, honestly. But here I am.

4. "Underdog" by Jonas Brothers from It's About Time, 2006

The first song that made me feel seen. That made me realize that music can make you feel something. Began fueling the delusion that I believed the Jonas Brothers wrote music for me specifically. I was the girl who screamed in her pillow for a better tomorrow. Still do sometimes. Will forever be grateful to them for making me feel not alone.

5. "Kids of the Future" by Jonas Brothers from Meet the Robinsons (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) 2007

This song is SO important to me, but I cannot tell you why. Only that the sentimental value is so high. Meet the Robinsons is one of my favorite Disney movies, but I would have never watched it had it not been for me finding out the Jonas Brothers did a song for it. True story. I remember there was a video on YouTube that claimed if you played the chorus backward they supposedly said "we worship satan". Which blew my mind because I was a small Christian child. And they were also raised Christians and were wearing their purity rings. So I never really believed it.

6. "Hold On" by Jonas Brothers from Jonas Brothers, 2007

This is the first song that saved my life. When I was dealing with depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation for the first time in my life, I turned to the Jonas Brothers. And they delivered me this song that still to this day helps me through the darkest of days. That is part of the reason they are my ride-or-die. I owe them everything. Once again, they made me feel not alone.

7. "That's Just the Way We Roll"  by Jonas Brothers from Jonas Brothers, 2007

There are 5 songs that constantly get stuck in my head on rotation depending on the day. This song is one of them. But to be fair, it's a catchy tune. Joe and Nick's voices sound amazing. We stan the Hanson name drop. I would kill to see a Jonas v. Hanson dance battle. Please anyone make it happen. Take all my money.

8. "Inseperable" by Jonas Brothers from Jonas Brothers, 2007

In 2007, I wrote my first ever fanfiction which was about Joe. This song was the theme song. Just picture 10-year-old me, calling Joe Jonas my soul mate and future husband. Writing about marrying him and listening to this song on loop. Still had hope at the time that I did have a future with this man who will never know I exist.

9. "Take a Breath" by Jonas Brothers from Jonas Brothers, 2007

Another song that came to me in my hour of need. And one I still listen to when I need some extra help on bad days. When I'm having an incredibly hard time, singing "worlds are spinning round / there's no sign of slowing down / won't you take a breath" has become my go-to. Almost like a mantra I tell myself. It really does help me a lot.

10. "When You Look Me in the Eyes" by Jonas Brothers from Jonas Brothers, 2007

The first song I ever cried over. It's a beautiful song, but I cannot tell you why 10-year-old me was alone in my room sobbing over this song. It's such a lovely song. Also, the music video has lived rent-free in my head for nearly 17 years now. ALSO if you have never heard the demo with Kevin's vocals YOU ARE MISSING OUT! I want that version. I hope they release it for the album's 20th anniversary.

11. "We Got the Party Duet with Jonas Brothers" by Hannah Montana from Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus Best of Both Worlds Concert, 2008

Never forget when the Jonas Brothers were on Hannah Montana and Nick fell head over heels in love with Miley. Take me back to the golden age of the Disney Channel. I miss it. That is the era I am most nostalgic for. Also, Nick falling in love with Miley gave us one of the best love songs, which is the next song on the list.

12. "Lovebug" by Jonas Brothers from A Little Bit Longer, 2008

Can't believe a lovesick 15/16-year-old wrote one of the greatest love songs of all time and didn't win a Grammy for it. It's disrespectful. But can we talk about the speaking parts they included in the studio recording of the song? What is happening? I want all the context. It it ICONIC! Also, the music video lives rent-free in my head forever. One of my favorite Jonas Brothers music videos. Dear Universe, please keep putting Joe in period clothing. This music video and Devotion are just teases.

13. "A Little Bit Longer" by Jonas Brothers from A Little Bit Longer, 2008

This song is so raw and real. Never forget all the tears shed over Nick publically disclosing his diabetes diagnosis because everyone though he was going to die. I grew up with all the adults in my life being diabetic so I was super familiar with it. I've followed Nick's journey because every time he did an ad or PSA about a new development for diabetes I told my parents about it. I remember the pump and the sensor. I am borderline diabetic. Hoping to not push it, but we'll see. This song deserved a Grammy and I'll never forgive the Recording Academy for constantly disrespecting the Jonas Brothers.

14. "Sorry" by Jonas Brothers from A Little Bit Longer, 2008

This made the list for Nick's vocals alone because WHY does a 15/16-year-old sound like THAT? We've KNOWN that Nick is talented, but sometimes he shows off and it never fails to blow me away. Joe's vocals are good. But when Nick hits the rasp with "filled with sorrow / filled with pain / knowing that I am to blame / for leavin' your heart out in the rain" he makes my brain go brr. I may be a Joe girl, but Nick's vocals got me in a chokehold sometimes.

15. "Burnin' Up" by Jonas Brothers from A Little Bit Longer, 2008

There is a REASON this is their most popular and most-known song. I wouldn't say it's their best song, but it's up there. I'd say top 5. The way Nick sings "red dress" lives rent-free in the heads of millions. This is one of the few instances where a band's most popular song is RIGHTFULLY popular. Also a verse from their former bodyguard, Big Rob, is part of the reason the song is as good as it is. I could write a whole essay about the music video too. We stan the Selena Gomez and Danny Trejo cameos.

16. "Pushin' Me Away" by Jonas Brothers from A Little Bit Longer, 2008

This song is on the list because it was my favorite song of theirs for a very long time. Now I realize the reason I loved it so much is because of Joe's vocals. If you know, you know. If you don't, he used to have this whine in his voice. I don't know how else to explain it. He doesn't have the whine in his voice anymore, but SOMETIMES it comes out in DNCE songs. It's tragic and I miss it. Bring the whine back, Joseph.

17. "Love is On It's Way" by Jonas Brothers from Music from the 3D Concert Experience, 2008

I strongly believe that this is their most underrated song of all time. For the longest time, I thought the song and music video were a fever dream I had because it's not on any of their albums, it's from the 3D concert. But it's such a good song. One that I often put on repeat when I'm feeling soft. It's so lovely.

18. "I'm Gonna Getcha Good" by Jonas Brothers from Music from the 3D Concert Experience, 2008

Jonas Brothers x Shania Twain collab WHEN?!?! Also would pay good money for them to do a studio recording of this song. Wouldn't be mad if they did a whole cover album of Shania songs. Like please, my guys. But speaking of this cover specifically, Joe's vocals are incredible. I'll be honest, I'm not the biggest fan of the way his voice sounds on this album, but it's a live album. They were in the middle of the tour and sometimes you can hear when his voice was tired. Not his fault at all. But this song is an exception.

19. "Live to Party" by Jonas Brothers, 2009

Cannot compile Jonas Brothers songs without an ode to their show, Jonas, which had so many good original songs that they never released, tragically. Every song in season 1 was an absolute banger. I don't know if they bought the rights to their songs from Jonas after they left Hollywood Records and cut their ties with Disney. I would start a petition to whoever owes the rights to the music from Jonas to release a season 1 soundtrack like they released the Jonas L.A. soundtrack.  You will always be famous, fictional band, Jonas.

20. "Play My Music" by Connect 3 from Camp Rock, 2008

We love and support fictional band, Connect 3, in this household. If you listen closely, you can hear Kevin's backing vocals which is a win. I remember sitting on the bus on my way to Space Camp and talking about trying to hear Kevin's vocals. This obviously was before the show Jonas came out and we heard him sing "Scandinavia".

21. "World War III" by Jonas Brothers from Lines, Vines and Trying Times, 2009

I fully believe this is one of the best album openings of all time. Like they started STRONG! Honestly, Lines is my least favorite Jonas Brothers album, but they still had some bops. This song included, obviously, or it wouldn't be on the list.

22. "Before the Storm - featuring Miley Cyrus" by Jonas Brothers from Lines, Vines and Trying Times, 2009

The power this song holds for being a Miley and Nick duet. Don't know what their relationship status was when they recorded it together, but it's such a good song because of them. One of the strongest on the album. When they perform the song live, Joe sings Miley's verses and I would love for them to release that version for Lines' 20th anniversary. There is a demo or studio recording of the song with Joe's vocals instead of Miley's. I've heard it on Tumblr, but I couldn't find it on YouTube to link it. I would love for Miley and the Jonas Brothers to collaborate again. Their voices have all evolved so much.

23. "Paranoid" by Jonas Brothers from Lines, Vines and Trying Times, 2009

This song is so good. Similar to "Burnin' Up" there is a REASON this song is one of the more popular Jonas Brothers songs. It's catchy as hell. It's a bop. Joe and Nick's vocals just hit. That's all I have to say about it. Felt like it needed to be included on this list.

22. "L.A. Baby (Where Dreams Are Made Of)" by Jonas Brothers from Jonas L.A. (Music from the TV Series), 2010

Once again gotta shout out the show. It was so good. I've been rewatching it and it still holds up over a decade after it ended. Can't wait to get to Jonas L.A. (season 2) in this rewatch. Based on my memory, it is the superior season. I will say Joe with the short hair and glasses was a LOOK and still lives rent-free in my head. And probably always will.

25. "Summer Rain" by Jonas Brothers from Jonas L.A. (Music from the TV Series), 2010

The vibes of this song are immaculate. Joe's vocals in this song are underappreciated. He sounds so good. Of course, any song where my man sounds good is gonna get the seal of approval from me. It's the kind of song I would listen to while I sit on the beach watching the waves. I love it so much.

26. "Make It Right" by Jonas Brothers from Jonas L.A. (Music from the TV Series), 2010

Another song on the list because Joe's vocals are so good for no reason. This song makes me soft. It is so important to me. I don't remember the context for this song in the show. Regardless, Joe Lucas will always have a special place in my heart.

27. "Heart and Soul" by Connect 3 from Camp Rock 2: Final Jam, 2010

UNDERRATED CONNECT 3 SONG! Everyone always talks about "Play My Music" which is good, but I feel like this one is superior. Camp Rock 2: Final Jam gets so disrespected and I honestly feel like some parts of the movie are better than its predecessor. Put some respect on Camp Rock 2: Final Jam.

28. "First Time" by Jonas Brothers, 2013

This song is so bittersweet. I remember it being the first OFFICIAL Jonas Brothers song where we get to hear Kevin sing on his own, not backing either of his brothers. But it was the last song they released before the breakup. It gives me mixed feelings. Because even though they're back together now, I still can feel the absolute devastation of when I got the news. This band means everything to me and has for a very long time. But I do love the song so much. It's great. The vocals are amazing. It's a vibe, but it also hurts my feelings sometimes. I'm going to start a petition for Kevin to sing more front and center on songs. He had a great voice and we rarely get to hear it. It's a tragedy.

29. "Only Human" by Jonas Brothers from Happiness Begins, 2019

THE BOYS ARE BACK!! This whole album has a special place in my heart because it's the comeback album - though I'll admit it's not ranked as high as you'd think on my personal ranking. Can we talk about the little squat they do when they perform the song live? The chokehold these dudes have on me is insane.

30. "Happy When I'm Sad" by Jonas Brothers from Happiness Begins, 2019

Remember when I said they Jonas Brothers always make me feel seen? They make me feel like they write songs with me in mind. They obviously don't, but I appreciate it. Joe's vocals are incredible. As are Nick's, but Nick's vocals are always good. This is one of the songs I listen to in the morning when I need to hype myself up for the day.

31. "Hesitate" by Jonas Brothers from Happiness Begins, 2019

This song is SO important to me. It is my most played Jonas Brothers song at the moment. Always makes me cry because I feel like Joe is singing to me directly. They continue to make me feel less alone with their music. This is one of the songs I play when I'm having a tough day and need to make myself cry it out. It is a beautiful song. The story behind the song is heartbreakingly beautiful. I am so grateful to Joe for writing it. It will always be one of my favorite Jonas Brothers songs and my favorite song off this album, despite the bittersweetness it holds now. Joe's voice is gorgeous in it. I love this song for so many reasons. I can write a whole essay on it, but this is already too long.

32. "Greenlight" by Jonas Brothers, 2019

This is a song I wasn't sure about when  I first heard it, but it's grown on me and is one of my most played Jonas Brothers songs. I don't know how to explain the way I feel about Joe's falsetto. It scratches my brain. This is also a song I so frequently wake up with it stuck in my head. It's a certified BOP!

33. "What a Man Gotta Do" by Jonas Brothers, 2020

I love this song so much. And I love the music video even more because it features them with their wives recreating iconic movie scenes. Also, let's not forget when Joe got kicked in the face. It's a fun song and it's catchy as hell. 

34. "Mercy" by Jonas Brothers from Space Jam: A New Legacy (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack), 2021

I have not seen the new Space Jam, but I have definitely listened to this song on loop a lot. I love it so much. It make my brain go brr. It's definitely Nick's vocals that make my brain do the thing. Not that Joe's vocals aren't also good. But Nick's vocals are special. Sorry, Joe. 

35. "Selfish" by Nick Jonas, Jonas Brothers from Spaceman (Deluxe), 2021

This is literally just a Jonas Brothers song on Nick's solo album. And it's a great song. I love it so much. I could write an essay on what Spaceman (Deluxe) means to me. Joe's vocals during his pre-chorus make my brain go brr - which his voice doesn't do often. But it's recently been doing that.

36. "Do It Like That (Pop R&B Remix) by TOMORROW X TOGETHER, Jonas Brothers, 2023

This is my favorite Jonas Brothers feature of all time! I love this song so much. There's something about this song. I love all the different remixes they've released, but the Pop R&B remix just does something to me. I don't know why. Joe's vocals on his verse is SO good. Too good. How does he expect me to cope when he sounds like THAT?!?!?!

37. "Walls (with John Bellion" by Jonas Brothers from The Album, 2023

This song deserved a Grammy nomination. They sent the wrong song from The Album to the Recording Academy. That is the hill I will die on. This song is beautiful and incredible. The way they perform it live is a spiritual experience that I hope to one day experience in person. I could only imagine how good it would have been if they got the chance to perform it at the Grammy's. It could have been the best performance of the night. I think this is one of the best songs regarding Joe's voice. He sounds phenomenal. I think it's the best song on The Album. This song deserves more recognition and love.

38. "Summer Baby" by Jonas Brothers from The Album, 2023

I love this song so much. Joe's opening verse makes my brain go brr. The cadence and the melody are so satisfying to my brain. Gets me every time. I love it. I love him. I love the song. It's got a new layer of bittersweetness to it, but it's still a bop.

39. "Vacation Eyes" by Jonas Brothers from The Album, 2023

This song made the list because of the way they perform it on The Tour. Joecation Eyes has such a chokehold on me. The growl, the hair pull, the WHOLE thing. Also, Kevin wrote it for his wife, Danielle, which makes me soft. It's just a good song.

40. "Miracle" by Jonas Brothers from The Album, 2023

This made the list for Joe's vocals alone. Nick's vocals too. BUT JOE'S VOCALS! All you have to do is listen to the song and you'll understand what I mean. The man delivered.

41. "Strong Enough (feat. Baily Zimmerman)" by Jonas Brothers, 2023

At first, I took this off the list, but then Joe started singing and I added it back again. His voice is so good. The man's vocals have always been good and have always had a power over me, BUT LATELY! I don't know what it is. But whatever he is doing I hope he keeps doing. I am here for it. I cannot cope with Joe Jonas' vocals in 2023. He will be the death of my, but I will die happy.

Now you've read my ramblings about these three dorks from New Jersey. I am keeping count of all my Jonas-related posts so I can know just how much I'm actually writing about them. I just love these guys so much and I enjoy writing about them.

I have more Jonas-related posts planned, but I am trying to pace them out. But it's been 6-months and the return of the fixation is going STRONG! But even if the fixation dies, I don't see me or them going anywhere. They've been in my life for 17 years and here, they'll stay.


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