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That Time Rod Stewart Found Other Ways of Doing Cocaine

 Heyo! Happy Monday! This week's That Time... is a doozy. If you're a classic rock fan or a fan of Rod Stewart, you probably know exactly what this post is about. This one is a short one, but an interesting one. So bear with me.

Of course need to put a warning about drug use. There are plenty of other posts that you are more than welcome to check out if this isn't your thing.

If you are unfamiliar with Rod Stewart, let me introduce you to the ICON! He's a rockstar who also has a few pop bangers. I grew up with his music and can't remember a time in my life without his music. The first song I think of when he pops into my head is "Do Ya Think I'm Sexy?". I know it's the most basic song of his, but I have fond memories listening to the song on the radio when I was a kid. He's also dabbled in a few bands, but I am more familiar with his solo work than his bands. Though check out his band, Faces.

In 2012, Rod released his autobiography, Rod: The Autobiography. He spoke of his life and dispelled a rumor or two about needing to have his stomach pumped. He also spoke of the manner of delivering cocaine into his system.

NOW what does the title mean by "other ways of doing cocaine"? Rod Stewart did cocaine anally, rectally, or up the ass for those who don't own a dictionary.

He stated, "So we started buying anticold capsules from the chemist's, separating the two halves of the capsules, replacing the contents with a pinch of cocaine, and then taking the capsules anally, where, of course, the human body being a wonderful thing, they would dissolve effortlessly into the system".

Why would anyone take it up, instead of snorting like everyone else? Well Rod, says he was protecting his nasal passages. He wasn't the only rockstar who did cocaine this way. Stevie Nicks is also known to have done cocaine anally.

These singers needed to protect their nasal passages for their voices. I'm sure there were other reasons to do it this way, but I don't think anyone wants to get into the science of doing cocaine rectally.

Stevie Nicks and Rod Stewart

If you enjoyed learning about this weird time in history, please check out my other That Time... posts! And if you have any other weird moments in history that interest you drop them in the comments! I'm always looking for new things to learn and write about. Have a great week!


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