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Showing posts from January, 2017

Sherlock, Season 4 Episode 3: The Final Problem - Recap and Reaction

Holy crap. That episode was a lot to take in. It was great though. It was really great! I just don't understand how people were confused by the episode. This is the part of the post when I warn about spoilers so: SPOILERS AHEAD, BE CAUTIOUS!!!!!!!!! The beautiful cast! That was one hell of an episode! So last episode, we learned that Sherlock and Mycroft have a sister, Eurus. And said sister is posing as John's therapist. A lot happens in this episode. We learn that Sherlock does not remember Eurus, because she is psychopathic and traumatized him by killing his best friend, Redbeard. The dog? No. We learn that Redbeard wasn't a dog all along, but Sherlock's childhood best friend. Yes his sister killed him. We also learn that Sherrinford is not the eldest Holmes, but the prison facility where Eurus has been. I know. If you read my last blog post you are probably laughing at me. Leave me alone! I was wrong. The scene when Sherlock is trying to g

Sherrinford Holmes - Who is he?

As I write this, I have not seen the episode. However, this is a scheduled post and will probably be posted after I see S4 Ep3. It is currently 6pm on the East Coast of the lovely US of A. It is Sunday, Jan 15 and I will not watch the episode until either tomorrow morning, if it's on the Masterpiece website by then OR tomorrow night. So I know nothing, yet. However, since season 3 ended, I have done a little research here and there about the third Holmes brother. 2 of 4(maybe) Holmes kids Sherrinford Holmes. Apparently he is the eldest, according to he information I have gathered. Which is great because as much as I love Mycroft, it's good to know that there is someone else carrying the Holmes family on their shoulders, besides their parents of course! I didn't do TOO MUCH research on Sherrinford to keep some mystery to him. And at first, I really supported the idea of Tom Hiddleston being the third Holmes brother, however, after learning that Sherrinford is the m

My Theories About Jim Moriarty

I don't know about you guys, but I miss him a lot! If there is one character in Sherlock that I would choose over anyone else it is Moriarty. I don't know why, but I've always loved him. This won't be a long post, but I'll explain why I think Moriarty is still alive. This has stayed with me since I first watched the several conspiracies of how Sherlock faked his suicide and the one that stuck out was the one where they used Moriarty's body and just put on a Sherlock mask to make it look like him. Obviously, if that is a theory, could that mean that they didn't find James Moriarty's body on that roof? I think so. And I know "but we saw him kill himself!" We also know that the only people on that roof was Sherlock and Moriarty. So what if Moriarty's suicide was fake? What if what we saw was Sherlock's point of view OR his side of the story, meaning maybe he lied to make Moriarty die. Because maybe they did come to an agree

Sherlock, Season 4 Episode 2: The Lying Detective - Reaction (SPOILERS)

I apologize for getting back so late! It's a week late, but things came up. And by things, I mean I fell in love with the 2016(-17) revival of the musical, Falsettos and have been listening to it religiously. And I will be writing a post about the musical soon, because it's really good. I won't be posting many photos in this post as this is a bit of a rushed one today, sorry! I'm not going to be recapping today, I'll just be reacting, mostly to the ending. So... WARNING: CONTAINS SPOILERS, CONTINUE AT YOUR OWN RISK Toby Jones and Benedict as Smith and Sherlock So we got to meet Toby Jones' character finally! He played a business man named Culverton Smith. I was glad, because as I expressed in the last post, Toby Jones is one of my favorite British actors. Smith is a serial killer and Sherlock tries to attack him, but is stopped by John. John pretty much kicks the crap out of Sherlock and then blames him for Mary's death. But it's nothing we

Sherlock, Season 4 Episode 1: The Six Thatchers - Recap and Reaction (SPOILERS)

The lovely Watson family and Sherlock. Let me start off by saying that this contains A LOT of spoilers from the first episode so if you have not seen it, please don't continue reading. Please don't. Unless you don't care about spoilers. But this is all about spoilers. ¡¡¡¡ S P O I L E R S !!!!! I love these promo photos! So let's talk about the episode. It opens with Mycroft and a parliamentary committee (the same people from "His Last Vow") basically telling Sherlock that he's free. They managed to cover up the killing of Magnussen. YAY! Sherlock's back and won't be banished. Then John and his wife, Mary, welcome their baby daughter into the world, naming her Rosamund, which is Mary's actual real name. I am so happy about the baby! And I love how that is Mary's actual name. Her name is Rosemund Mary. This is the moment when everyone is like the Watsons have the perfect life. Nothing can go wrong. Oh but we


So since I suck at posting everyday, I am going to just post once a week. And I'll write a blog whenever something happens or when I feel like screaming in a blog post about someone or something. I would write a blog post about Rogue One, but it's too soon since it's release and I don't want to give spoilers yet. Worse comes to worse, whenever I feel like writing, I'll start planning some post and leave them as drafts or schedule them. I really don't know what I'm doing. I know I said everyday, but I've already missed 2 days. So I'm changing it to once a week. SORRY! I don't know who I'm apologizing to. No one really follows my blog anyway. So bye! McCartha Out!

My Apologies!

I've already messed up my resolution by missing a day on this blog. But it is currently 5:47am so I'm making up for it! Hi. Yesterday (1/2) was my younger brother and Renee Elise Goldsberry's birthday. That is not my excuse for missing yesterday. I just suck as a human being. I am currently getting nostalgic so I'm listening to The Beatles. I was a HUGE diehard fan in high school, but it died down a bit in my senior year. I hated high school, so it's no that I miss high school, I just miss how it felt listening to all of The Beatles albums in chronological order. Just relaxing. Sometimes writing. But mostly relaxing. I used to go to sleep every night with all of their albums playing in chronological order. I would almost always wake up somewhere in the Sgt. Pepper's album. I am very glad that Spotify has the entire Beatles catalog. It was the best Christmas gift of 2015. I remember how happy I was. I don't know what else to say in this blog, but I wa

Happy New Years!!!

Hello! My name is McCartha! I am a professional fangirl. How do you become a professional fangirl? Well I've dedicated my life to celebrities since at least 2008, probably before. I literally just did math to calculate how many hours that is. It is roughly 35,000 hours that I have dedicated of my life to celebrities. You only need 10,000 hours of something to be a pro at it. Therefore I am a professional fangirl. It had been proven. I am starting this new blog because I need a fresh start I had an old blog, but that one fell apart. This blog is the start of something new. I am a 19 year old non-binary (biological female) who is used to going by feminine pronouns and will not be insulted if you call me "she". I am a huge fan of the High School Musical trilogy, so do not be surprised if you see any clips of songs in ANY of my blog posts. I am part of the HSM generation. And the Camp Rock generation. But Camp Rock isn't as good as the HSM trilogy. My New Y