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Sherlock, Season 4 Episode 3: The Final Problem - Recap and Reaction

Holy crap. That episode was a lot to take in. It was great though. It was really great! I just don't understand how people were confused by the episode. This is the part of the post when I warn about spoilers so:


The beautiful cast!
That was one hell of an episode!

So last episode, we learned that Sherlock and Mycroft have a sister, Eurus. And said sister is posing as John's therapist.

A lot happens in this episode. We learn that Sherlock does not remember Eurus, because she is psychopathic and traumatized him by killing his best friend, Redbeard. The dog? No. We learn that Redbeard wasn't a dog all along, but Sherlock's childhood best friend. Yes his sister killed him.

We also learn that Sherrinford is not the eldest Holmes, but the prison facility where Eurus has been. I know. If you read my last blog post you are probably laughing at me. Leave me alone! I was wrong.

The scene when Sherlock is trying to get Molly to say "I love you" is probably the scene that hurt me the most, because I am Molly. In love with a guy who considers you a friend and it kills you. But that's not the only reason that scene hurt me so much. I was convinced she wasn't going to do it and that was going to be the end of Molly Hooper. I cried. But after she said it to him. Because the emotions piled up and I was just like nope.

And since I was already crying over that, obviously I didn't take the next scene lightly. When Sherlock had to chose between his best friend and his brother. When it was being made clear that Mycroft was sacrificing himself, I sobbed. Then Sherlock turned the gun on himself.

I cried a lot. I'll admit that. I'm not ashamed that I cry over fictional characters. It's part of being a fangirl.

Obviously Sherlock didn't kill himself. Eurus stopped him. That's around the time we learn that Redbeard was never a dog, but a little boy. Sherlock's mind made him a dog to cope with being traumatized. That really broke my heard when they revealed that Eurus killed Sherlock's best friend.

The episode ended with John getting something in the mail. A dvd from Mary who is dead, unfortunately. But let's just call her the fairy gay mother. I personally believe that Sherlock and John are together not platonically. Because of Mary's dvd, John moved back into Baker Street with baby Rosie and is solving cases with Sherlock again.

And I've expressed shipping Johnlock in a past post, so I stand by the belief that they are dating. Fight me.

You don't have to agree, but that's how I'm coping with having to wait another two or three years for anything more.

I just can't believe I've waited three years for three episodes and now I have to wait again. Fight me, Moftiss!

Can we talk about Moriarty? I don't care how many times Eurus said he was dead in the episode, I stand by my theory: JAMES MORIARTY IS ALIVE AND WELL!

As soon as Queen started playing, I knew it was Moriarty. I knew it! And when I saw him I really did scream. I was so happy. And yes. I did cry tears of joy. I love him. I just really love how Moftiss writes him and how Andrew Scott portrays him, because I've seen a few other portrayals of the character, but Andrew's is my favorite.

Also I cannot talk about the episode without talking about Mrs. Hudson singing and cleaning to "Number of the Beast" by Iron Maiden. It was beautiful.

I just want to mention for the record that for two seconds, before Eurus said her name and who she was in the last episode, I thought that she was going to be Moriarty but after a sex change. I really thought that.

But Eurus and Moriarty were, in a way. working together which I kind of expected.

Overall I really liked the episode. And I know there is a lot of speculation about it being the last episode of Sherlock.

Personally, if they decided to end it here, I would be fine with that. It was a satisfying ending.

Other Sherlock blogs (some links are not live for posts I have not written yet):


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