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Sherlock, Season 4 Episode 2: The Lying Detective - Reaction (SPOILERS)

I apologize for getting back so late! It's a week late, but things came up. And by things, I mean I fell in love with the 2016(-17) revival of the musical, Falsettos and have been listening to it religiously. And I will be writing a post about the musical soon, because it's really good.

I won't be posting many photos in this post as this is a bit of a rushed one today, sorry! I'm not going to be recapping today, I'll just be reacting, mostly to the ending. So...
Toby Jones and Benedict as Smith and Sherlock
So we got to meet Toby Jones' character finally! He played a business man named Culverton Smith. I was glad, because as I expressed in the last post, Toby Jones is one of my favorite British actors.

Smith is a serial killer and Sherlock tries to attack him, but is stopped by John. John pretty much kicks the crap out of Sherlock and then blames him for Mary's death. But it's nothing we weren't expecting. And while this is happening, Sherlock is high as a kite and can barely function normally.

While Sherlock is recovering in Smith's hospital, Smith tries to kill him, but is then stopped by John. John is the hero in this episode. So John and Sherlock are friends again, like I was expecting.

Let's not forget that John is talking to his dead wife. Yes. Amanda Abbington is in the episode. She is dead now, but she's kind of like John's conscious. She tells John to tell his NEW therapist that he's seeing her, but he doesn't.

While in the Baker Street flat, John admits to Mary (in his head) that he cheated on her. Then he breaks down and Sherlock hugs him. Yes. Johnlock is happening. I know it is. We've waited for far too long.

Then at the end of the episode, John is kidnapped by his new therapist who is revealed to be Sherlock and Mycroft's sister, Eurus. I do not think that she is Sherrinford, because in the episode, Sherlock did say that he didn't know why people stopped counting at three. So I'm hoping that Sherrinford makes an appearance in tonight's episode. Yes. I was screaming about it.


I won't be able to watch it until tomorrow, unless they put it on Masterpiece as soon as it's over. So I probably won't be on any social media sites until I've seen it.

But can we discuss how Mrs. Hudson is a badass? She has a really nice sports car and she threw drugged up Sherlock into her trunk!

The only thing I'm kind of upset about is in the promo for S4, they made it seem like Smith was going to be the main villain. But he wasn't.

Also, since tonight's episode is called the Final Problem, does that mean that's it for Sherlock? Because I believe, I'm not sure, but I think the Final Problem was the last Sherlock story Doyle, wrote, right?

And Louise Brealey, who plays Molly said on Twitter:

"Just in case we don't make anymore."

If Sherlock ends tonight, I don't know what I'll do. I mean they torture us enough with two years between seasons and only three episodes per season.


Let's pray that it doesn't end tonight, but if it does, I am glad that this was one of four shows I ever anticipated the next episode for. (The other's were Glee, Wedding Band, and Shadowhunters. I don't want much TV. Most of everything I watch is on Netflix.)

So let's do this guys! Episode 3 tonight. We got this!

My other Sherlock blog posts (links will be provided when the posts go live):


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