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Kinda Review: Impending Bloom - Jon Walker EP

I wanted to spend more time on this EP, because it's a good EP and I didn't want the Kinda Review to be done rushed. Hence why it is out very much after I thought I'd have it done by. Also, I didn't have WiFi once again so that halted me finishing this post.

As with all my Kinda Reviews, I have to put the disclaimer that I am not a critic. I just listen to a lot of music and I like talking about it. I don't know any technical terms or anything. This is just a fan talking about why they love the music.

On January 11th, Jon Walker released a new EP titled Impending Bloom. I have been a fan of Jon for a while and I have been keeping up with him on Twitter for at least the past few months. So I was waiting for this EP. I did not get to listen to the EP until the day after it came out, but I have listened to it more times than I can count and I love it.
As per usual, I will try to include the videos in the post, but if I cannot insert the videos, they will be linked in every song title.
1. "The Way It Was"
As soon as the song started, I knew this was going to be one I enjoyed listening to. And I really do like this song. The guitar is just SO good. I don't know what else to say. I just really like the guitar in this song. It's a very simple song, lyrically. To me, it sounds like it's someone reminiscing on a past relationship. Whether it's a friendship or a romantic relationship, it's not clarified. It is someone remembering the past. I love the way all of the instruments on this track work together. I really cannot get over the guitar in this song. With every repeat of this song, the guitar is what sticks out the most to me. I really like the vocals. Jon has a really nice voice. I'm not surprised. This man has more talent in his pinky than I ever will.

I could not insert the video of the audio, so it is linked in the title. On my initial listen of the song, it made me think of the Jackass Franchise. This song sounds like a song that would be included in one of the movies. Again, I must comment on the guitar in this song. Since my first listen to the EP, the melody of the chorus in this song has been stuck in my head for days. This is the kind of song that could be on repeat for hours and I wouldn't be bothered by it. I don't know if I can say that it's my favorite song on the EP, but it is definitely a song I enjoy listening to. I wanted to analyze the lyrics, but my monkey brain cannot do a good enough job analyzing the lyrics. Just know, I relate to this song, but I am not where I wanted to be.

Again, was unable to insert the video, so the official audio is linked in the title. This song reminds me of something, but I can't put my finger on what it is. I have to comment on Jon's vocals here. I appreciate his voice. This is the kind of song that I would put on my playlist to help me fall asleep. Not that it's a boring song, but to me, it's kind of soothing in a way. Just the way it's put together. But I will say that "I just wanna be alone" is probably the MOST relatable lyric in any song ever. I don't know how to explain this song. It sounds like a struggle both internal and external. I think the juxtaposition of sunrise and moonshine displays that. Then again, I could be reading into it way too much. Moonshine can be referring to actual moonshine.

Once again, Blogger fails at allowing me to insert the video, but as always it's linked in the title. This song speaks to me both on a literal and figurative level. The opening verse "Listen / Don't you worry / Slow down / What's the hurry?" is what my parents have been telling me for the longest. I deal with anxiety and what comes with that is I sometimes stress over things way too much and it's unhealthy. This song hit home because as I have mentioned, I am currently a college dropout with no sense of direction. So when the chorus goes "write a new story" it to me is encouraging. The song ends with "Write a new story / About who we are / And where we are goin'" and to me, it's encouraging me and telling me to look forward to the future. So on a personal note, thank you, Jon. I really needed this song. This song review was personal, but that's okay. I think this is my favorite song on the EP. It did encourage me to work on my blog more and to write again. So again, thank you, Jon.

5. "Like an Animal"
This song is iconic. I heard this song first when Jon shared the video on his Twitter. I absolutely love it. It's very meme-ish. I'll point out the obvious "This is so sad, Alexa, play Despacito" and "Like if you cry every time". I think the song speaks about when Jon had a hard time writing a song. I don't know the whole story behind the song. I believe I saw someone mention he wrote the song with help from some fans. I, unfortunately, missed out, but the song came out well. It's a good song, even with the meme references. I have had the melody of "This is so sad, Alexa, play Despacito" stuck in my head since the first time I heard the song. It's a song that I have frequently found myself singing out loud randomly. It's a catchy song. Well done, Mr. Walker.

Overall, I very much loved the EP. I think Jon did a wonderful job on it. No joke it's my most played EP of 2019 tied with iDKHow's 1981 EP. If Jon, by any chance ever sees this: Hi. How are you? Thank you for making music. Please keep it up.

Again, sorry that this is SO late, but better late than never. I hope.

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