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Casually Screaming About Shane Dawson Series and Makeup Palette

Let me start off by apologizing for the lack of photos in this post. I still do not have Wi-Fi and I am still posting from my phone. Sprint has unfortunately stopped allowing me to upload photos to add to my posts. Sprint sucks and I can't wait to change carriers.

But anyway let's talk about Shane Dawson's series on YouTube and his makeup palette. I am not into make-up at all. I am a non-binary person of the female sex but I have only worn makeup three times in my 22 years of life. At two weddings I was bridesmaid for and for my prom which was a total bust because I cried all my make-up off before I even got to the venue.

Now that you have learned I am unqualified to talk about makeup let's talk about Shane's series. I have mentioned my love for Shane in a past blog, but I shall reiterate. I have been watching him on YouTube since I was ten. He got me through middle school and high school. Convinced me through a skit video to stay alive and I do credit him as one of my biggest heroes and inspirations. He means a lot to me.

So it was no surprise that OF COURSE I was going to watch his new series with Jeffree Star, whom I also have been a fan of for a long time. Al though, I went in not caring that much about makeup, I was very intrigued to see behind the scenes. I do love watching makeup videos, despite my disinterest in partaking in the art, myself.

Out of fear of this post being too long and me getting repetitive I'm not going to go episode by episode.

I was not disappointed with the series. Though, I am not the biggest fan of how Shane and his cameraman/producer/editor, Andrew Siwicki edit the videos. That is my ONLY critique, but I still love the videos wholeheartedly. Shane handled the drama with James Charles very well. I remember when it all happened. I wasn't too deep into it, but I was watching James before the drama. I did not stop watching him because of the drama I just stopped. I don't have a legit reason.

The series chronicled Shane and Jeffree working together on two eye-shadow palettes, some lipsticks and some new merch for Shane. I wish I wasn't poor so I could give them all my money for that merch. The tracksuit, the pig backpack. Everything looks good. I have been dying to get Shane merch since middle school. I remember the first time I ever walked into a Hot Topic and how disappointed I was that they didn't have anything of his in the store.

Seeing into the world of makeup was so interesting for someone as ignorant as me. Seeing how they choose colors and names. To see all of the planning that goes into it had me amazed. Obviously I knew planning goes into every business, but I didn't know just how much planning goes into makeup launches.

To see the photos from the photo shoot, I was blown away. Not shocked. Shane and Jeffree are two very attractive people. Yes, 11 year old me had the biggest crush on Shane. It was between him and Joe Jonas. And coincidentally Shane and I both came out the same year. Around the same time. But anyway the photoshoot had me floored. Its so good. The sets. The costumes. The makeup. All iconic.

I went into this series knowing makeup isn't my thing so I had no hopes or expectations of getting the palettes or the lipsticks. However, I want to buy everything. Maybe this can be my gateway drug into makeup. When they revealed the box designs and all of the shades I wanted it. This is the first time in my whole life I have actually wanted to play around with and wear makeup. Well, besides my emo phase when I wanted black lipstick and eyeliner.

And the reveal at the end! They're releasing that stunning emerald eye-shadow. I want it so badly. If only I had money. A dork can only dream. I am super impressed with this collection. Before the launch, I knew it was going to sell out. Everytime Shane doubted himself during the series I really said "shut up we love you" and was I wrong?

This collab is one of the, if not THE biggest makeup launch in history. It broke records. It broke the internet. I could not be prouder of Shane and Jeffree. They truly won 2019. Not that there was a competition. But they won.

During the end of the finale episode I found myself smiling so wide. I truly am proud. I've never been so proud of anyone in my life. My heart is full of love for them and I cannot wait to see what the future has in store for them.

So as they close up 2019 with a bang, I am looking forward to Shane's next series and Jeffree's next makeup launch. However, for now they both deserved a break. A long one.

Thank you, Shane, Jeffree and Andrew for this series and for this collection.

Shout out to Jeffree's whole team at his company who also starred in this series. They are all icons. I wish I remembered everyone's names but they know who they are. And if you watched the series, you know who they are too.

The collection is sold out, but I believe both eye-shadow palettes can be preordered for the next shipment. I'll include links below.

You can watch the series here.
The collection is sold out but here is Jeffree's website.


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