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Showing posts from December, 2019

Let's Talk About the Best Album of 2019

Happy New Year's Eve! Its the last day of the year and the last day of the decade (2009-2019). I thought I'd talk about my favorite album of the year. I would have done if the decade but I couldn't choose one. This year has been such an amazing year for music. I thought 2018 couldn't be topped, but I was so wrong. My choice for best album of 2019 is Machine Gun Kelly's Hotel Diablo. This is my most played album of the year. Its SO good. I love it so much. Its full of bops and it hits home for me, personally. This year has been hard regarding family. I very much related to alot of the subject matter on this album. I won't do a track by track because then the post will be way too long but if you're interested in my Kinda Review of it let me know. I'm not the biggest fan of rap. I listen to Kendrick Lamar and Childish Gambino mostly. I was never into MGK. Even when all the stuff with Eminem was happening I didn't pay him any attention. Howeve

Kinda Review of Disney+'s Noelle

Heyo! Happy Holidays! This is the first post that was kind of requested. I put up a poll on my Twitter [@McCartheEvita] and the only vote was my reaction to Noelle. I still don't have WiFi. Went all 2019 without WiFi. Its been a year but I kept up this blog somewhat. Noelle is a Disney+ original. If you don't have Disney+ I'm sorry. You should get it if you can afford it. My mom got it as an early Christmas gift for me because I have been dying for it since it was announced. This post will include spoilers so if you haven't seen Noelle and don't want to know how it ends go check out another one of my posts. I have many. Let me start off by saying I am not the biggest Anna Kendrick fan so when I first saw the banner for it on the Disney+ app I wasn't planning on watching it. I don't dislike her. I just don't care for her. But then I saw a banner with Bill Hader whom I love with all my soul. I used to get teased for liking him because he was just

Why "Baby, It's Cold Outside" Should Be Left Alone

Heyo! Happy Holidays! I hope everyone is doing well and in good health. I wish I had more inspiration and motivation to write and post more, but alas, I do not. As 2019 is almost over, I have survived an entire year without Wi-Fi in my home. Most of the posts this year have been posted from my phone or from a public spot with Wi-Fi so I'll admit it's not my best. Even this post is being written at a Dunkin' Donuts. So no pics this time. Sorry. Welcome to the capitalist hell that is the United States of America. Anyway, I am not here to complain about my country. At least not in this post. I am here to defend the very controversial song of the past, "Baby, It's Cold Outside". Before you SJW crack your knuckles to blow me out of the water and try to tell me how the song is problematic, read what I have to say first. I am open to a civil discussion on this, but only if it's civil. Any hostility will be ignored. Mostly because it'll send me into a p