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Why Princeton Didn't Deserve Kate Monster - Avenue Q

 Heyo! It's been a while since I last wrote about a musical on my blog. Two years, to be specific. I still very much love musicals. As a matter of fact, I'm listening to Heathers the Musical as I write this post. Have a special Heathers post planned for the future.

Stephanie D'Abruzzo and John Tartaglia
with Princeton and Kate Monster

Today, I thought I'd write about my favorite musical: Avenue Q! This has some "spoilers" so if you haven't listened to the Avenue Q cast album, go right now before continuing! It is absolutely hilarious and it's just so good. Fair warning, it is explicit and raunchy. Think South Park, Family Guy - that kind of raunchiness.

In this post, I am going to scream about how Princeton doesn't deserve a second chance with Kate Monster and why she deserved so much better. Firstly, let's mention the obvious. They are fictional characters and they are puppets. I just thought this would be a fun post to write. I'll be linking songs where necessary. Feel free to listen to the cast album as you read this post.

To sum up the musical and the relationship in question: Princeton is the main character of Avenue Q. The show starts with him moving into a new apartment after graduating from college. He meets his neighbors including Kate Monster. He asks her out in "Mix Tape" and they go out, get drunk and hook up. Seems like things are going to be great between them.

They go to neighbors, Brian and Christmas Eve's wedding together, but Princeton has a vision that makes him break up with Kate at the wedding. Why? Because he feels like he's lost his way of finding his purpose. He breaks her heart and she sings one of the best songs in the whole show. He's the one that dumped her, but he for some reason goes into a depressive state. He hooks up with Lucy the Slut, who he met the night of his and Kate's first date. Then Kate talks to Christmas Eve and they perform another iconic song that makes Kate realize she loves Princeton. 

Princeton raises money to open a school for Kate. Her dream was to open a school for Monsters and he does that. Then at the end, they get back together, though she does say "can we take it one day at a time". And that's pretty much how it ends.

Now that you're all caught up let me explain why I think she shouldn't have given him another chance and why she could have done so much better.

When we meet Kate, she's a kindergarten teacher's aid. Sure, she's looking for a boyfriend, but she's "kinda pretty and pretty damn smart" with a "gigantic heart". Those are good qualities and I think if she hadn't met Princeton and started crushing him she could have probably found someone better. Princeton isn't known for making good decisions. We know this because when he meets the Bad Idea Bears, he actually listens to them. When he loses his job, he decides to buy a pack of beer, instead of saving up. This is a simple and small thing, but it's still a bad decision.

After Princeton and Kate hook up, she gets a call from the kindergarten teacher she works. Thistletwat is upset because Kate didn't show up for work. Which would not have happened had she not gone on a date with Princeton. Granted, it was her screw up. It's not like he held her hostage, but he is still a bad influence on her. She ends up quitting and while Princeton is supportive, it doesn't change that that whole exchange was kind of his fault.

Princeton and Kate go to Brian and Christmas Eve's wedding. She catches the bouquet which makes him freak out and he breaks up with her because he wants to focus on his own life and purpose, which is fine. Sometimes it is okay to be selfish and focus on yourself. However, he could have handled it better. He completely broke Kate's heart because he freaked out. After they broke up, he just gave up. Didn't even really try to find his purpose. So why did he really break up with Kate?

Kate, still angered and hurt by the break-up talks to Christmas Eve and admits she loves Princeton. I can positively say you cannot control who you love. Even if you try your hardest, you can't. Her loving Princeton is no one's fault. Fast forward to when Princeton raises the money to open her school and he asks her for a second chance. When she says "can we take it a day at a time" to me it seems reluctant on her part. She's not fully committed to giving him another chance. Can you blame her?

Anyway, that's my personal opinion on how Princeton is a bad influence on Kate Monster and why she could do better than him and she does deserve better.

Thanks for coming to my TEDTalk. Have a nice day.


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