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Celebrating Eight Years Loving the Love of My Life

 Heyo! McCartha here, coming at you with a half-serious, half memeish post!

If you're new here, let me introduce myself. I am McCartha Evita Monteith. It is not my actual name, but a name I have chosen. Each of those three names correlates to something special in my life. Monteith in honor of the late Cory Monteith, who portrayed Finn Hudson in Glee and is one of my heroes. Evita because I am Latinx and when I started learning Spanish in high school, I was obsessed with the musical, Evita. Lastly, McCartha is a name bestowed on my for my obsession with Paul McCartney. It was given to me by someone who I don't talk to anymore, but I will fondly remember him for the rest of my life. Also it helped me decide to officially change my name - when I can afford it.

What does me explaining my name have to do with celebrating the love of my life?

Today marks eight years since I fell in love with Paul McCartney. Oh, you don't know who Paul is? Great because he is the person I can never get tired of talking about. And yes, I call him the love of my life as a bit of a joke.

Sir James Paul McCartney is a rockstar, singer, songwriter, musician, artist, children's book author, half of Lennon-McCartney, and former Beatle. Yes, he was in the world-famous - or infamous depending on who you ask - band, The Beatles.

He has written some of the most iconic songs and continues to make music. Before you say anything, yes I am aware of his age and I am aware he is 54 years older than me.

The fact that I fell in love with a man 54 years my senior when I was 15, has always been something people teased me about and yes, for the first year I kept it secret. It was like a forbidden love because people would be a bit mean sometimes.

Now imagine me, 15 years old. In high school. Depressed. No friends. Suicidal. And then I fall in love with a man the same age as my grandfather.

Eight years later, my love for him has become a bit of a meme and it is my brand. I wear my love for him like a badge. He is my ride or die celebrity crush.

I often joke about how I will never love another person like I love Paul, which is half-joke, half a genuine fear of mine. I have never loved anyone so deeply. I proudly and jokingly call him the "love of my life" because that is just how I feel.

No, I am not delusional. I know he doesn't know I exist. I know that I may never have the chance to meet him, but that is how I feel. He has gotten me through the darkest times.

He continues to be a constant muse. A lot of my writing is inspired by his music and, yes I have written some characters inspired by him. In my fanfiction days, I did write a lot about him and The Beatles. I regret nothing. It may be cringey, looking back but writing those fics saved my life. That's a story for another post.

In 2013, I had one of the biggest fan accounts for him and The Beatles on Instagram. As of December 12, 2020, that account has 44.4K posts - seriously - and I guarantee at least 85% of those posts are photos of Paul and The Beatles. I am exposing myself, so be kind. If you want to check if I'm telling the truth about my IG, you can find it here. Yes, my username Drink_To_Me is an ode to the Wings song, "Picasso's Last Words (Drink to Me)".

If you're wondering if I have a favorite song by Paul, I don't have a single song. I have a top 10 list from throughout his career because he has so many bops.

    1. "Temporary Secretary" by Paul McCartney
    2. "Drive My Car" by The Beatles
    3. "Junk" by Paul McCartney
    4. "No More Lonely Nights" by Paul McCartney
    5. "My Valentine" by Paul McCartney
    6. "Fuh You" by Paul McCartney
    7. "My Love" by Wings
    8. "Goodnight Tonight" by Wings
    9. "Yesterday" by The Beatles
    10. "Dark Room" by Paul McCartney
    Those are my current top 10. It sometimes changes. My favorite album of his is Kisses on the Bottom. I just wanted to write something to celebrate today. I jump at any excuse to write about Paul at this point.
    Here are some other posts I've written about Paul:


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