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Let's Talk About COVID

 Yes, you read that right. On my blog, where I usually just write about entertainment or fun history stories, I am talking about current events for once.

This is a more serious post than we're used to here on my blog, but I feel like I can no longer be silent about this. There will not be any photos, so it'll be a lot of text. I am sorry.

Let me start by disclaiming that this will not be your regular "x people have died from COVID" article. This is all me speaking from experience. My personal experience.

In July 2020, COVID affected my family. The six of us had to legitimately quarantine inside our house for almost a month. However, only my parents, sister-in-law, and I had symptoms. Fortunately, both of my brothers were untouched.

Fortunately, everyone in my family is alive and doing well! But few families are as lucky as we are.

My mother is a delivery driver for several apps. We believe she was our patient zero and brought the virus to us since she was the first one. I am going to expose her, but she never reads my blog so I'm safe. She may have gotten it from now wearing her mask while working. Now, she both drives people and delivers food. So she is at high risk. NOW she wears her mask at all times, but let me tell you, having my family having COVID almost ended in death.

My father, who is in his fifties, was really sick. He had to go to the hospital. He wasn't eating. He was also saying that he didn't think he was going to make it. That is absolutely terrifying to think about. At the time, he worked at a retirement home, so it's a good thing we caught it when we did. It took him a lot longer than the rest of us to recover, but it was so scary. My dad never gets sick. So seeing this virus nearly take him out was one of the worst experiences of my life.

My sister-in-law is in her mid-twenties, however, she was also very sick from the virus. She was the first to test positive, and if it wasn't for her going to the hospital, we wouldn't have known why my parents were sick. She said it was one of, if not the scariest experience.

Me? I had the mildest symptoms of the virus, fortunately. I had body aches, basic cold symptoms, and a hard time breathing - which is terrifying for someone with asthma. However, despite having mild symptoms, it was still scary to deal with, especially knowing how strong the virus is and how many people it had killed.

Why am I writing about COVID? Because there are people who still believe it is a hoax. There are people who don't wear their masks. Who still travel when they don't have to. Who party!

It angers me so deeply. How can you be so careless and selfish? How can you be such an idiot?!

I am appalled at how my country handled and is still handling the pandemic. My government is a joke. And yes, at the time of writing this post, Joe Biden has been inaugurated, and he is in the office, but I am still waiting to see if he will do anything.

The entire world laughs at America because we are populated with a bunch of idiots! When I finally got to see my doctor for my physical, the first thing he said was "we can eradicate this virus in three weeks, but because people are morons, it will never happen". And he's right!

And I know that there are people doing their part and thank you. Thank you so much.

Thank you to every single nurse, doctor, and medical professional who is at the front lines dealing with this virus firsthand. I cannot put into words how grateful I am for you guys. Thank you to every single essential worker who is laying their lives on the line so we can get our groceries and do our laundry. Thank you to every single funeral home, mortician, etc who has to deal with our dead. You do not get any of the recognition and you guys are being heavily affected by this virus.

Wear your mask. Wash your hand. STAY HOME IF YOU CAN! Obviously, there are people who cannot work from home and this isn't for you.

This is for the obnoxious people who protested to open up hair salons.

Your regular programming will return this Friday. Hopefully, I don't have to write another serious post like this.


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