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Showing posts from January, 2023

That Time George Washington's Owned a Whiskey Distillery

Heyo! It's time to start another week and talk about something from history! This week we're learning about George Washington's whiskey distillery. Every photo used in this post is from the Mount Vernon site . Before the American Revolutionary War, the popular alcohol to distill was rum, however, after the war, it became even more expensive to import molasses from the British West Indies which was the most important ingredient in making rum. It was soon realized that it would be cheaper and easier to begin distilling whiskey. Whiskey is made of wheat, rye, and corn which could all be grown locally. Also, whiskey was an easier distilling process than rum. James Anderson a Scotsman who worked as Washington's farm manager convinced Washington to start a whiskey distillery because he'd seen how lucrative it had been in his home country. The distillery was built in the winter of 1797-1798. Washington assigned six enslaved men to work at the distillery. Those men were Han

Fangirl Friday: Bucky Barnes

 Heyo! Happy Friday! Another week conquered. This week's Fangirl Friday is very special because it's the first to feature a fictional character. This week's spotlight is on my comfort character, Bucky Barnes. I didn't even have to save any new pictures for this post because I have a designated Bucky Barnes folder already loaded. Disclaimer : I've seen every portrayal of Bucky within the MCU EXCEPT the What If.. series. I only watched the first episode of the series. So if you're not caught up to The Falcon and the Winter Soldier at least, there will be spoilers. If you know absolutely nothing about MCU Bucky, but would like to read about him I suggest the  fan wiki page for him . It is probably my most revisited page on the interwebs. My love for Bucky started when I first watched Captain America: The First Avenger. If you read Fangirl Friday: Sebastian Stan you know I was a fan of Baz for years and he's mostly the reason I watched the first Captain America

My Top 10 Weirld Al Yankovic Music Videos

Heyo! I figured since my Fangirl Friday: Weird Al Yankovic post was so popular; I'd rank my top 10 music videos of his! This was hard because he's got so many great videos. My ranking of them is based on sentimental value, if the music video has lived rent-free in my head, and my overall enjoyment. As well as a few other parameters because getting a list of 50+ videos to just my favorite 10 was so hard especially because I've been obsessed with his videos for as long as I've been a fan. Friendly reminder that this is MY opinion. Your choices may be different. Weird Al has his YouTube videos blocked from being viewed on other websites, which is fair, so all videos are going to be linked in the title. However, I will try to include screenshots from some videos, so this post isn't just words. Some screenshots won't be the clearest images due to the quality of the video. Let's get to it! 10. "White & Nerdy" from Straight Outta Lynwood (2006) I tol

That Time A President Conducted Meetings from the Toilet

Happy Monday! Another week ahead. This week's weird moment from history is how President Lyndon B. Johnson conducted meetings and interviews while on the toilet. I learned way too much about LBJ while doing research for this post and it is going to be a LONG time before I write another weird history post about him. But there will be at least another one in the future. Man was weird. Quick history lesson for my non-Americans who may not know who LBJ is. Lyndon Baines Johnson was the 36th President of the United States. He assumed the position following the assassination of John F. Kennedy. He was president from 1963 til 1969. NOW if you're like me and you grew up with the rewatching the movie Forrest Gump over and over again your first introduction to LBJ might be when Forrest was being honored with the Medal of Honor and showed the president where he was "shot in the buttocks" during the Vietnam War.  I haven't watched Forrest Gump in years, but if you haven't

Fangirl Friday: MÃ¥neskin

Happy Friday! Today's spotlight is on my current favorite band: MÃ¥neskin! To be fair I'm still a relatively new fan, but they were my #1 artist on my SpotifyWrapped as they so rightfully deserved. Their music is so good, so I figured why not write about them. There is a specific reason I decided to write this for today and it's because they dropped their new album Rush today! (L-R) Damiano David, Thomas Raggi, Ethan Torchio, Victoria de Angelis I first heard of MÃ¥neskin when they won Eurovision in 2021. I was casually on Tumblr and people kept posting about them. NOW I am just a dumb American and knew of Eurovision, but I never watched it nor had ever wanted to. I never heard about any of the winners. Never looking into it, until this band. They represented Italy for Eurovision, but they don't only do songs in Italian. I will be completely honest, what drew me to the band was a photo I saw of lead singer, Damiano David. I am a simpleton at heart. I see an attractive man

Just Checking In

Heyo! How are you? I hope that the first couple of weeks of 2023 has been treating you well! I wanted to do my first "housekeeping" post of 2023. Mostly because I didn't have anything else to post today and I need to keep in the groove of things. I am going to keep this post as short as possible because I am writing this 15 hours before it has to go up. I was unprepared. As you can tell, I am back! I've posted seven times already! Feel free to check those posts out if you haven't already. I am not trying to post daily, because as we've seen in the past I am not good at that and I get burned out very quickly. So the schedule is as follows, I will post three times a week: Monday - "That Time..." I find a random interesting fact from history, do some research and write about it. Wednesday - Misc. Wild card. Anything is game. Where any future "Kinda Review" and ranking posts will go. Friday - "Fangirl Friday" I focus on someone I love

That Time the Siamese Twins Died

Another Monday, another moment from history! This week is about the original conjoined twin brothers, Chang and Eng Bunker and how they died. These are the brothers who coined "Siamese twins". I loved researching the Bunker twins. They are definitely the most interesting subjects of this series so far and I highly recommend doing your own research about them! (L-R) Eng and Chang Bunker Let's start at the beginning. Chang and Eng Bunker were born in 1811, but the exact date is unknown. However, some records state their birthday to be May 11th. The brothers were born in Samut Songkhram in modern day Siam. Their father, Ti-eye is said to have died in their adolescence. Their mother, Nok allegedly said their birth was no different than any of her other children. The brothers were conjoined at the sternum by a band of flesh and cartilage that was about 5in. long. Their livers were also connected through the band. The twins were "discovered" in 1824 by a merchant name

Fangirl Friday: Weird Al Yankovic

Happy Fryday! Another week conquered. Congratulations for making it this far! This week's spotlight is on Weird Al Yankovic! The purpose of this post besides needing a subject for "Fangirl Friday" is to get all the Weird Al out of my system because he's mostly all I've been listening to since November. So I just felt the need to scream about this man who has brought me so much joy since I was 10. My story with Weird Al goes back to sometime around 2007. I was still in elementary school, and I was walking home with two of my neighbors. The whole walk home they sang "White & Nerdy". Some context: both of these kids were black. I'm a white-passing Puerto Rican and was one of the whitest kids in a school of minorities. I got bullied for "being white" a lot in elementary school. It was dumb. I thought they made the song up just to tease me and when I snapped once we got to my house, they got defensive and told me it was a song. I went upstai

Why Blue is the Real Villain of Blue's Big City Adventure

Okay, so maybe "villain" isn't the right word. Blue is more like the antagonist. This post is about the Blues' Clues & You movie Blue's Big City Adventure. So there will be spoilers. If you have Paramount+, it's only an hour watch. I promise it is worth the watch if you have watched Blue's Clues in any capacity. Blue's Big City Adventure poster If you were born in the 90s or early 2000s like me then you most likely watched the original Blue's Clues show hosted by either Steve (Steve Burns) or Joe (Donovan Patton). I have an older and a younger brother, so I got to experience both. However, MY host was Steve, and I am a Steve fan til the day I die. I have Blue's Clues & You playing in the background as I write this post because I realized I haven't watched a single episode of the new series despite watching the movie 6 times. I cannot stress enough how much I love Blue's new design. She looks so much fluffier. The original Blue&#

That Time Pope Francis Was a Bouncer

Let me start off by saying I am not Catholic. I was raised born-again Christian, but left the church when I turned 18. I have done some research into various religions over the years of my adulthood. My conclusion is religion isn't for me. However, that being said this post is not to slander the name of Pope Francis, as I have the utmost respect for him, because he seems like a genuinely good person who wants to make the world a better place. Pope Francis was born Jorge Mario Bergoglio in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1936. He was inaugurated as the Pope and head of the Catholic Church in 2013. He took the name of Francis in honor of St. Francis of Assisi, who was known for taking care of the poor. he is the first pope from the Southern Hemisphere and the first pope from outside Europe since 741. In 2013, Pope Francis visited a church in a working-class area in Rome. He spent four hours speaking with the parishioners During which, he mentioned various past jobs he held, including a ja

Fangirl Friday: Paul McCartney

This is part two: electric boogaloo. I've written about Paul McCartney several times on my blog as he is my ride or die celebrity crush. I wrote about him in 2020 in "Casually Screaming About Paul McCartney"  and the very first "That Time..." post was about the conspiracy that he died in 1966 and was replaced with an imposter . I thought the first Fangirl Friday of 2023 could be about the man I never shut up about. Shockingly, I've had my current laptop for a little over a year, but I didn't have any photos of him on it, so I had to download some photos from my phone. Yes, I have a designated Paul McCartney album on my phone. I will not be accepting criticism at this time. I explained in the "Casually Screaming" post about how I became a fan, so I won't get into that. This past December made an entire decade I've been in love with him. Never in a million years would I have thought my ride or die celebrity crush would be a man 55 years o

My Top 10 Favorite My Chemical Romance Songs

I can still very clearly remember everything from when I found out My Chemical Romance broke up in 2013, I was completely crushed, and I cried. They are one of my favorite bands of all time. So when they released that videos in 2020, to say I was ecstatic is an understatement. Unfortunately, I didn't get to see them on their reunion tour, but I never stopped listening to them and don't think I ever will. With that all said, I figured, why not rank my 10 favorite songs of theirs? I wrote about MCR in 2017 . A lot of my opinions shared on that post have changed, including my favorite song by them. If I can include the music videos or live performances I will, but if there isn't a video for the song, then the video will be linked in the song title. 10. "Blood" from  The Black Parade (2006) I was a vampire kid. Vampires are my favorite of the supernatural creatures. I was that  kid. I remember trying to convince kids at school that I was a vampire and the only reason

That Time Tommy Iommi Set Bill Ward on Fire

Happy New Year! Here is the first "That Time.." of 2023! As the title states, this is a post about a time when a prank went wrong. I lived through the prankster generation on YouTube. This is nothing like that. This is about a prank that started in light-hearted fun but ended in injury. Tommy Iommi Tommy Iommi is known by most as a legendary guitarist, due to his unique playing style. Having played in bands Black Sabbath and Heaven & Hell. He was also known as quite the prankster while touring. Often playing pranks on and with his Black Sabbath bandmate, Bill Ward. Unsurprising, as the band was known for their chaotic antics and behavior. Once he covered Bill in golden paint from head to toe, just because they thought it'd be funny. But as you can imagine, that didn't end well as Bill had a negative reaction to the paint and an ambulance had to be called due to Bill allegedly going into convulsions. In an interview with The Guardian , Bill said paramedics had to u