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Fangirl Friday: Weird Al Yankovic

Happy Fryday! Another week conquered. Congratulations for making it this far! This week's spotlight is on Weird Al Yankovic! The purpose of this post besides needing a subject for "Fangirl Friday" is to get all the Weird Al out of my system because he's mostly all I've been listening to since November. So I just felt the need to scream about this man who has brought me so much joy since I was 10.

My story with Weird Al goes back to sometime around 2007. I was still in elementary school, and I was walking home with two of my neighbors. The whole walk home they sang "White & Nerdy". Some context: both of these kids were black. I'm a white-passing Puerto Rican and was one of the whitest kids in a school of minorities. I got bullied for "being white" a lot in elementary school. It was dumb. I thought they made the song up just to tease me and when I snapped once we got to my house, they got defensive and told me it was a song. I went upstairs and found the video on Yahoo Video, and I've been a Weird Al fan ever since.

"White & Nerdy" is one of the first, if not the first song I ever looked up the lyrics for online. Then I stumbled into more Weird Al music videos. And I'll say that Weird Al's music videos are some of my favorites of all time.

It started as a casual love of his music videos. Then after Michael Jackson's death in 2009, I was introduced to "Eat It" and "Fat". I was obsessed with the fact that the music videos were so similar to the originals. And this is when I surpassed being a casual fan of Weird Al.

Besides the fact that his music is absolutely ridiculous in the best ways, he makes nothing but bops. The number of times his songs get stuck in my head is incredible. He is one of the people I can credit with helping my mental health when all else fails. Because how can anyone be in a bad mood when his music is playing.

Since I began writing this post, I've been trying to figure out which of his music videos is my favorite. Might have to make a whole post about it. My favorite songs and my favorite music videos of his are two separate lists.

Weird Al and Daniel Radcliffe

NOW in early 2022, they announced that a biopic would be made about his life. I didn't know absolutely anything about it other than it was a biopic about him, Daniel Radcliffe would be playing him and that I was excited. If you haven't gathered from my blog as a whole, I'm a history nerd and LOVE biopics.

When I got the change to watch it, I was pleasantly surprised by how hilarious and out of pocket it was. Obviously, it wasn't the most accurate biopic, but it was crafted in such a way, that I think it did the man justice. Also all the celebrities who were casted and cameoed. All the celebrities who were portrayed. It was so enjoyable. If you're a Weird Al fan in any capacity, I highly recommend giving Weird: The Al Yankovic Story a watch. It is the dictionary definition of wacky. And Weird Al played a role in it, himself!

Daniel Radcliffe as Weird Al

Daniel Radcliffe gave a great performance, and I can finally stop seeing him as Harry Potter. I'll be honest while the movie wasn't the best thing in cinematic history, it was hilarious and wacky as hell. I would like to see Evan Rachel Wood play Madonna again. She was great.

Honestly, watching the movie might have been what triggered me listening to him almost non-stop since November. BUT THIS POST ISN'T ABOUT THE MOVIE! Though if you'd like me to write a "Kinda Review" of the movie, let me know and I'll gladly do so! I'll use any excuse to watch it again.

80s Weird Al for posterity's sake

I've got a huge platonic crush on Weird Al because I think we'd vibe, but I also admire that man so much that if I ever met him I think I'd just cry. He's definitely up there in my brain next to Paul McCartney and Joaquin Phoenix, which if you know me is a big thing for me to say. He's one of the first people in my life who said it's okay to be weird.

To quote his last lines from Weird: The Al Yankovic Story, "Live the live you wanna live. Be as weird as you wanna be. Believe me you will never find true happiness until you can truly accept who you are."

So thank you Weird Al for all the music. I hope you never stop!


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