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My Top 10 Favorite My Chemical Romance Songs

I can still very clearly remember everything from when I found out My Chemical Romance broke up in 2013, I was completely crushed, and I cried. They are one of my favorite bands of all time. So when they released that videos in 2020, to say I was ecstatic is an understatement. Unfortunately, I didn't get to see them on their reunion tour, but I never stopped listening to them and don't think I ever will.

With that all said, I figured, why not rank my 10 favorite songs of theirs? I wrote about MCR in 2017. A lot of my opinions shared on that post have changed, including my favorite song by them. If I can include the music videos or live performances I will, but if there isn't a video for the song, then the video will be linked in the song title.

10. "Blood" from The Black Parade (2006)

I was a vampire kid. Vampires are my favorite of the supernatural creatures. I was that kid. I remember trying to convince kids at school that I was a vampire and the only reason I convinced some of them was because I was a pale anemic child and no matter what my skin was freezing cold. I also loved this song because of "'Cause I'm such and awful fuck" was fun to sing while washing dishes when my mom wasn't around. I really only started cursing to spite my mother.

9. "Honey, This Mirror Isn't Big Enough For the Two of Us" I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love (2002)

This was my favorite MCR song for the longest time because of the heavy guitar. This is the kind of rock aesthetic that made me fall in love with the genre in the first place. This is hands down my most played MCR song because the sound if immaculate. There is a reason why MCR's first album holds such a special place in my heart. Not to mention I used to watch the music video over and over again because it fascinated me.

8. "Dead" from The Black Parade (2006)

I used to listen to this song in the mornings whenever I was getting ready for school. There was a specific YouTube video I'd play. "Did you get what you deserve? / The ending of your life" was always aimed towards my mother when I'd sing it, because I was a teen with so much anger. I have memories of singing it in the shower at 6:45am nearly every single day. Life was much simpler back then.

7. "Cemetary Drive" from Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge (2004)

A dark song about the aftermath of suicide. Telling the story of having to say goodbye. Was I a gloomy suicidal teenager who played this song on repeat a lot? Yes. I had it on CD and had a little portable DC player and I would restart the song and sometimes listened to it non-stop for the whole bus ride on my bad days which there were a lot of. So besides it being a great song, it has some sentimental value to me.

6. "Demolition Lovers" from I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love (2002)

This is 100% a Bonnie and Clyde type song. Especially with a lyric like "I'd end my days with you, in a hail of bullets". Telling the story of outlaws in love, but it could also be a metaphor for the narrator trying to explain to their love just how much they love them and how'd they'd literally risk it all to be with them.

5. "Famous Last Words" from The Black Parade (2006)

What is there not to love about this song? Everything about this song is a masterpiece. It's a song a few fans credit with saving them. It's also said to have been a song that saved the band as Frank Iero is quoted saying "it gave us a new life, a new hope". The song is perseverance when it seems impossible to do so. Whether you look at the song from the point of view of the characters in the story the album tells or from the point of view of the band themselves, it's still a powerful song.

4. "Thank You for the Venom" from Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge (2004)

I can't explain why I love this song other than to say something about it scratches a certain itch in my brain. It works as a mental fidget cube for me. Maybe it's the guitar or Gerard's voice. But something about this song makes my brain happy which is why it's in my top 10. Besides that, it's just and overall great song.

3. "Bulletproof Heart" from Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys (2010)

This song wasn't always in my top 10, but it's a song I kept listening to in the last few years that I've come to love deeply. Something about it feels like a 70s/80s hairband. Also, the (alleged) reference to "Jenny Wass a Friend of Mine" by The Killers. The theme of being outlaws. The aesthetic of this song is *chef's kiss*.

2. "Mama" from The Black Parade (2006)

My love for this song started in my rebellious teen phase because I grew up in an extremely religious Christian household and singing "mama, we all go to hell" while washing dishes was exhilarating. Plus this song is what introduced me to Liza Minelli which is ironic when you consider the fact that I love Broadway musicals. This is another song that the music on it's own would have grabbed my attention anyway. Also have you ever sat down and listened to the story of the lyrics? A heartbreaking story of a soldier returned from war a different person. 

1. "Vampires Will Never Hurt You" from I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love (2002)

This is my favorite song for the simple fact that I was OBSESSED with vampires when I was a tween and have since kept up that fascination. Yes, I was a Twilight kid. And honestly, if Stephanie Meyer wasn't gonna publish a self-insert Gerard vampire fic with all the names changed, I would have done it myself. Besides my fascination with vampires, I just love the sound of the song. Gerard's vocals. Frank's screams. Ray's guitar. Mikey's bass. It's not my most played song by them, but it's certainly up there, as it should be. I love this song so much. Plus it's off their debut album. This band started strong right off the bat.


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