Heyo! Hope your week is going well! This week's Kinda Review is about the most recent Jonas Brothers album, The Album.
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The Album front and back cover |
As always with these posts I must remind you that I am not a music critic. I am just someone who enjoys listening to music and writing about it. I don't have fancy technical terms. I don't even know what instruments are used. I just know how the music makes me feel. Also per usual, I will try including the Spotify link in the title and the music video or official audio video from YouTube before every song. Also I have included some TikTok links of clips from The Tour because some moments need to be talked about.
If you are unfamiliar with the Jonas Brothers, hi welcome to my blog. I've written quite a lot about them already and have many many more planned posts about them and their music. The Jonas Brothers are a band made up of brothers Kevin, Joe, and Nick Jonas. They've been making music for almost twenty years - they did break up for six years but we don't talk about that. The Album is their sixth album - technically unless you count the Jonas LA soundtrack and V which was never officially released, but they did release it (it's complicated). There will be more Kinda Reviews of the rest of the Jonas discography - the band and their solo/side projects.
So let's get into it!
The opening track of the album, it starts with high energy and vibes. Kind of sets up the expectation for the rest of the album. I can't not compliment Joe's vocals. The notes that man is capable of hitting is insane. I am proud to be a Joe girl and I will keep saying that throughout this post because the man is SO talented. He is incredible. I can't NOT mention The Tour where they performed these songs live because that is the Jonas content I've been living on for the past 11 months. In the studio recording, Joe screams "Jersey" because that's where they're from, but when they perform the song live, he usually screams the city they're performing in the same way. It became an iconic moment and I cannot wait for the European leg of the tour for new clips. One of the main reasons I put my headphones on when I write these posts is because I get to hear more than I usually do when I'm listening to the songs just from the speaker on my phone. And even though the first time I listened to this album, I had headphones on, I didn't get to fully appreciate the music because I was just focused on the vocals and lyrics at the time. But the bassline of this track is so good. The keyboard is on POINT! I wish I knew more about the music and which instruments specifically so I could complement all of it.
The vibes of this song are immaculate. The guitar. The vocals. EVEN THE DRUMS! The overall feel of this song is so good. I am going to be talking about the vibes of this album a lot throughout. I think it's the bassline of the song that gets me. But the vocals! I will never shut up about the vocals on this album. Joe and Nick put their all into the vocals. I can honestly say this is the best album for their vocals. They get better with every album. This is also the song on tour that we get to sometimes hear Kevin's vocals which you know I am ALWAYS here for because he takes the bridge that is sung by John Bellion on the studio recording. I do think this is one of the more underrated songs on The Album. I love the way it fades out at the end. I just have so much love for this song.
I am not a Nick girl, but I will NEVER stop speaking the praises of Nick's voice. But Joe's vocals on this track are also incredible. Both of their vocals on the whole album blew me away. This is the shortest song on the album, but that doesn't take away from how good it is. I don't know if I've already said this in a past Jonas post, or if I only mentioned it in my Fangirl Friday about Nick (coming soon), but his voice I have always held in high regard since I first heard it in 2006. His voice scratches my brain in a way Joe's doesn't. And Nick's vocals in this song very much hit that. I don't know how else to explain it. The way Joe and Nick's voices go together. All that being said, I can't not talk about Joe's "you're makin' me say" toward the end of the song. If you know, you know. If you don't you're obviously not a Joe girl.
The opening keyboard and bass of this song make my brain go brr. Joe's vocals on his verses are so good. I am a PROUD Joe girl. Also, the use of the choir is magnificent. The way they work the cadence of the words and the melodies together is ART! The way the music is simple during the bridge and it's mostly Nick's voice and the guitar. The melodies towards the end of the song work so well together. The live version of this song is an experience and I really wish I could have seen them on this tour. I love this song so much. Listening to it on repeat while trying to write this has really opened my eyes to how good it is. Keep in mind this is a song I listen to almost every single day at this point. It's part of my daily rotation, but I have NEVER listened to it like I have now to write this post. And it's probably one of the best put-together songs on The Album.
THIS SONG! It almost makes me want to get my driver's license so I can drive down the coast and blast it. The cadence and melody of the vocals scratch my brain. I don't know how else to explain it. I have to admit despite being an American my whole life I don't know what Americana is. I tried Googling it yesterday, but my reading comprehension is non-existent. So if anyone ever asks me what Americana is I'll just show them this song. It adds to the chill vibe of the whole album. Just hanging out with people you love. You didn't think I was going to write about a song and not talk about the vocals, did you? This song is one of the few times Joe sings lower than he normally does. Which I appreciate. Man is talented when he goes high and when he goes low.
Once again I HAVE to give Joe his flowers for killing it with the vocals. I cannot stress enough how amazing his voice is on this whole album. The man was showing off and I appreciate it. He is allowed to show off when he sounds like THAT! They brought back the choir. This song has replaced "Birthday" by the Beatles as my birthday celebration song on socials. And you can use it for any occasion! Nick's verse "Through the fire, we made it / Look at us now / Tonight, we party like Vegas" and Jose's verse going "We've made it through / All of the years and all of the tears" I interpreted as the brothers celebrating how far they've come. Because they have. But it could also be to their partners because that's a recurring theme on this album. The Album was written by dudes who are head over heels in love and I can't NOT mention it.
This was the first song from The Album I heard and I loved it immediately. In my Fangirl Friday post about the Jonas Brothers, I mentioned that the three of them very much mirror my brothers and I. If you have siblings I'm SURE you can relate to the pre-chorus and chorus of the song: "Cause if somethin' misread / Or if something got said / Know before the night ends / No, don't get stressed it's gon' get figured out / Oh, deep conversations at the Waffle House / Headstrong father and a determined mother / Oh, that's why some nights we tried to kill each other / But you know it's always love". Also, it's just a catchy song. I had it stuck in my head for MONTHS before I finally listened to The Album in full. And after listening to it on loop to write this post I'll probably have it stuck in my head for the rest of the year. Fun fact: I've NEVER been to a Waffle House and never cared to visit until this song. So thanks for that, Jonas Brothers. Also I just want to say I love this music video so much. Definitely ranks high as far as Jonas Brothers music videos go.
This song is responsible for reigniting my Jonas Brothers fixation that I thought ended a long time ago. If you have ever been a victim of "Joecation Eyes" feel free to tell your story. Watching Joe perform his verse life and the little choreography he started doing with the hair pull, ruined my life. I had NO chance. Now 11 months later, I am so deep into my Jonas Brothers bullshit. It's like 2008 all over again. But worse this time. I hold Joe and his song responsible. I should REALLY be holding Kevin responsible. While all three of them have writing credits on the song, I associate it with Kevin more. He gives a little intro to it when they perform it live. Talks about meeting his wife while on a vacation. Remember when I said this album was written by dudes who are in love? This is exactly what I meant. I was trying to find a clip of "Joecation Eyes" to show you why people have been losing their minds, but I couldn't find it on YouTube so you get a TikTok clip instead. Just search "Joecation Eyes" on TikTok and you'll find all the videos. He gives us the growl, the hair pull, the hip sway. I am a Joe girl FOR A REASON!
The Jonas Brothers have grown up and are writing songs about sex now. Not the first, but definitely the most blatant. The vocals and the harmonies are so pretty. I actually had this song stuck in my head the day I started writing this post. I think this is the "weakest" song on the album, but I do not in ANY way mean that in a bad way. I mean it the same way I say Nick is my least favorite Jonas Brother. Someone always has to come in last place. HOWEVER, I still very much enjoy this song. I mean their vocals are phenomenal. It's so ethereal. It continues with the chill vibe of the album, but different. I have never spent a summer in the Hamptons nor ever really cared to, but color me interested now.
On my initial listen to this album, my note for this song was "favorite song probably". It's not, but it's my second favorite. Joe's opening verse lives in my head rent-free. I love it so much. Did I mention I'm a Jooe girl. Once again a song written by some lovesick dudes. This song makes me soft. I love the guitar in the beginning. I love the vocals. Obviously, I love the vocals. Joe sounds so good and his voice makes my brain short-circuit sometimes. Nick's voice may scratch my brain, but sometimes Joe's voice takes my breath away. Which is dangerous for an asthmatic like me. Just put "Death by Joe Jonas" on my urn. I love this song so much. It's one of my most played Jonas Brother songs at this point which is saying a lot because it's only been out for a year and I've been listening to everything else a hell of a lot longer.
This song has made me cry every single time I listen to it. I've been a fan of the Jonas Brothers for eighteen years. When Joe and Nick were still teenagers. Now the three of them are dads. It STILL trips me up. The love and tenderness of this song make my heart melt. Also, the fact that I am close to my own dad. It makes me emotional. It is such a beautiful song and watching videos of them perform it live on The Tour getting emotional gets to me. My parasocial relationship is so strong with these men it's almost embarrassing. There is a video of I believe from one of their Jersey shows when Joe's girls were allegedly at the show seeing their dad perform for what I think was the first time ever. You can see Joe fixing his mic stand as he gets ready for his verse of the song. He seems nervous. You can see the emotion in his eyes. That is probably my favorite video from The Tour hands down. It's such a beautiful ode to their girls. Yes, all three Jonas Brothers have only girls. Just know if I ever see anyone use this song at their wedding for the father-daughter dance I will never emotionally recover.
THIS is my favorite song on The Album and my favorite Jonas Brothers song. It dethroned "Pushin' Me Away" which had been my favorite song of theirs since 2008. I WISH I could have seen them on tour to experience this song live because the studio recording doesn't compare to the live version. Here is the live version they did on SNL with Jon Bellion and Kirk Franklin which is one of my favorite live TV performances they've done. They - or I should say Joe takes you to church. His vocals are INSANE! The organ in the song also adds to the overall atmosphere. Everything about this song is why it's my favorite song of theirs - so far. It's the perfect song to close out the album with. My favorite lyrics being "Whenever your head lies to your heart - I'll love you all over and restart". This song is on what I call my mental breakdown playlist which is a handful of Jonas songs that comfort me when I'm having a ROUGH time. Because no matter what I can always rely on those three dudes to comfort me and get me through some of my darkest times.
I am definitely planning a trip to the beach this summer just to lay in the sun and listen to this album because I didn't a chance to do that last year. I truly do love this album. I saw a few longtime fans didn't like it and I don't understand why. It is a great album. I am so proud of how far they have come. Already looking forward to the next one, but the next new music we're supposed to be getting from any Jonas is Joe's solo project. I cannot wait. Thank you for reading my ramble about the Jonas Brothers's album, The Album.
If you'd like me to write a Kinda Review about any other album, let me know! I am always open to checking out new music! It doesn't even have to be a new album. Could be a decade old or several decades old. Have a great rest of your week!
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