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Marvin Gets a Concussion - A Falsettos One-Shot [Writing #5]

Words: 1614

“Marvin? Marv?” Whizzer’s voice sounded miles away, although he was standing over Marvin. Marvin blinked a few times, not knowing where he was or what was happening. “He’s okay.” Whizzer told someone over his shoulder. He held out his hand to help Marvin up.
“No!” Charlotte’s voice came shortly after. She appeared hovering over Marvin. “We have to make sure he didn’t get a concussion.”
“Are you serious? He just fell.”
“Yeah, but he hit his head pretty hard.” Cordelia’s voice came from somewhere unknown. Marvin just wanted to know what the hell happened.
“Marvin? What’s my name?”
“Charlotte.” Marvin mumbled. His head hurt and it made focusing on anything pretty hard. “I- what the hell happened.”
“You fell, you clutz. And everyone is pretty damn concerned.” Whizzer laughed. “Are you seeing double?”
“No- I-” Marvin grabbed his head. “What did I hit my head on?”
“Concrete. Can you not remember?” Whizzer asked, kneeling next to him.
“Not really.”
“Is that bad?” Whizzer asked Charlotte who shined a light in Marvin’s eyes.
“Can you not? I’m fine.” Marvin started trying to sit up. Charlotte held him down.
“No! If you have a concussion, we need to get you to the hospital.” Charlotte explained. “How many fingers am I holding up?” She held up three.
“Three. Come on. I’m fine. Whiz, tell her I’m fine.”
You’re not a doctor. You don’t actually know if you’re fine.” Whizzer seemed genuinely concerned.
“Is he okay?” Jason asked, joining. Marvin sighed.
“I’m fine, but your dad and Charlotte are paranoid.” Marvin explained.
Dad?” Whizzer and Jason said it at the same time, looking at each other. They laughed.
“Well, son, seems like Marv isn’t doing too well.”
“Okay, dad.” Jason smiled.
“What? Why are you-”
“Because you referred to me as Jason’s dad. You’ve never done that before. Maybe you really are a little concussed.” Whizzer laughed.
“Is that even a word?” Jason asked. They all looked at Charlotte.
“What?” She asked.
“Is concussed an actual word used in the medical world?” Whizzer asked.
“I think we should take Marvin to the hospital.” Charlotte explained, ignoring the question. “Get him a CT scan and see what damage was done. If he is concussed and we take care of is soon, he’ll be okay.”
“What do you mean if?” Whizzer asked. “He’s going to be fine. It’s just a minor concussion. It’s not like- something major that can kill him, right?” His voice was full of worry.
“Any brain damage can kill him.” Charlotte explained. Whizzer looked at Marvin.
“I’m fine. Really. You guys are making a big deal out of nothing.” Marvin explained. “Can I get up now?”
“Yes, but easy.” Charlotte explained. Whizzer helped Marvin up to his feet. He saw Cordelia, keeping her distance.
“You three should go. I’ll take Jason home and we’ll watch some TV until you guys get back.” Cordelia explained, putting her hands on Jason’s shoulders.
“Are you sure?” Marvin asked.
“Yeah. We’ll be fine.” She explained. Marvin looked at Jason and ruffled his hair.
“Don’t worry, kid. I’ll be okay.”
“We hope.” Charlotte muttered.
“You hope!” Whizzer asked.
“Relax.” Marvin meant to have kissed Whizzer’s lips, but missed and kissed the corner of his mouth.
“It’s like you're drunk.” Whizzer laughed. “Come on, Marv.” Whizzer wrapped Marvin’s hand around his neck and wrapped his arm around Marvin to support him.
“I can walk.”
“But we’re not risking another spill. Double the concussion. Double the problem.” Whizzer smiled. “Only you can manage to turn a nice stroll in the park into a visit to the hospital.”
“I’m sorry. What exactly happened?” Marvin asked, as Whizzer helped him into the backseat of the car.
“We were walking. Your dumbass managed to trip on air and you just went slam into the ground. I’m surprised you’re not bleeding. It’s a miracle he didn’t crack his head open, right?” Whizzer asked, looking at Charlotte, who laughed. He gave her the keys. “I’ll keep him company in the back.” Whizzer sat in the back and let Mavin lay his head on his lap. “You, Mr. Marvin, are the clumsiest person I know.”
“Leave me alone.” Marvin whined. Whizzer started playing with his hair. “Why did you and Jason react that way when I called you his dad? I mean- you are.”
“It was weird. You used to have little meltdowns when Jason called Mendel dad, so Jason and I made an agreement that he would never call me dad, because I thought it bothered you.”
“But there’s a difference between you and Mendel. He- I felt uncomfortable with Jason calling him dad, because I felt like he was replacing me.”
“I mean- he kinda did.”
“He did not. Shut up. And I’m not the only guy who should credit for how great the kid is turning out.” Marvin smiled. “I mean- you guys are doing a good job too.”
“Thanks.” Whizzer laughed, shaking his head.
“And when we get married, Jason can stop introducing you as his dad’s boyfriend,”
“What now?” Whizzer asked.
“He can start introducing you as his other dad.”
“Since when are we getting married?” Whizzer asked. Marvin sat up abruptly.
“Did I not ask? Shit.” He laid his head back down. “Well, Whizzer Brown, will you marry me? I mean- this is not how I wanted to do it, but-”
“That was too quick. You didn’t even think about it. I mean- you made a fuss when I wanted to start calling you my boyfriend. You-”
“Shut up. I said I’ll marry your clumsy ass. Stop complaining that it was too fast a response. You will never be satisfied, will you?” Whizzer laughed..
“Sorry. I just-” Whizzer kissed Marvin to stop him from saying another word.
“You guys are a mess.” Charlotte laughed, pulling up to the front of the hospital. “I’m happy for you guys, but we’re here. Come on. I’ll get Marvin a wheelchair. You’re going to have to park on the side.” Charlotte explained, getting out. “I’ll take him in and get him set up. You can meet us outside my office,”
“Okay.” Whizzer looked at Marvin. They waited for Charlotte to come back with the wheelchair.
“I love you.” Marvin smiled.
“Love you too.” Whizzer kissed Marvin. “Come on. Sit up.”
“Okay.” Marvin sat up. “It feels like someone is pounding my head in with a hammer.”
“Well you’re concussed.”
“Yeah.” Marvin sighed.

Whizzer helped Marvin out of the car. “I’m going to go check on Delia and Jason. I’ll send him over.” Charlotte explained.
“Alright. Thanks, Char.” Whizzer smiled.
“And thank Delia for watching Jason.” Marvin nodded.
“Okay. Remember. Take it easy. Bed rest. And don’t harass him.” She gave Whizzer a warning glare.
Me harass him?” Whizzer asked.
“He needs to relax. No fighting! If I hear anything that sounds like a disagreement from either of you, I will send Delia over here. You know how she is.”
“We’ll be good.” Marvin promised.
“Good. If you need anything you know where to find me.” She left him and walked across the street into her house.
“Come on.” Whizzer helped Marvin into the house.
“I can walk on my own.”
“You have a minor concussion. You won’t be able to do anything on your own until Charlotte gives the okay.” Whizzer explained, walking him to their bedroom.
“And I called Trina to let her know.”
“Why? She’s going to think I’m incapable of taking care of my own son and-”
“Well I told her that you’re concussed, but I actually called her to tell her how you proposed in the backseat of the car.” Whizzer laughed.
“She’ll never let me live that down.”
I’ll never let you live that down. We both agreed that you suck at proposing and you have the worst timing.”
“Oh no.”
“Did you really propose to her when her dog died?” Whizzer asked, laughing.
“I- you know I don’t do well with other people being sad. So I thought, I know a way to make her happy. And it worked.” Marvin explained. “I-” He shook his head and sat down on the bed. Jason barged into their room.
“Are you okay!?”
“I’m fine.” Marvin laughed. “Just a mild concussion. That’s all. Come here. We gotta talk.” Marvin patted the bed next to him.
“Is it something bad?” Jason asked.
“No! No. Uh-” Marvin looked at Whizzer.
“We’re going to get married.” Whizzer explained.
“I wanted to tell him!”
“You took too long.” Whizzer laughed. “He proposed on the way to the hospital.”
“Really?” Jason looked at Marvin. He nodded.
“So- what? I’m your third dad now?” Whizzer laughed.
“Guess so.” Jason smiled. “This is awesome.”
“Has your mom told you the embarrassing story of when he proposed to her?”
“Oh my God.” Marvin sighed.
“She hasn’t.”
“Ask her when you go home.” Whizzer smiled.
“Your goal in life is just to embarrass me, isn’t it.” Marvin asked.
“I don’t embarrass you. You do that yourself.” Whizzer crossed his arms across his chest. “I just like reminding the world.”
“Does this mean that I have to go home since you have a concussion?” Jason asked.
“No. I told your mom that if you still wanted to stay for the rest of the weekend it would be okay.” Whizzer explained.
“Alright. I’m going to go play chess in my room.” Jason explained. He got up and left their room.
“He’s a good kid.” Whizzer sat next to Marvin, resting his head on Marvin’s shoulder.
“He’s a great kid. How’d we get so lucky?” Marvin patted Whizzer’s knee.
“Yeah. Come on. You need to get into bed and relax.”
Fine.” Marvin whined.


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