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Playing Catch - A Falsettos One Shot [Writing #1]

Words: 1865
It was Autumn in the city. Eleven year old Jason Gershin stood on the front stoop of an apartment building. He checked the address on the paper in his hand for the third time making sure it matched the number on the building. He looked at the three buzzers. Lucky for him they all had names. He rang the one labeled W. Brown twice.
“Yeah? Who is it?” The familiar voice of Whizzer brown came through the intercom.
“He- hello? Whizzer? It’s Jason Gershin. Marvin and Trina’s son.” The boy explained, shoving the scrap of paper in his coat pocket.
“Jason? What the hell are you doing here? Where are your parents?” Whizzer asked, concerned.
“At home. Fighting. Can I come in?” Jason asked.
“How the hell do you know where I live?”
“I found your address in my dad’s contacts. I would have called you and asked if I could come over, but I didn’t think you’d let me come over.”
“You’re right. I would have said no, but since you’re already here, come in.” Whizzer buzzed him into the building. Jason walked straight to Whizzer’s first floor apartment. After waiting a few moments, Whizzer opened the door, looking concerned. “What are you doing here?” He asked.
“My parents are fighting as always and I wanted to get out of the house. I’m sorry. I just didn’t know where to go. I just didn’t want to stay there.”
“You didn’t think of maybe going to a library? Reading is good.”
“You’re the only adult who understands me.” Jason’s sincerity made Whizzer’s heart melt.
“Fine. Does your parents know you’re here?”
“Jason.” Whizzer whined. “You can’t just run away. That’s not a good thing to do. They’re going to be so worried about you.”
“I promise they won’t even know I’m gone for at least two hours.” Jason explained, walking into the apartment. Whizzer closed the door behind him.
“What would have happened if I wasn't here?” Whizzer asked.
“Then I would have gotten back on the train to go home.”
“Alone? Jason, you’re just a kid.” Whizzer took a deep breath. Something about Jason always made him go on dad mode. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“About what?” Jason looked at him.
“Your parents.”
“Not really. It’s the same thing always. Mom’s voice goes cold and stern and dad- he starts yelling. He threw a plate at the wall. I think he really wanted to throw it at my mom.”
“Oh. Wow. That sounds- scary.” Whizzer sat down on the sofa.
“Not really.” Jason shrugged, sitting down on the armchair adjacent to Whizzer. “I guess it’s just normal in our house. I’m used to it.”
“My parents fought when I was little. My dad never threw a plate at my mom, but it always bothered me. So I know how you feel.” Whizzer nodded. “You know what was my escape from that?”
“Baseball. Have you ever played?” Whizzer asked. Jason looked at him and shook his head. “Never? Really? What about catch? Marvin ever play catch with you?”
“Seriously?” Whizzer asked, looking wounded. “Never ever?” Jason shook his head. “Wow.”
“He’s always too busy with work to do anything. And when he’s not working he’s too tired.”
“Yet, he could teach you to play chess?” Whizzer rolled his eyes. “Come on. Let’s go to the backyard and I’ll teach you how to play baseball.” Whizzer opened the closet and took out two mitts and a bat.
“Uh-” Jason stared at the bat. “Shouldn’t we just start with catch first?”
“You know what? You’re right.” Whizzer put the bat back. He tossed the smaller mit at Jason.  Jason caught it, making the older man smile. “You’re off to a great start.” Whizzer laughed, grabbing a baseball and closing the closet. “Come on.”  They walked to the backyard.
“You actually get to used your backyard?” Jason asked.
“Yeah! I pay extra for it. It’s nice for parties. You see that mitt I tossed to you?”
“Yeah.” Jason looked it.
“That was the first mitt my dad gave me. Of course when he gave it to me it was brand new.” Whizzer laughed. “My dad was the one who taught me how to play ball.” He smiled, remembering his dad. “I’ll help you put it on.” He grabbed the mitt from Jason and helped him put it on. “Just like that.”
“And I just catch the ball in the mitt?”
“Yeah! Go stand by the fence.”
“Okay!” Jason ran to the back of the yard. Whizzer tossed the ball, but Jason flinched.
“No- uh- Jason, you- you gotta catch the ball.”
“But it was coming so fast. I panicked!” Jason explained.
“Alright.” Whizzer took a deep breath. What the hell did he get himself into? “Pick it up and throw it back. Alright? Throw it as hard as you can.”
“Okay.” Jason picked up the baseball and threw it. Whizzer caught the ball, but felt a little burn from the force.
“You’re a better pitcher.” Whizzer laughed. “This time I am going to throw it a little slower, alright?” He asked. Jason nodded. Whizzer threw the ball, but Jason missed. “That’s okay. We can try it again. And again. Until you get it. You’ll get the hang of it. Just don’t give up.”
“I won’t.” Jason threw the ball back.
“Maybe move a little closer. Maybe going to the fence was too far.” Whizzer explained. Jason walked a few steps closer. “Good!” Whizzer threw the ball again. Jason still missed.
“Whizzer, maybe I’m just not good.” Jason picked up the ball.
“Hey! I didn’t catch the ball the first time I played catch with my dad either. It takes time and practice.” Whizzer explained. Jason nodded and threw the ball back. “You cannot give up. Never give up, Jason.” Whizzer threw the ball. Jason caught it just before it hit the ground. “Yes!” Whizzer threw his hands in the air.
“I did it!” Jason exclaimed, making Whizzer laugh.
“Yeah! You did! See, I told you not to give up.” Whizzer smiled. He felt proud.

They played for a few hours, before Whizzer stopped.
“Don’t you think we should call your parents? They might be worried.”
“Yeah.” Jason nodded, throwing the baseball back at Whizzer.
“Come on. Let’s go back inside. I’ll call Marvin and you can get some water.” They walked back into the apartment. “The glasses are-”
“I got it.” Jason explained, grabbing a glass and filling it with tap water. Whizzer sat on the sofa and pulled out his cell, dialing Marvin’s number.
“Now is not a good time, Whizzer. Jason’s missing. If you-”
“Relax. He’s here with me. He came to see me while you guys were fighting.” Whizzer explained.
“What? Why didn’t you call us?” Marvin asked, sounding annoyed.
“Because the kid needed a break. I know what it’s like being an only child and listening to your parents fighting all the time. He’s at my place. He’s fine. You and Trina can come by whenever you want to pick him up.”
“How did he find where you live?”
“Your contacts. You should be more careful, Marvin.”
“Yeah, yeah. We’re coming right now.” Marvin explained, hanging up. Jason sat on the armchair.
“Are they mad at me?”
“I don’t think they’re mad at you. Your dad did seem upset, but it’s because I didn’t call sooner.”
“You know they might get a divorce?” Jason asked.
“What makes you think that?” Whizzer asked.
“Because they keep fighting more and more. It won’t last long.”
“Don’t say that.”
“But it’s true!”
“I know how you feel, Jason. I thought my parents were going to divorce too.”
“Did they?” Jason asked.
“No. My dad died before they could.” Whizzer explained.
“My mom said that the fighting was petty and she wishes things happened differently. So maybe your parents are fighting over stupid things too.”
“Thanks, Whizzer.”
“For what?”
“For today. I had a lot of fun. Here’s your mitt back.”
“Keep it.”
“Really? Are you sure?” Jason asked. “But your dad- he gave it to you and-”
“It doesn’t fit my and anymore. I’m not planning on having any kids, so I can’t pass it on to them. So I’m passing it on to you.” Whizzer smiled.
“Don’t mention it. Do you want to see what’s on TV while we wait for your parents?”
“Are there any baseball games on?” Jason asked.
“There might be.” Whizzer turned on the TV and changed to the sports channel. It was a Yankees versus Red Sox game. “As New Yorkers we are Yankees fans by default, but I personally like the Mets more. No matter what we always boo the Red Sox, though. No matter who they’re up against.”
“Why?” Jason asked.
“Because they’re our arch nemesis.” Whizzer laughed. “It’s just a thing. I can’t tell you why or where it started. I just go with it.”
“Okay.” Jason sat back and watched as Whizzer explained the game.
Whizzer and Jason were able to watch the Red Sox win the game before the buzzer sounded.
“Whizzer?” Marvin’s voice came from the intercom.
“Guess the fun’s over.” Whizzer got up from the sofa to buzz Marvin and Trina in. He opened the door for them and waited.
“Where is he?” Trina pushed past Whizzer.
“Hello to you too.” Whizzer looked at Marvin. “Hi.”
“Hi. Why didn’t you call us when he first got here?” Marvin asked.
“Because Jason needed a break.” Whizzer replied.
“Why did you leave?” Trina asked. “We were so worried. We thought something bad had happened.”
“I’m okay. Can we go home?” Jason asked.
“Yes.” Trina took a deep breath and looked at Whizzer. “Thank you for taking care of him for the past few hours.”
“We had fun! We played catch and Whizzer gave me a mitt.” Jason explained.
“Yeah. Maybe you could teach your dad how to play catch.” Whizzer smirked.
“Funny.” Marvin didn’t look amused. “Uh- you guys go wait in the car. I’ll be out in a bit.” Marvin looked at his wife. She was reluctant, but she did as he said.
“Come on, sweetheart.”
“Okay. Bye, Whizzer.”
“Goodbye, Jason.” Trina and Jason left the apartment. Marvin looked at Whizzer.
“What the hell was this?” Marvin asked.
This! Playing catch with my kid.” Marvin crossed his arms over his chest. “This is-”
“Listen, he came to see me. I was here watching TV and he rang my bell. Maybe if you and your wife would keep the fighting to a minimum, your kid wouldn’t feel like he wants to run away.” Whizzer’s bitterness showed.
“Thank you for taking care of him.” Marvin turned to leave.
“So that’s it? No goodbye kiss? There was a reason you wanted to be alone. You sent your family to the car so we could talk.” Whizzer leaned on the door frame. Marvin shook his head, smiling.
“When you’re right, you’re right.” Marvin kissed Whizzer. “Goodbye.” He started walking to the entrance.
“Are we still on for lunch next week?” Whizzer asked.
“Yes. I’ll see you on Wednesday.” Marvin left the building. Whizzer rolled his eyes and closed the door


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