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The Best Thing That Ever Happened to Me - A Book of Mormon One-Shot [Writing #3]

This wasn't always a BOM one-shot. It used to be cringey, but I changed the characters because it's cute and I like how it came out.
Words: 638

Kevin walked into the apartment he shared with his husband and their newborn daughter. Connor sat on the couch watching something on TV. “Hey!” Kevin smiled at his husband.
“Sh!” Connor looked at the other man. “I just got Grey to go to sleep.” He pointed towards the bedrooms.
“Oh. Sorry.” Kevin lowered his voice. Plopping down on the sofa, he rested his head on his husband’s shoulder. “Are you finally watching Stranger Things?”
“Yeah. You do know how to recommend a show.” Connor smiled. “I like it so far. How was the hospital tonight?”
“Same old, same old. Nothing new to complain about. Everyone was asking about you and our little girl.” Kevin smiled. “Thank God it’s Friday. This weekend I am all yours.”
“Good. You can sleep late.”
“Yeah.” Kevin sat up, yawning.
“You should got to bed.”
“No. I’m okay for at least another hour.”
“Kev.” Connor looked at his husband. “Go to bed. You look exhausted.”
“Do I really?”
“Yes. Go. I’ll join you in a few.” Connor kissed him.
“I love you, Con.”
“I love you too.” Connor smiled. Kevin got up and walked to the bedroom. He did have a long day. Every Friday dragged on longer than most days at the office.
Connor turned off the TV and walked to the bedroom. Kevin lied in bed, on his phone. “What are you doing?”
“Trying to make my eyes tired.” Kevin yawned. “Join me.” He patted Connor’s side of the be. Climbing into bed, the dark haired man watched the ginger. “Have I mentioned how beautiful you are?”
“Shut up.” Connor laughed.
“What? I can’t admire my husband?” Kevin asked.
“And the father of your child.”
“And the father of my child.” Kevin laughed. “Can you believe we’re finally dads.”
“I know right.” Connor sighed. “My mom called today.”
“What did she want?”
“She heard that Grey was born and asked about her. Asked how we were doing.”
Now he cares?” Kevin asked.
“That’s not fair. If it wasn’t for the church-”
“If it wasn’t for the church ex-communicating us, she’d still be in your life. I know the speech. But my issue is why did she choose her belief over her son? My parents did too. It’s fucked up.”
“Hey, language.”
“She’s sleeping.”
“Babies still can learn while their asleep.”
“That’s bullshit.”
“Hey!” Connor clasped his hand over Kevin’s mouth, getting a muffled laugh in response. “Cool it.” He removed his hand.
“Fine.” Kevin smiled. “Arnold and Naba invited us to dinner sometime this week.”
“Sounds good. Bobby offered to babysit whenever we need a night to ourselves.” Connor added.
“I don’t think I’m ready to let her go for a night. I already miss her when I’m at work.” Kevin looked over at the crib. “All of this right here, right now is the best thing that can ever happen to me.”
“Gay you is so much more sentimental than straight you.” Connor laughed. “I remember when we met and you pretended to be as straight as an arrow.”
“Oh God. The mission trip that went wrong. You were in the closet, too. I wasn’t the only one.”
“Yeah, but I wasn’t very good at fighting it.” Connor laughed. “That was one hell of a week. Things were going well until you and Arnold showed up.”
“If Arnold and I never went to Uganda, you and I would both be miserable and I’d probably be in loveless marriage, hating myself and taking it out on my wife.”
“That’s very specific.”
“I’ve thought about it before.” Kevin admitted. “But I’m not in a loveless marriage.” He looked at Connor. “I love you.”
“Love you, too, Kev.” Connor sighed. “We should get to sleep. First one awake makes breakfast.”
“Fair enough.” Kevin put his phone on his night table. “Goodnight.”


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