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Casual Screaming About Bruno Mars

Bringing back the "Casual Screaming" posts. This time I'm fangirling over Bruno Mars because he's is great.
Bruno Mars and girlfriend, Jessica Caban
I would like to start off by saying I think he is one of the most attractive people in the world and I love him so much. I have a Tumblr blog to scream about him and his girlfriend, Jessica Caban. I'll probably write a separate blog post about her because I am in love with her - in an unharmful fan way, not in a creepy stalker way.

I first fell in love with Bruno's voice way back in 2009ish when I first heard "Nothin' On You" on the radio. I fell in love with his voice and this was a time before artist credited who was featured on their songs, so I didn't know who he was or how to find him. Then the music video (inserted below) came out and I got to put a face with the voice and I crushed on him. A lot.
Then after "Nothin' On You" there was "Billionaire" and Bruno's solo songs. The first solo song of his that I fell in love with was "Grenade and still to this day I am so in love with the video. It was done well.
I wouldn't say I stanned Bruno back then, but I did REALLY love his music. Then in 2010, I think it was, he was arrested for cocaine possession or something and little 13 year old me had an actual fit. I remember seeing the mugshot for the first time AND CRYING! I liked him so much and I was so nieve I became ashamed of him just because he was arrested for something drug-related.

I remember I heard "The Lazy Song" for the first time after he was arrested and I hated the song back then. Nowadays I love "The Lazy Song" but I was a dumb kid back then. I stopped listening to him completely and I was anti-Bruno Mars for a while.

Then "Uptown Funk" came out.
"Uptown Funk" became an instant BOP! And it's still one of my favorite songs of all time. It always gets me in a good mood. This song made me fall in love with him again. I slowly started stanning him.

Now we get into how I learned that he impersonated Elvis Presley when he was just two years old. If you've never seen Baby Bruno prepared to be blessed:
Wasn't he adorable!? I'll insert a clip of him performing because it's amazing and adorable and Baby Bruno is an icon.
I can write a whole essay on how Bruno Mars is one of the most talented people in the world, but I'll refrain and I'll try to keep this one short. This clip is adorable. It starts with Bruno's dad. Peter. telling some jokes and talking about why Bruno started impersonating Elvis and then you get to see him perform in his tiny baby cartoony voice.

Here. Have some more baby Bruno:
The Hernandez Family! Bruno is second from the left, obviously
By the way, Bruno Mars' real name is Peter Gene Hernandez and he is Puerto Rican and Filipino.
I have more photos of Bruno than I should. But have these last two last baby pics.

Anyway, after I fell in love with him again, I became obsessed after listening to his last album 24K Magic. It is so freaking good. Go listen to the whole album if you haven't yet. My favorite song off it is "Perm".
I love him so much and I don't want to make this too long, so I'm going to end it soon, but I am Bruno Mars TRASH. I bought the Finesse shirt and I own three caps identical to his 24k caps he wears on stage.
One of my favorite photos of him.
I love this man so much. I wish him more success in his life. He just took home several Grammys this year and I know he is an unstoppable force. I can't wait for his next album.

I'll leave you with my favorite photo of him and the "Finesse (Remix)".

That's all I have for you this time around. More "Casual Screaming" posts to come!


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