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Casual Screaming About Joaquin Phoenix

Hi! Today I'm going to scream and gush about my favorite actor, Joaquin Phoenix!
If you asked me five years ago who is my favorite actor, I would have said Johnny Depp. But he has fallen from grace and I don't want to get into that mess. But I will say I still think Johnny Depp is one of the most talented actors of today. I just don't like him outside of the movies. Not anymore. And I have watched all of his movies except for one.

Now let's talk about Joaquin. If you are not familiar with him by name and that first photo I inserted, this is the part of the blog where I name his most famous movies. He was in Her, The Master, Gladiator, Disney's Brother Bear, Walk the Line, and a lot of other movies. I'll link his filmography here.
The first time I experience Joaquin Phoenix was in Gladiator. I was eleven and I immediately fell in love with him. Besides the fact that I had and still have the biggest crush on him, I fell in love with his portrayal. I hated Commodus. With a fiery passion of a thousand suns. And that is why I fell in love with Joaquin. I usually take the bad guy's side because I believe no one is born a villain. Something makes them that evil. So it takes a lot for me to hate a villain. But I hated Commodus. Meaning, Joaquin did his job as an actor. And he did a damn great job!

It only took that one movie for me to want to see more of his work. So every time he popped up on TV I watched whatever movie it was and I fell more and more in love with him as an actor. The man is really good

 I didn't watch many movies of his after Gladiator because we didn't have cable. We only had 3 channels. Then a few years later, my family finally got cable and we had DVR and I fell back in love with Joaquin after watching We Own the Night. I programmed our DVR to record every single movie with Joaquin Phoenix's name on it. Even if he was a small role.

That's how I made a huge dent in his filmography. I finally watched Disney's Brother Bear after wanting to watch it forever! He lent his voice to the lead character, Kenai. I don't think my obsession with him really hit, though until I watched Walk the Line.
I like older music. You'll see that throughout my blog. In Walk the Line, Joaquin portrayed Johnny Cash. THE Johnny Cash. And he did such an amazing job. I actually became a fan of Cash because of that movie. That is definitely one of Joaquin's best performances hands down. At least in my opinion.

As of right now July 26, 2018, I have seen every single movie released that Joaquin has done except for Mary Magdalene but as soon as I get chance I will see that movie because I was beyond excited about it and I missed it in theaters.

Joaquin has always been an actor I admire and I will admit I'm Still Here came out when I was thirteen. I watched it because it had his name on it. Obviously, it was all a hoax and a mockumentary, but at the time I watched it, I did not know and it broke my heart because I really thought this person I thought the world of was throwing away his career and his life. I remember watching it really late on the couch and crying and freaking out over it.
And now looking back I make fun of myself and praise the genius of that mockumentary because it had the world believing Joaquin was going to quit acting and start a music career in hip-hop.

Joaquin became my favorite actor as soon as I dropped Johnny Depp. They were always neck and neck, but the only reason why I held Johnny higher is because he was around my whole life. My love for Johnny Depp went back to when I first watched Edward Scissorhands when I was four. No joke. And I own a box set of 21 Jump Street and most of my movie collection is his films.

But since I have set my focuses on Joaquin, my only issue is having to explain to people who he is and why I admire him so much.

Four movies come to mind when people ask me what my favorite Joaquin movie is: The Master, Her, The Immigrant and Walk the Line.
If I had to say what the best movie he's done was, I'd probably say The Master. Go watch it if you haven't. It is SO good. I watched it on Netflix last. I don't know if it's still on Netflix, but if it is WATCH IT!
Her is probably my favorite movie he's done that I've seen so far. Besides him being absolutely amazing in it, Scarlett Johannsson and Amy Adams are also in it and they are both actors I have been in love with for YEARS. I will write a blog post about why Her is one of my favorite movies if anyone is interested.

The Immigrant is a movie near and dear to my heart mostly because my favorite quote of all time is said by Joaquin's character, Bruno, but also because I love period pieces and I love Marion Cotillard. The quote is "if you could lick my heart you'd taste nothing but poison" and I have been weirdly in love with this quote since the first time I saw this movie. I am going to link the final scene here because I just think it's one of Joaquin's best scenes, in my opinion. The Immigrant may still be on Netflix. So go check it out.

Joaquin's character, Bruno, is a villain type but he's both lovable but you also hate him, but sometimes you pity the guy. And he plays him so well. I actually might watch the movie after I finish writing this.
Now that we've talked about what he's done, let's talk about his upcoming project that I am MOST excited for.

Joaquin is going to be playing the Joker in an upcoming Joker origin film. Let me start off by saying that the Joker is my favorite fictional character of all time. He is pure evil and in The Killing Joke you get an idea of why he's evil, but that's just one comic in one part of the Batman universe.

I am so excited to see Joaquin play the Joker because I feel like he is going to be absolutely perfect in the role. And all of the concept fan art of him as the Joker has been getting me more excited for it.

I know Gary Oldman has mentioned wanting to see Joaquin as Batman, but I disagree. I think Joaquin would be a perfect Bruce Wayne, but I don't see him as Batman. However, he is - in my opinion - one of the greatest actors of all time so I have faith he would be able to pull it off if given the chance.

In the end, I love Joaquin Phoenix and I would even go as far as saying I think he is the greatest actor we will see for a long time.

And I am so shocked I didn't write a paragraph about how beautiful he is, but just so I can get it out: HAVE YOU SEEN HIS EYES? AND HIS VOICE! AND WOW I LOVE THIS MAN SO MUCH AND WILL SUPPORT HIM TILL THE DAY I DIE!

The end. Have a nice rest of your week.


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