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Showing posts from February, 2023

That Time George Washington Wore Dentures

 Happy Monday! It's the last "That Time..." of the month and since it was George Washington's birthday last week, I figured why not write about him again. However, today's post is about his teeth. If you think that's a weird thing to write about, welcome to my blog and I hope you enjoy my other weird history posts. George Washington was a "Founding Father" and the first US President. Yes, the photo above is a photo of his dentures. Don't question it. Just go with it. If you're American like me, you were raised on the myth that George Washington had fake teeth made of wood. I am here to debunk the myth and tell you all about his teeth and dentures. I learned more about his teeth in research for this post than I ever thought I would. George Washington had his first tooth extracted, in April 1756 when he was only 24. He wrote in his diary that the extraction was by "Doctor Watson". He paid what the equivalent of $50 today is. By the ti

Fangirl Friday: George Harrison!

 ANOTHER WEEK WE HAVE CONQUERED!!! My mental health is tanking, but recently something reignited my Beatles fixation and I figured since it's George Harrison's 80th birthday tomorrow! I'd write about him. I mean he is my favorite Beatle, contrary to popular beliefs and some evidence that points elsewhere. HAPPY 80TH, GEORGIE! LOOK! Before you say anything I KNOW Paul McCartney is my ride or die, the love of my life. HOWEVER, he's not my favorite Beatle. He was when I first got into them as a teenager. But as an adult, I've found a new appreciation for George Harrison. I believe George Harrison is the superior Beatle. I think he's written better music while in the Beatles and in his solo career. When I originally made the decision to write this post for this week specifically I figured there were plenty of ways to go about it. I could write about my favorite George moments when he was in the Beatles. I could list my favorite songs of his. But I think I'll jus

That Time Grigori Rasputin Was Known As Russia's Greatest Love Machine

 Heyo! Welcome back! I took a much-needed week off for my mental sanity. But I also wasn't feeling well at all last week, but I am okay! And excited about today's topic! Today I figured we'd all learn what the deal is with Grigori Rasputin's reputation as "Russia's greatest love machine". Let's get into some "quick" background if you've never heard the name Grigori Rasputin. He was a mystic and "holy man". Though the latter can be debated. He became close with the Russian royal family after being a "faith healer" to Tsar Nicholas II's son, Alexei. If you, like me grew up in the 90s or early 2000s, you probably know him as the villain of Fox's 1997 animated film, Anastasia. That was my introduction to him and you can believe how shook I was when I found out he was a real person. There is also the option that you've only heard his name in the 1978 Boney M song, "Rasputin". Which if you know the song

Fangirl Friday: The Carpetbagger

 Heyo! Another week down! This week's spotlight is on my favorite YouTuber, The Carpetbagger! This post is going to be different from most because I'm going to be including YouTube videos instead of photos. Bear with me. I discovered The Carpetbagger YouTube channel in 2017. After dropping out of college (the first time) in 2016, I started watching a bunch of Disney vloggers, and among them was The Tim Tracker. I also was watching Adam the Woo at the time. So YouTube suggested The Carpetbagger channel to me. I've been a fan ever since. The Carpetbagger channel is a traveling channel run by Jacob who I fully believe I would vibe with. He visits the most interesting roadside attractions as well as a lot of "haunted" attractions. I LOVE his channel in the Halloween season.  My father and I have a lot of dream trips. Placed we'd like to check out, but don't have the means to at the moment. I get to live vicariously through Jacob's videos which I think is

Let's Talk About My MCU Burnout

Hey! In case you don't know me, I'm a fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. I've been following it, but I've been growing very tired of it. I'm not as excited about it. Let's talk about it because I needed a post for today. DISCLAIMER: This post will include spoilers so if you are not caught up by Wakanda Forever, go catch up and come back. ALSO this is all my opinion. You are more than welcome to disagree, but I don't really care if you disagree. I've been a Marvel fan for as long as I can remember, I grew up with X-Men: The Animated Series and the early 2000s films with Patrick Stewart as Charles Xavier. I always preferred X-Men over The Avengers. But this isn't about X-Men though I will most likely write several posts about the X-Men movieverse. I don't want to talk about the X-Men being introduced to the MCU. I also grew up watching the original The Incredible Hulk TV show with Lou Ferrigno as Hulk. I watched the 2003 Hulk movie with Eric Ban

That Time New York City Banned Women From Smoking

First That Time... post of February! WHOO! Today's post is about a misogynistic time in history. I cannot remember where I learned about this, but when I read about it I knew it was getting its own post. We're learning about the 1908 Sullivan Ordinance that banned women from smoking in public venues. In 1908, New York Alderman, Timothy "Little Tim" Sullivan brought an issue before his colleagues. He believed that women smoking was unattractive. A common belief of the time was that women smoking was "dangerously sexual, immoral and not to be trusted" . While none of the Aldermen took the ordinance seriously, it passed unanimously, despite the belief that it was illegal. Little Tim Sullivan believed that despite his ordinance infringing on woman's constitutional rights, he would be able to get away with it. And he did. For two weeks. The ordinance was passed on January 21, 1908. The New York Times reported, "After today it will be against the law for

Fangirl Friday: Taron Egerton

 Heyo! Happy Friday! Today's spotlight is on one of my favorite actors. I feel like I say that with all of these, but Taron Egerton is a special one. DISCLAIMER I am a little behind on his work because I don't have AppleTV and I haven't given his TV voice roles the proper love and attention they deserve. I have seen all his films that have come out thus far. And I VOW to watch the shows he's worked on at some point. Taron Egerton is not an actor I can say that I've followed "since the beginning". I, like most of his fans, found him through his role in Kingsman: The Secret Service when he played Eggsy Unwin. I immediately fell head over heels in love with Eggsy and if you've watched Kingsman, you know why. I got into the Kingsman fandom a little late because I wanted to watch them when they first came out because I've been in love with Colin Firth since I was 8 and he played the dad in Nanny McPhee. But I can't remember why I waited so long to f

January in Review

 Honestly, I had nothing planned for this post and was planning to just not write anything. Then I got the random idea to maybe every once in a while share what I've been listening to, watching, reading, etc. Being that some undiagnosed mental illness has left me unable to read books, even if I am interested in reading said book, I've mostly been reading fanfictions. If you'd like me to keep a fanfiction recommendations page on my blog, I would LOVE to because there are a few that I go back to frequently and some new ones. I've been mostly listening to Weird Al as you probably could tell by my last two posts about him. Check out  Fangirl Friday: Weird Al Yankovic  or My Top 10 Weird Al Yankovic Music Videos . I did find this song by Panicland titled "The Edge" that I can't stop listening to. I am so late. The song came out in 2018, but it scratches my brain in the best way. Definitely will check out more of the band's music and who knows? Maybe they&#