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Marvin and Whizzer Go to a Museum - Falsettos One Shot [Writing #10]

Words: 1475

Marvin and Whizzer sat in the care before going into the museum. They were going to see the unveiling of a new exhibit showing off some of Whizzer's work. "Remember what we talked about."
"What? To not make a big deal if there are a few penis photographs?" Marvin laughed. "I'll behave, Whiz. I'm not the jealous type."
"Of course you're not." Whizzer rolled his eyes. "None of our private photos are there." Whizzer had been over this over and over again and Marvin was tired of it. "But there are some really cute photos of you. But they are the ones you okayed."
"Relax, Whizzer." Marvin laughed. He patted Whizzer's knee. "I am excited to see your work. I really am."
"Thanks, Marv. Come on." They got out of Whizzer's car and walked into the museum. Whizzer walked to the front desk. "Hi! I'm Whizzer Brown and-"
"Like the Whizzer Brown? The photographer?" The girl asked. She couldn't have been out of high school yet. But he enthusiasm made Whizzer smile.
"Yes. I'm that Whizzer Brown."
"Please go on ahead. You don't have to purchase tickets for the museum. It is your exhibit."
"Thanks! This is my plus one. Is he cleared, too?" Whizzer pointed at Marvin who smiled and waved awkwardly.
"Of course. Go right on ahead." She smiled.
"Thank you." Whizzer and Marvin walked into the massive museum.
"Did you see that?" Marvin laughed. "She called you the Whizzer Brown."
"Shut up." Whizzer shook his head.
"That must mean you're really good." Marvin grabbed Whizzer's hips.
"Easy!" Whizzer grabbed Marvin's hands. "Just because she's a fan, it doesn't mean that my work is any good." Whizzer stopped at the doors leading to the photography exhibit gallery. "What if it's not any good? What if no one likes it and-"
"Relax." Marvin pulled Whizzer closer to him. "If you weren't any good, I doubt they would have ever asked you to submit your work. And to a museum! Art galleries are one thing, but this is a well-known and highly respected museum. This is the real deal."
"Thank you, Marv." Whizzer kissed the shorter man. "Alright, let's go see this shit show." They walked into the gallery. It was a lot bitter than Marvin was expecting. People were looking at Whizzer's photographs and discussing them.
"Shall we stay together, or go our separate ways?"
"I mean- you can go on your own if you want," Whizzer replied.
"Okay.  Let's meet up again in a few minutes." Marvin suggested. Whizzer nodded. Marvin left him and scanned the photos slowly, stopping at a photo of the New York skyline titled 'Daybreak in the City'.
"It's amazing how the photographer was able to capture that." A blonde man stood next to Marvin.
"Yeah. It's great." Marvin nodded.
"The colors in the sky. It's magnificent." The man laughed. "I'm Charles, by the way."
"Marvin." They shook hands.
"Are you the 'laughing man'?" Charles asked referring to one of Whizzer's photographs.
"Yes." Marvin nodded, laughing. "That was me."
"So you're a friend of the photographer?"
"Something like that."
"Have you ever modeled? Professionally?" Charles asked. Marvin stared at him, shocked. He didn't see himself as someone good looking enough to model.
"I have not. I-"
"Why not? You'd be great."
"Thank you, but-"
"Let me give you my card-"
"Wha-" Before Marvin could protest, Charles handed him a business card. "Oh?"
"This is my card," Charles smirked. "Call if you're looking for a modeling gig- or if you'd like to get a drink sometime."
"Thank you, but-" Marvin began to decline, but Whizzer showed up at his side.
"Hi." Marvin looked at the taller man.
"Hello." Charles smiled.
"I didn't know you were going to be here, Charles."
"I wanted to support an old friend." Charles smiled. "You still have a great eye."
"Yeah, thanks. Marvin is here with me." Whizzer grabbed Marvin's hand, shocking him because Whizzer didn't like showing PDA.
"Oh. Sorry, Whiz." Charles laughed.
"How do you know each other?" Whizzer asked.
"I'd appreciate it if you didn't flirt with my boyfriend at my exhibit." Whizzer's jealousy annoyed Marvin.
"I didn't know you were dating and last I checked he's not your property."
"I never said he was."
"Whizzer." Marvin tried grabbing his boyfriend's attention.
"No, you didn't directly call him your property, but the way you're acting right now-" Charles laughed. "They way you said he was your boyfriend. Is he not allowed to talk to other people?"
"No, he can talk to anyone he wants to. Just not you." Whizzer stepped closer to Charles, giving Marvin a sinking feeling in his stomach. He had a feeling if he didn't get Whizzer out, it wasn't going to end well.
"Whizzer, let's just go." Marvin grabbed Whizzer's shoulder.
"No!" Whizzer shook his hand off. "You really haven't changed, Charles. It's been almost ten years and you're still-"
"Then I'll go!" Marvin left the gallery, making Whizzer stop. He took a deep breath and looked at Charles for a few moments before going after Marvin.
"Marv, wait!" He followed him outside. "Marvin!"
"I'll take a cab home." Marvin didn't stop walking.
"The hell you will!" Whizzer ran to catch up and grabbed Marvin's shoulder, finally getting him to stop. "I'm sorry."
"No, you're not. What the hell happened in there, Whizzer? I've never seen you get so jealous? Who the hell is he? How do you know him?"
"I'm sorry, Marvin. You don't know him like I do. I just-" Whizzer took a deep breath and brushed his hair back. "He's an ex-boyfriend."
"Of course he is." Marvin rolled his eyes and turned his back to Whizzer.
"I didn't know he was going to be here! I'm sorry if you think I got out of hand, but you don't know him like I do. He-"
"Don't try justifying it. I'll see you tonight. Go enjoy your exhibit." Marvin walked away. Whizzer didn't go back into the museum. He only wanted to come to show Marvin. So he decided to go home.
Hours had passed and Whizzer had no idea when Marvin was going to come back home. He hated when Marvin was upset with him. It stressed him out and when he was stressed, he baked. And he baked. A lot. He made so many cupcakes he could probably feed a small village in Uganda. It was almost midnight and he started worrying. Maybe he should start baking again.
The sound of the front door closing made him so happy. "Marvin!" He walked into the living room. Marvin looked at him for a few seconds. "I'm sorry."
"Not tonight."
"I am sorry. I'm sorry. I knew I screwed up, but I baked."
"Did you?" Marvin asked, walking towards the kitchen. "How much?"
"Uh- a few- dozen cupcake," Whizzer explained. Marvin looked at the kitchen. You couldn't even see the counter tops anymore.
"A few dozen? Whizzer!"
"I'm sorry! You know I stress bake and I'm stressed because you were upset with me! I didn't know when you were coming home and the later it got, the more stressed I was so I kept baking. I didn't know what else to do and-"
"Shut up!' Marvin took a deep breath and looked at Whizzer.
"I-" Whizzer pressed his lips together and nodded. "Sorry." He whispered.
"I- I was upset and annoyed because I really thought you were going to fight this guy. I get why you get defensive when people flirt with me, but- I didn't want a repeat of last time."
"Okay, but he was asking for it last time."
"And you spent a night in jail." Marvin crossed his arms across his chest.
"I'm sorry, Marv. I am." Whizzer sighed. "I- I just I go crazy when I see other guys hit on you because-"
"Because of what?" Marvin asked.
"Because I don't want to lose you to some brainless pretty boy."
"That's why you're so jealous?" Marvin asked, laughing.
"Why are you laughing! I'm being serious!"
"Whizzer, I love you. You know I love you and I would never leave you for a brainless pretty boy." He laughed, kissing Whizzer. "So you're ex has no brain."
"Well- Charles is a special case." Whizzer laughed. "He's also a photographer."
"Ah." Marvin smiled. "Come on. Let's go to bed. It's late."
"You're not mad anymore?"
"Alright before we go to bed we have to find somewhere to put these cupcakes."
"Well, I can take care of one or two." Marvin smiled, grabbing two cupcakes. Whizzer laughed.
"Where did you go after you left the museum?" Whizzer asked.
"Oh. I went to see Jason and then we went out to eat. Played chess for a few hours. That kid is going to be the greatest chess player the world has ever seen."
"Yeah." Whizzer smiled.


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