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The Carnival - An In the Heights One-Shot [Writing #14]

Shortly after I got into Hamilton in 2016, I also fell in love with In the Heights and if you asked me, I'd say I love ITH more than Hamilton. Sorry. I don't make the rules. Here's a quick cutesy one-shot I wrote about the In the Heights characters.

Words: 787

Usnavi sat on a pink milk crate outside his store The day was slow and it was hot as hell inside. Almost no one had shown up in the past hour and he was considering closing early.
"Babe!" Vanessa called him from down the block. He looked at her confused. "What are you doing?"
"Working. Still." He patted the side of the building, which was moist from the humidity. "Why do you ask?"
"The carnival is open and I really want to go."
"So go."
"But I want you to come with me."
"I would, but-"
"Come on, Navi!" She whined, approaching him. "It's right down the street. You never have any fun. You're always working. I'm sure Sonny can handle the store on his own. You did when you were his age."
"See, but I wasn't alone at first. I had abuela." Usnavi laughed. "I'm sorry, Vanessa. You can go, but I'm not." Vanessa sat on the black milk crate next to him, where Sonny normally sat. He stared at her.
"Daniela closed the salon early. I am not going without you." She told him, crossing her arms across her chest. "So you're either going to have to deal with me harassing your life until you close or you can give in and come with me to the carnival." Shaking his head, Usnavi laughed at her. He lifted his cap to wipe the sweat from his forehead with the used Bounty in his hand. "Please!" She grabbed his arm and started shaking it like a child.
"I'm sorry, but-" Before he could finish, Sonny walked outside.
"Come on, man! Like no one is going to be coming to buy shit. Everyone is at the carnival. Let's close early and join them." He stood in front of Usnavi and Vanessa. "Oh, hi, Vanessa. Look, you can win her a cute little stuffed animal or something. Make it a romantic date at the carnival."
"Why? You got plans?" Usnavi asked.
"Do you have a date?" Vanessa asked, teasing Sonny.
"Something like that." Sonny smiled.
"What's her name?" Vanessa asked.
"Don't worry about it." Sonny replied.
"What have you and Graffiti Pete got planned tonight?" Usnavi asked. Sonny thought Usnavi didn't know he spent almost every night with Pete, trying to get his street art off the street. But Usnavi knew. Thanks to Daniela and Carla.
"We're going to talk to some people in Brooklyn about him putting on an art show," Sonny explained. Usnavi took a deep breath.
"Fine. You guys win. I'll close early." Usnavi got up. "It's too hot to do anything. Why the hell do you want to go to the carnival?"
"Because it's only here for like a week. Come on!" Vanessa groaned. "Please!"
"Alright! Let me close down shop." He grabbed his crate. Vanessa stood up and handed Usnavi hers. he walked into the store, leaving Vanessa and Sonny outside.
"So you and Pete, huh?" She asked, smiling.
"I'm his manager. I take care of his career. When it takes off I'm quitting the store and dedicating all my time to him. And it art!" Sonny told her, making her smile. "What?"
"Does Pete know you're in love with him?"
"What? I'm not in love with him."
"Okay. Whatever you say, Sonny." Vanessa giggled.
"Hey!" Benny and Nina crossed the street and stopped outside the store, joining Vanessa and Sonny. "Are you guys coming to the carnival?" Nina asked.
"Usnavi and I are, but this one has a hot date." Vanessa laughed.
"Really? What are you and Graffiti Pete up to tonight?" Benny asked.
"I'm not in love with him! Ugh! Tell Usnavi I'll see him tomorrow." Sonny left them, aggravated.
"Geez. I hope he knows we're just kidding." Nina laughed. "Where's Usnavi?"
"Closing up shop for the night," Vanessa explained.
"We can go together, then. Benny promised to win me a bear or something."
"We'll see what happens." Benny wrapped his arms around his girlfriend. "Some of those game are fixed, anyway." Usnavi walked outside, making sure the door was locked. Reaching up, he pulled the grate down. Pete's artwork brought color to the grey grate. It was a portrait of Abuela Claudia.
"Are you ready?" Vanessa watched as Usnavi locked the grate.
"Yeah, where's Sonny?" Usnavi asked, not noticing Benny and Nina.
"He left," Benny explained.
"Oh, shit. Hi. I didn't see you guys. How are you? You guys going to the carnival too?" Usnavi asked.
"Yeah. Nina's dragging me along."
"Shut up. You were just as excited as I was about the carnival." Nina looked at Benny. He laughed. Usnavi kissed Vanessa's temple and wrapped his arm around her as the four of them made their way to the carnival.


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