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Showing posts from September, 2018

Autumn Leaves [Writing #17]

It's been a good while since I last posted a piece of my writing. This is called Autumn Leaves and it's very much inspired by Leslie Odom Jr.'s song and video. I originally wrote this using Leslie and his wife, Nicolette Robinson, but that was weird so I changed the character's names and I changed Tony to Grammy. Words: 1904 "The falling leaves Drift by my window The autumn leaves Of red and gold" "So what now?" Lucius asked, sitting on the concrete stairs. He looked up at Violet. "Now you're just going to leave and pretend the last four years never happened?"' "I just need some space." Turning her back to him, she began to walk away. "I love you, Vi." She couldn't see his pained expression, but she heard his tone. She would have responded, but she needed to get away. She needed to clear her head. There was too much that happening and it was all happening too fast. She couldn't keep up anym

Casual Screaming About CrankThatFrank

Apology: This was supposed to go up on Thursday, but mid-writing this post, I got sidetracked, so it's going up on Saturday because I had another blog scheduled for Friday, but I am writing this on Thursday night as I wait for I am a consumer of content on YouTube. There are only seven people I watch religiously. Among those is CrankThatFrank. I've mentioned him in a previous post. I have been watching him for three years now. I just love his content. I don't have photos to post so I'll include some of my favorite videos of his. It won't be a super long post, I just wanted to write a post about Frank because he is one of my favorite YouTubers and he's gotten me through some things in the past three years and I do consider him one my spiritual guru - this is a joke. Two of his videos have changed my life for the better. I would not be going to my first real concert in November if it wasn't for him. Quality content. I really wanted to go to Frank&#

Fangirl Friday; Palaye Royale

Today, I'm going to casually scream about a band I recently came across and have fallen in love with. That band is Palaye Royale. Full disclaimer: I am still a very new fan. I have not dived into them like I have for other bands, but that time is coming soon. But I have been listening to their music a lot and WE STAN. They are the first band that fully encompasses my aesthetic. I have no idea how to explain it other than that. If blogger gives me issues inserting videos I have plenty of photos. The band is made up of three members: Remington Leith - Vocals Sebastian Danzig - Guitar Emerson Barrett - Drums Sebastian Danzig, Remington Leith, and Emerson Barrett I don't know how accurate Spotify is, but that is what I am using as my source for their filmography, but I know Spotify sometimes doesn't have all of an artist's discography. I am specifically scheduling this to be posted the day their second album comes out. Discography: EPs: The

My Top 5 Favorite Singers (Sept. 2018 Update)

I did this last year. If you want to see how my taste has changed, you can find that post here . There are two people still in my top 5 from last year and 2 from the year before and one who is brand new who I recently learned about. So without further ado, here if my top 5 favorite singers. They're all guys. I'll probably do a top 10 favorite female singers at some point because that deserves a post of its own. 5. Freddie Mercury Freddie Mercury had one of the greatest voices, if not the greatest voice of all time. He is best known for being the lead singer and frontman of Queen. He's the guy who wrote and sang "Bohemian Rhapsody". It was so hard to choose just one song, for this post. I found the video above which is his vocals alone for the song "Somebody to Love". His voice is a big reason I ever got attracted to Queen who is one of my favorite bands of all time. I've written some posts about them in the past. Freddie's voice is ju

My Top 5 Favorite Movies (Sept. 2018)

I AM BACK! I got WiFi back so I am back to daily blogs, hopefully. Keep your fingers crossed. I thought that for my first blog, it would be easy and I'd just talk about my five favorite movies of all time. Since I haven't had WiFi for two months, I was "forced" to watch a lot of movies on my phone and some old DVDs I had. I've watched so many movies and I've fallen in love with so many new moves that have changed my former five favorite movies. So behold my top 5. This doesn't include the Jackass movies because those are TRULY my favorite movies, but that deserves a whole blog post on its own. 5. Ferris Bueller's Day Off Let me start by saying how hard it was to decide which movie poster to use. It took me ten minutes too long. For a long time, this was my favorite movie. I watched it so many times and it's just a great movie. It has gotten pushed down on the list, but I still love it so much. Cameron Frye still stands as my favorite

My Thoughts on American Satan

IF YOU HAVE NOT WATCHED AMERICAN SATAN, YET DO NOT READ AHEAD SPOILERS AHEAD!!! I have seen this movie so many times I have fallen in love with it. Though, I will say the more I watch it, the more flaws I find, but I'm not going to point out it's flaws. It became my favorite movie after the second watch. The first watch has my shaken. I wasn't ready for ANY of it. I love dark movies. I love rock. I love Andy Biersack, Denise Richards and Malcolm McDowell. It was destined to be a movie I was going to love. Malcolm McDowell as Mr. Capricon I have been interested in this movie since I first  heard about it in late 2016 or early 2017. I don't remember, but I really tried convincing my religious parents to let my little brother and I see it on it's October, Friday the 13th premiere. They said no. It took me almost a whole year to finally get it and watch it and I am so in love. I got into Palaye Royale a week before I finally watched the movie. I knew An

Family Photos - A Falsettos One-Shot [Writing #16]

I have had the most fun writing Falsettos one-shots because the characters are just so fun to write about and to try to capture their voices. This is the tight-knit family getting ready for and taking family photos. Words: 2480 Mendel fought with his tie. Marvin never specified if the dress code was dressy or not. So to be on the safer side, Mendel decided to dress up. "Mendel?" Trina walked into their bedroom, she watched Mendel fight with his tie for a few moments before laughing. "What are you doing?" "I am trying to finish getting dressed." He explained, letting the tie hang around his neck. "Keyword: trying." Trina laughed. "Forget the tie. Unbutton the top button of your shirt and you'll be fine." "But-" "Mendel, honey, don't bother arguing. Today is not  the day. Marvin will tell you." Trina sighed. "Come on. The sooner we leave the sooner we get there and then we can get this al

The Shadow Side (Album by Andy Black)

When I was in middle school, I started listening to a lot of rock bands. One of them was Black Veil Brides. I loved their music and I still do. I didn't fangirl over them like I do for most bands. Honestly, I could name their songs and albums faster than I can name their members. But, hey, that's how I am for All Time Low and Hot Chelle Rae. Love the music, never really got into the band members. However, I will admit I had the biggest crush on the lead singer of Black Veil Brides, Andy Biersack. He is hands down one of my favorite singers and let's just state the obvious and get that out of the way: the man is beyond gorgeous. Honestly, I was saving pictures of him for this post and it took all of my self-control to not just save every picture I found on Google. The crush has died, but I can still appreciate that he is, in my opinion, the most attractive man on Earth. So I want to talk about his solo album The Shadow Side. To be completely truthful, when I first heard

Untitled 6 [Writing #15]

Hi. Enjoy some queer feels here. The prompt for this was "be my wife" and I was tired of heteronormative fluff. Honestly, this is my personal goals if I ever have a girlfriend. Words: 376 After a late night out, Brittney and Nicolette stumbled into the house they shared on their suburban cul-de-sac. They had been celebrating their four year anniversary of being together. Four years of putting up with Nicolette's homophobic family. A four year uphill climb, but it was all worth it. They were happy and in love. And tonight they were drunk. "That guy at the bar was checking you out all night and his face when you kissed me reminded me why I'm so happy to be gay." Brittney laughed, falling onto the sofar. "But I will admit he was a good looking guy." "Oh my gosh. The lesbian queen of Worcester found a man attractive! The end is nigh!" Nicolette laughed, sitting next to her girlfriend. "I had a great time tonight. We should really


I have WiFi again, temporarily, so I am going to be scheduling posts for the next week or so. I don't have posts to go with the weekly schedule I made, so we're not keeping to that. I'm going to try to schedule as many posts as I can before I lose WiFi again, but expect a post tomorrow!