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Fangirl Friday; Palaye Royale

Today, I'm going to casually scream about a band I recently came across and have fallen in love with. That band is Palaye Royale.
Full disclaimer: I am still a very new fan. I have not dived into them like I have for other bands, but that time is coming soon.

But I have been listening to their music a lot and WE STAN. They are the first band that fully encompasses my aesthetic. I have no idea how to explain it other than that.

If blogger gives me issues inserting videos I have plenty of photos.

The band is made up of three members:
Remington Leith - Vocals
Sebastian Danzig - Guitar
Emerson Barrett - Drums
Sebastian Danzig, Remington Leith, and Emerson Barrett
I don't know how accurate Spotify is, but that is what I am using as my source for their filmography, but I know Spotify sometimes doesn't have all of an artist's discography.

I am specifically scheduling this to be posted the day their second album comes out.


The Ends Beginning (2013)
Studio Albums:
Boom Boom Room (Side A) (2016)
Boom Boom Room (Side B) (2018)
Emerson, CrankThatFrank, and Remington
Backstory as to how I came across them as I always do. As you know if you read my Waterparks blog (which you can find here) I mentioned how CrankThatFrank is one of my favorite YouTubers. All the way in January of this year, Frank did a video with two members of Palaye Royale, Emerson, and Remington.

I was meaning to listen to them because again, I say, I trust Frank's music taste more than people I know personally. However, month flew by and I didn't finally listen to them until early August. And let me just say, I am kicking myself for not listening to them sooner.
As I said earlier in this post, Palaye Royale achieves the rock aesthetic I have been searching for my whole life. The closest a band has gotten to achieving my aesthetic was My Chemical Romance. I don't even know how to explain it. It's the physical aesthetic of the band member's fashion choices. The aesthetic and style of the music videos. Their song lyrics. Their sound. Don't even get me started on Remington's voice. He very quickly became my favorite singer. He beat our Brendon Urie.

If there was ever a perfect band for my taste, it's Palaye Royale.
The first song I heard by them was "Mr. Doctor Man". I am a sucker for good music videos and that is a GREAT one. It's included above so you can see for yourself. I fell in love with the song immediately and had it on repeat for days.

Not gonna lie, but the first thing I fell in love with is Remington's voice. Boy, he can sing! I can't even put into words why I love his voice. He's just become my favorite song, hands down. Not to mention that based on some of the live videos I've seen, his voice is just as amazing live.

But even if I didn't love his voice as much as I do, I would have still fallen in love with the band. They are just that good.

I wish I knew more technical music terms so I could better explain why I love them so much. The only way I can explain it is if you want to know what my true aesthetic is, it's everything to do with this band. Their outfits and videos are appealing to my eyeballs and their music and lyrics appeal to my brain.
I think I could go as far as saying that they are neck and neck with Panic! at the Dico as my favorite band. But honestly, I do enjoy Palaye Royale a little bit more. It's nothing personal @ Panic!. Panic! has gotten me through a lot of rough times in my life.

After listening to "Mr. Doctor Man" for the first time, it reminded me of when I heard "I Write Sins Not Tragedies" on the radio for the first time and fell head over heels in love with Panic! at the Disco.

As with all my posts about bands, now is the part where I talk about my favorite song. This is such a hard decision because I am writing this a day before Boom Boom Room (Side B) comes out and I have listened to Boom Boom Room (Side A) all day.
But if I had to choose one without thinking too much, it would be "Death Dance". It's a song that keeps getting stuck in my head and it sounded amazing when I blasted it in my dad's car last weekend. Blogger won't let me insert the video so it is linked in the title.

"Teenage Heartbreak Queen" was in close second. Boy, do they know how to write good music that gets stuck in your head. I don't have any least favorite song because they're that good.

Rate: 100/10 because they are so much better than I anticipated and no band has become my fave that fast.

They are a band that I can see myself listening to for the rest of my life just like Panic! at the Disco and My Chemical Romance.

I almost got tickets to see them, but they are performing the day before I see Waterparks - and in the same city - and it's an hour drive away from me and I cannot afford gas money like that. But one day I'll see them. I vow to one day see them.

Please check them out if you haven't. They are so good.

Check them out. Stan them. Support them. Buy Boom Boom Room (Side B) today, or save it on Spotify.


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