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My Thoughts on American Satan


I have seen this movie so many times I have fallen in love with it. Though, I will say the more I watch it, the more flaws I find, but I'm not going to point out it's flaws.
It became my favorite movie after the second watch. The first watch has my shaken. I wasn't ready for ANY of it.

I love dark movies. I love rock. I love Andy Biersack, Denise Richards and Malcolm McDowell. It was destined to be a movie I was going to love.
Malcolm McDowell as Mr. Capricon
I have been interested in this movie since I first heard about it in late 2016 or early 2017. I don't remember, but I really tried convincing my religious parents to let my little brother and I see it on it's October, Friday the 13th premiere. They said no.

It took me almost a whole year to finally get it and watch it and I am so in love. I got into Palaye Royale a week before I finally watched the movie. I knew Andy Biersack didn't sing for his character in the movie, but I didn't know it was Palay Royale's Remington Leith - who by the way has made it as my favorite singer of all time as of right now.

Honestly, I can thank Palaye Royale for being so good, I decided to finally get American Satan and watch it. I'll write a whole post about Palaye Royale because they are becoming my favorite band. They're good. Go put their Spotify on shuffle. Thank me later.

I think the entire cast did an amazing job. For it being Andy's first big "commercial" movie and never really having acted before. Plus I just think he was perfect for the role. He looks the rockstar aesthetic.
(L to R) Jesse Sulivan, Ben Bruce, Sebastian Gregory,
Andy Biersack and Booboo Stewart as The Relentless
Before I talk about the rest of the cast and the whole movie in general, can we stop and appreciate that they cast Malcolm McDowell to play Satan and I think that is one of the best casting choices of all time. I have been a fan of his for years and I think this was a really great fit.

I would like to admit that even though I used to be a fan of Asking Alexandria, I did not know who Ben Bruce was. I know. Fake fan. But let me tell you the scene where Leo find Ricky dead, hit me so hard because of Ben's performance. Give that man an Oscar.
(L to R) Andy Biersack, John Bradley, Booboo Stewart,
Sebastian Gregory, and Jesse Sullivan
John Bradley and Sebastian Gregory did great in their roles. I think Ricky's death was the moment when the storyline actually started going downhill. Honestly, wish there was a little more about Dylan. He just seemed like a filler character. Like you could watch the movie without Dylan and it wouldn't take away from the main story. And it's not the actor's fault. Just the way the movie was written.
Booboo Stewart as Vic Lakota
Booboo Stewart, who I have been a fan of since the Twilight movies did well in his role. Vic Lakota was probably the most innocent member of the band and while the movie gave him a good role it wasn't as big as it could have been. Again, not a fault of the actor.

The actors were given a script and they delivered it and they delivered it well.

Let me talk about Jesse Sullivan as Lily. First of all, I think she delivered her character very well. I would say that Lily is the biggest antagonist. Not Mr. Capricorn. She seduced Johnny and purposefully answered a call with Gretchen. And she very much persuaded Johnny to start using heroin. I know he did it at his own free will, bu I think he would have been fine, had Lily not told him to stay at the Bordello.

Johnny was really like "I can get in trouble here" and he did!

So yeah, if you asked me, I'd say Lily is my least favorite character besides Damien.
Drake Bell and Andy Biersack
Let's quickly go over Damien, played by Drake Bell. First of all, I am not a fan of Drake Bell. I used to be a HUGE fan up until three years ago. He really annoys me and it's only fitting he played a spoiled rich kid that idiotically got himself killed. No offense to Drake Bell. I think he's talented. I just can't stand him, personally. But he played his part well. So he gets a gold star in my book.
(L to R) Ben Bruce, Andy Biersack,
Booboo Steward and Sebastian Gregory
Also, can I mention how after Damien dies, Mr. Capricorn leaves them while whistling "Mr. Bightside"? At least I think it was "Mr.  Bightside. I could be wrong.

I LOVE the character of Gabriel - played by Bill Duke, wonderfully. I think this role is so important to the movie. He shows up every time Mr. Capricorn does and gives Johnny some type of wisdom. I assume he is the angel Gabriel and since Gabriel is the messenger angel, it only makes sense that his wise words are what keeps helping Johnny get through everything. Not to mention that he really does save Johnny's life when he overdoses. So, on one hand, he can be the messenger angel, but he could also be Johnny's guardian angel. Or both. I like either theory.

I absolutely love the music in this movie and I compiled a playlist on YouTube of all the songs played in the movie. It included the Relentless, Palaye Royale, Circa Survive, The Pretty Reckless and a lot more. You can find it here.

Overall, I think the movie is amazing.

I am going to do a separate blog post about the soundtrack but listen to The Relentless' cover of "We Lose Control" because it's my favorite song off the soundtrack. I'll try to include the video, but if I can't insert it, the link is in the title. The song further cements Remington Leith as my favorite singer. He really goes IN.
If you haven't seen it, check it out. But I will say that it is rated R and it's a lot to take in. It depicts sex, drug use, and an overdose. Take this as your warning.


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