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My Top 5 Favorite Movies (Sept. 2018)

I AM BACK! I got WiFi back so I am back to daily blogs, hopefully. Keep your fingers crossed.

I thought that for my first blog, it would be easy and I'd just talk about my five favorite movies of all time.

Since I haven't had WiFi for two months, I was "forced" to watch a lot of movies on my phone and some old DVDs I had. I've watched so many movies and I've fallen in love with so many new moves that have changed my former five favorite movies.

So behold my top 5. This doesn't include the Jackass movies because those are TRULY my favorite movies, but that deserves a whole blog post on its own.
5. Ferris Bueller's Day Off

Let me start by saying how hard it was to decide which movie poster to use. It took me ten minutes too long.

For a long time, this was my favorite movie. I watched it so many times and it's just a great movie. It has gotten pushed down on the list, but I still love it so much. Cameron Frye still stands as my favorite fictional character of all time and Alan Ruck - who played Cameron in the movie - follows me on Instagram!

It is such a good movie. I don't think it was overhyped because it deserves all the hype it gets. It's about three high school students who skip a day of school and get into all kinds of shenanigans. Matthew Broderick and Jennifer Grey are in it and they are both amazing.

It's o funny and relatable for any high school student. I first watched it as a sophomore in high school and have loved it ever since.

Watch Ferri Bueller's Day Off if you haven't. It is SO good.
4. Who Framed Roger Rabbit

I first watched this as a small child and now realize as an adult, I shouldn't have been watching this so young.

But this has always remained one of my favorite movies. I actually just rewatched it the other day and it's just as good as I remember. It's a movie that mixes live action and animation. If you haven't seen it, please do yourself the favor and watch it.

It's and such a feel-good movie with a great cast. It's about a private eye detective who gets mixed up with an animated rabbit who gets framed for killing a man. It's just a good movie. Go check it out. Jessica Rabbit was one of my first female crushes and I still love her.
3. Her

As you may or may not know, Joaquin Phoenix is hands down my favorite actor of all time. I have written a post about him which you can find here. I have seen every single movie he has done except for Mary Magdelene, but I am working on it! I will do a separate post about my favorite roles of his.

Of all his movies, Her is my favorite. It was well written and beautifully shot. It has Amy Adams and Scarlett Johansson who are two actresses I admire. Joaquin did an amazing job, being that he is onscreen for most, if not the entire movie.

Plus there is a scene where Scarlett sings a bit and for that alone, you should watch it. This is one of the few movies I can rewatch over and over and never be tired of it.

It's about a man who falls in love with his AI pocket assistant. It's sci-fi, but very realistic because, with all the developments in technology, we're just a few years away from this movie becoming a reality.
2. Black Panther

This movie is so good I actually went to the movies a second time to see it. Personally, I think it's the best done Marvel MCU movie. The writing was good. The acting and the sets.

This booted Iron Man 2 and Captain America: The First Avenger as my favorite Avenger movies - they were both tied for the number one spot. Even before the movie came out, I was excited because Michael B. Jordan played Kilmonger and he is an actor I am a fan of an admire.

Also Chadwick Boseman who portrayed the lead character, T'Challa was so good in Civil War and I knew he was a good actor even before that.

Plus they also had Lupita Nyong'o who I think it one of the greatest actresses of our time right now. She's amazing. AND Sterling K. Brown who I very much admire and love was in it playing T'Challa's uncle.

Daniel Kaluuya was also in it, who I wasn't too familiar with but I watched Get Out a few weeks before I was Black Panther so I was excited to see him.

I also am a fan of Martin Freeman and Andy Serkis the only white guys in the whole movie.

I am going to write a whole blog post about this movie because it deserves its own post. But go see it if you have not.
1. American Satan

I just wrote a whole post about this movie. You can find it here. This is my favorite movie because besides it has an amazing cast, it also had an amazing soundtrack, good writing and I watched it eight times in three days after I got it.

I won't make this part too long, because you can just read about my thoughts in the blog post I wrote.

But this movie has Andy Biersack, which alone should have you sold on. It has Denise Richards, Malcolm Mcdowell, Ben Bruce and many more.

It's about a band who finds fame after making a deal with Satan. And a lot of bad things happen to them.

If you like rock and are not easily bothered by drugs, sex, and metal you should watch this movie. Supposedly, the producers are working on a show which I'm excited to check out.

So those are my top 5. What are your top 5 favorite movies? I don't know if I'll keep cheesy questions at the end, but we'll see.


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