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Showing posts from 2021

Fangirl Friday: The Amazing Devil

 Heyo! I hope you've been doing well since my hiatus! As my first actual post back, I figured why not write about my favorite music duo. This one will be shorter than most posts because I am so rusty. I have to find my mojo again. I am a relatively new fan of The Amazing Devil. I only started listening to them last year. I, like a lot of other people, watched The Witcher on Netflix and fell in love with the bard, Jaskier, who is wonderfully portrayed by Joey Batey. I like music so, I listened to The Witcher soundtrack while also looking up Joey's other work. I mostly wanted to see if he has sang in any other roles and that is how I stumbled upon The Amazing Devil. Cover of the The Amazing Devil's new album, Ruin. If you are new and have no idea who they are, The Amazing Devil is an alt-folk duo made up of Joey Batey and Madeleine Hyland. I had included both of them in "My Top 10 Singers - 2021 Update"  back in February.  Their music has definitely helped get me th

The Rat Returns!

Its me. I'm the rat. Heyo! Hope all is well. I have ACTUALLY returned! I know I posted about a month ago about making a return, but I was wrong. I now have a brand new laptop and I have been working on my mental. I have a Fangirl Friday post queued for this Friday, but it's short. I have to get back into writing. For the time being until I find my footing again, the posts will be sporadic. I am not planning on being on a schedule yet. So you might get one post on week and three the next. Depends on my mood, but my goal is to at least post once a week. I now have a Ko-Fi account, which you can help support my blog on! I am excited to get back to writing posts. Let me know what you guys want to see! Thanks for sticking with my through my hiatus. I greatly appreciate it.

Taking a Hiatus

 Heyo! So I'm just going to be honest. No holding back. No sugarcoating. M mental health is deteriorating fast. I know my last post said I was coming back, but as you can see that never happened. I am going to take a legitimate break from this blog. A planned break. I feel like I have lost the little bit of control I had on my life and my mental health has been at an all-time low since I started taking antidepressants. Even though I've pretty much been on hiatus since February, it was never planned, so I always had a little nagging at the back of my brain. A little voice reminding me that I needed to write a post. That I needed to update and it didn't help anything. Especially with things going on in my personal life. With that all being said, I love this blog. It has become a hobby and I am not dropping it. Just taking a break. No I don't know how long this hiatus is going to be. I have no set time frame. I just know I am not going to be back until I feel like I can ha

Where I've Been

 Heyo! So I took off most of March and most of April which I did not plan. It just happened. I've been pretty open about my mental health issues online. I'll explain as much as I can in this post, but a lot of it is SUPER personal. The March hiatus was due to my unhealthy sleeping pattern plus losing motivation. Keeping up this blog is a hobby, but just a hobby. I have Adsense on, in hopes to one day be able to make some money, but right now I'm not making any. So being motivated to write posts is a BIG reason I've been able to be somewhat active in the beginning of the year. I got some of that motivation back in April, but then something went down. I don't talk much about my family much on this blog to respect everyone's privacy. I cannot remember if I've talked about my strained relationship with my mother here. To make a long story short: My mother has been making life a living hell for my brothers and I. It came to a head in early April. Mentally, I have

Fangirl Friday: Pedro Pascal

 Today is a very special Fangirl Friday, as it falls on Pedro Pascal's birthday! Let's get into why I love and appreciate this man and why he deserves his own post. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PEDRO! Let's start at the beginning. My first introduction to Pedro was his role as Oberyn Martell in Game of Thrones. I was watching GOT when it first was coming out, but I never got to finish. I did not get to when his character was introduced, but my mom did and the first scene I ever saw of Pedro was when Oberyn was killed. Yup. I didn't really know who nor care for Pedro at that time. I was in high school and I'm pretty sure my Paul McCartney fixation was in full swing. My next "run-in" with him was when he and Oscar Isaac - who I am also a big fan of and will get his own Fangirl Friday soon - were doing press for their film Triple Frontier. Again, I just shrugged and didn't follow him.  THEN I saw him in Kingsman The Golden Circle without even realizing he was in the m

Let's Talk About the Lil Nas X Controversy

 Heyo! So I originally had other plans for this week's posts, but this is something I am very passionate about and I figured why not voice my opinion since it seems like everyone else is. You obviously need some background as to why this is a subject near and dear to my heart. I am a 24-year-old non-binary pansexual person. I came out to my family in 2015, when I was 18. So I've been out for 6 years. Before I came out, I was raised in Christianity. I cannot imagine life before going to church. My family was religious. When I was 18, I got the option to stop going to church; plus I went away for college. I've gone back to church since on holidays, but other than that I left the church. I do not consider myself a Christian anymore. I left the church because of God and the follower, who call themselves Christians but only spread hate. I have no beef with Jesus Christ. We're cool. Why did I leave the church? Because ever since I was a child, I had it drilled in my head that

That Time Richard Nixon Unknowingly Smuggled Cannabis into the United States

 Heyo! Sorry for the delay and my unintentional break. Yes, That Time... is moving to Mondays. Don't question it. Today, we're visiting a story from history that made me laugh when I first read about it. It will be a short one as there isn't much on this topic, but I wanted to write about it. Let's get into it! Some backstory first for the two main players: Louis Armstrong and Richard Nixon. One is an American hero who deserves all my love and attention. The other was a president that I have very few nice things to say about. Richard Nixon was the 37th President of the United States. He was president from 1969 until 1974 when he resigned following the infamous Watergate scandal . He was also previously the 36th Vice-President from 1953 until 1961. Like I said, I have very few nice things to say about him so this is all the background you're getting. Louis Armstrong is one of my favorite artists, hands down. He is SO good. If you haven't listened to his music, I


So I took a much-needed month-long break because my mental health wasn't doing too well. I might have gotten COVID a second time, so I've been stuck in my room alone with my thoughts. I need to get back to posting weekly so I don' go crazy. With that being said, I also have another blog! I created McCartha Writes  to post my creative writing. At the moment it'll just be fanfiction because, yes I am 24 years old and still write fanfiction. Don't come for me. I have my first thing posted on it! It's an Avengers fanfiction that I've been working on since 2008 titled Drops of Jupiter . I hope you choose to support my new blog, if not that's fair. I'll still be posting here. I have some very exciting posts for April! All related to Jesus Christ Superstar because it's become my favorite musical and Easter is in April. May post those weekly or just dedicate a week to my JCS posts. We'll see. So That Time... posts will be back this Sunday!

My Top 10 Singers - 2021 Update

 Heyo! Hope you're doing well! The last time I made a post like this was 2018 and let me just say a lot has changed. A lot! If you want to see the last post, you can find it here . I also created a playlist of my favorite songs from the people on this list, so check it out ! 10. Taron Egerton Taron Egerton is more known for his acting than his singing, but in three of his roles, he sang on the film's soundtrack. Those films are Eddie the Eagle, Sing, and Rocketman. There are quite a few songs that I wanted to include, but per past Top Singer posts, I chose one: "Saturday Night's Alright (For Fighting)" from Rocketman where Taron portrayed Elton John. His voice is absolutely amazing. I don't think anyone else could have played Elton John as well as he did. Not only is Taron Egerton one of my favorite singers, but he is also one of my favorite actors. If you are unfamiliar with his work, I highly recommend watching pretty much any film he's been in, no matte

That Time the Day of Love Ended in Bloodshed

Happy Valentine's Day! I'm single as a pringle and I have never celebrated this holiday in my nearly 24 years of life. SO I am going to write about the Saint Valentine's Day Massacre in 1929. This one goes out to all my single people. I have decided not to include photos of the actual massacre in this post, but you can easily find them with a quick Google search. Today's post is going up a little later than normal, but I wanted to post it around the time of the actual murder 92 years ago. On 14 February 1929, five men were murdered in a Chicago garage. The victims were Albert Kachellek (alias James Clark), Adam Heyer, Albert Weinshank, Frank and Peter Gusenberg, Reinhardt H. Schwimmer, and John May. Five were members of the North Side Gang and two were affiliates. They were allegedly gunned down by four men with two Thompson submachine guns and two shotguns. Two of the gunmen were dressed as police officers and the other two wore suits, overcoats, and hats. Talk about t

Houskeeping - 2/10/21

 Heyo! I want to do a quick check-in! Firstly to say thank you for supporting my blog. The constant support I've been getting on each post has been very encouraging. It means the world to me and I can't put into words how happy I am that people actually take time out to read what I write. Third grade me would be proud. Also want to know what's your opinion on my posting schedule! It looks like three posts a week is what the next few months are going to look like. Here is a breakdown of the weekly schedule. Sunday - That Time... Wednesday - Random topic, occasional housekeeping/updates, or a fictional writing piece Friday - Fangirl Friday (Formerly known as "Casual Screaming") I always post at 6:30pm NY time. If something comes up and I am not able to post, or you want any quick update on my blog, I almost always will Tweet   and post on Tumblr  about it, so feel free to follow me on either platform! If you have any suggestions for topics you'd like me to cover

That Time America Elected Their First Female Vice-President

 Heyo! I hope you're doing well. I still want to keep this blog free of politics, but this is a momentous thing that happened, in the United States, so I thought I'd write about it. This will not include any of my personal political beliefs. It won't be a long post. If you have been living under a rock, or outside of the United States, 2020 was an election year and we elected Joe Biden - former Vice-President. His election is nothing new. We've had a long line of old white dudes in the Oval Office since the beginning. The only time anything changed was when Barack Obama was our first black President. We inaugurated Joe Biden on Wednesday, January 20, 2021. However, this post is not about him. This post is about his choice for Vice-President, Kamala Harris. Why? She is this country's first female Vice-President. Not only is she a woman, but she is black and Indian. Something my mom also pointed out is that she is married to a Jewish guy which means we have an interra

Fangirl Friday: Taika Waititi

 Heyo! It's been months since my last "Fangirl Friday" and I want to bring it back as a weekly series. So why not restart the series with one of the biggest icons: Taika Waititi? If you don't know who Taika Waititi is, have you been living under a rock? He is an absolute icon. I know that doesn't say much, so let me just say; he is a New Zealand filmmaker. Not just any filmmaker, one of the best of our current era. The man is a visionary. Let me start where I found out and fell in love with him. As you may or may not know, I am a casual Marvel fan. I've been following the MCU since the first Iron Man came out. However, Thor's films were some of my least favorite of the stand-alone films. I only watched Thor: Ragnarok initially because of Cate Blanchett, Karl Urban, Jeff Goldblum, Idris Elba, and Tom Hiddleston. This was the first work of Taika that I experience, and after the first viewing, I'll admit, I did not like it. It was a bit too comedic for my

Let's Talk About COVID

 Yes, you read that right. On my blog, where I usually just write about entertainment or fun history stories, I am talking about current events for once. This is a more serious post than we're used to here on my blog, but I feel like I can no longer be silent about this. There will not be any photos, so it'll be a lot of text. I am sorry. Let me start by disclaiming that this will not be your regular "x people have died from COVID" article. This is all me speaking from experience. My personal experience. In July 2020, COVID affected my family. The six of us had to legitimately quarantine inside our house for almost a month. However, only my parents, sister-in-law, and I had symptoms. Fortunately, both of my brothers were untouched. Fortunately, everyone in my family is alive and doing well! But few families are as lucky as we are. My mother is a delivery driver for several apps. We believe she was our patient zero and brought the virus to us since she was the first on

That Time Queen Elizabeth I May Have Been an Imposter

 Heyo! Back at it again with "That Time..."! Today we're going over the curious case of the alleged imposter who claimed to be Queen Elizabeth I and took the throne of England. For those unaware, Queen Elizabeth I was Queen of England from 1558 until her death in 1603. Born into the House of Tudor to the infamous King Henry VII and his second wife, Anne Boleyn in 1533. Her mother was beheaded in 1536 when Elizabeth was just three years old. She was not crowned Queen immediately following her father's death. She was preceded by her brother, Edward, and then her sister, Mary I. Finally becoming Queen at 25. However, there is a legend that the person sitting on the English throne from 1558 to 1603 was not Elizabeth, but an imposter. The story which was made popular by world-renowned author, Bram Stoker, starts in the village of Bisley. Around 1543 or 1544, Elizabeth was sent away to escape the plague that was ravaging most of the country. Her father had planned to visit

Happy 2021!

 Heyo! I hope 2021 is treating you well! Just wanted to post an update as to why my posting has been pretty non-existent. Firstly, I took the end of 2020 off to brainstorm what I wanted to do. I wanted to post three times a week every week. That was the original plan for 2021. As you can see that didn't happen. My laptop had issues connecting to the Wi-Fi which made writing posts nearly impossible. I got the issue solves and wanted to take a week off to write up some posts, but that didn't happen because I got sick. I may or may not have the flu. I'm still a bit under the weather, but well enough to get some posts up. So this week was used to write some posts for next week. That wat I am ahead. My hope is to continue with the "That Time..." posts every Sunday. Bring back "Fangirl Fridays/Casual Screaming About" on Fridays. Still working on what's gonna happen in the middle of the week, but it'll either be a short writing thing or something else I

That Time Martha Washington Named Her Cat After Alexander Hamilton

 Heyo! I hope you had a wonderful holiday time! I took some time off to do some behind the curtain stuff so 2021 can be the best year for my blog. We're starting strong! The first "That Time..." post of the year is dedicated to a simple line from Hamilton: An American Musical . Today, we're discussing if Martha Washington did actually name her cat after Alexander Hamilton. Let's get into it. If you are not American, let me introduce you to Martha Washington and Alexander Hamilton. Martha Washington was married to George Washington who was a great general of the American Revolutionary and then was the first President of the United States. Which mainly means she was the first First Lady of the United States. Alexander Hamilton was the first Secretary of Treasurery in the United States. He is also the titular character of Hamilton: The American Musical. He was also an aide to George Washington for some time. Why do I keep mentioning Hamilton: An American Musical? Dur