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Fangirl Friday: Franklin Jonas

Heyo! Hope you had a wonderful week! Still going strong with the Jonas Fangirl Friday, but this might be the last one - for now. There are still two people in the family who will get their own Fangirl Friday posts, but I'll write those later. This week's subject is the youngest Jonas brother, Franklin Jonas. Saved the best for last. The most talented Jonas.

You may be familiar with his older brothers who formed the band, Jonas Brothers. I have written about all of them. I've written about the band as a whole, and the three brothers, Kevin, Joe, and Nick separately. But this post is not about them. Franklin has nothing to do with the band other than being related to them. Though I wouldn't be upset if we ever get a Jonas Brothers song featuring Franklin.

If by some chance Franklin comes across this post: Hi. How are you? Hope you're well. Please keep releasing music because you've got me hooked. Looking forward to the day you become the first Jonas with a Grammy. It is possible.

(L to R) Franklin, Kevin, Nick, Joe, Denise, and Kevin Sr. Jonas

I will be HONEST, this post isn't going to be as long as his brothers' posts were because even though I've been following the family for 18 years, I didn't really become a fan of Franklin until the past 3ish years.

Franklin is an icon in his own right. He is a former child actor, reality show host, and musician. Formerly known as Frankie Jonas, but he has since "rebranded" himself as Franklin. So I will be referring to him as such. I don't know how long I'd consider myself a real fan of Franklin. I've been somewhat keeping up with him since he was 5/6 years old. He appeared in JONAS along with his brothers as the youngest Lucas brother, Frankie. Then he appeared in Camp Rock 2: Final Jam as Trevor, one of the junior campers.

Franklin as Trevor in Camp Rock 2: Final Jam, 2010

I recently rewatched Camp Rock 2: Final Jam, and I think we didn't fully appreciate the icon that was Trevor. he didn't have as big of a role,  but I enjoyed his character. He appeared in a few other things that his brothers did including Night at the Museum 2: Battle of the Smithsonian, their 2008 concert movie, and their various docuseries.

But in my opinion, his shining achievement is his voice role in the Studio Ghibli animated film, Ponyo, as Sosuke. To this day, Ponyo is the ONLY Studio Ghibli film I've watched and I only watched it because Franklin and Noah Cyrus - who voiced the title character - were in it. I remember wanting to go see it in theaters, but not being able to. I did get to borrow it from the library, but I don't think I've watched it since then which was probably around 2010. I do know I enjoyed it and had the song Franklin did with Noah Cyrus for it stuck in my head to the point that 14 years later it still pops up in my psyche from time to time.

Honestly, I didn't keep up with Franklin much for YEARS. Not until I started following him on TikTok. If you don't follow him on TikTok, you should. He is hilarious and an ICON! I was late to his TikTok career because I didn't even know he had a TikTok til I saw him dress up as Shane Gray for Halloween on my For You Page. Didn't even realize it was him at first, but I did think he looked familiar and when I opened his account, I had a moment because REALISTICALLY he had grown up, but the last time I kept tabs on him was whenever his brothers would post happy birthday posts for him.

AND THEN I learned he was making music. When he released his debut EP, Sewer Rat, last year, I was stunned. I wrote a Kinda Review about it because it's my favorite EP to come out of 2023. And every single he has dropped after has continued to keep my attention on his music career. I genuinely do LOVE his music. When I called him the most talented Jonas at the top of this post that wasn't a joke. I do love the music he's released more than the music his brothers have in the past 18 years. Not sure if it's the genre aesthetic or what, but Franklin has quickly become one of my favorite and most listened-to artists. I am looking forward to his first full-length album. Assuming we get blessed with one. No pressure. I cannot wait to annoy everyone around me with it as I've pretty much done with Sewer Rat.

Kevin and Franklin Jonas in co-hosting Claim to Fame

When he releases more music, it'll give me an excuse to write a part two Fangirl Friday about him. There is a reason I have called this the Jonas fixation I am a fan of this entire family. Recently I got to watch the reality show Franklin co-hosts with his brother, Kevin, called Claim to Fame. I gotta be honest, I do not like most reality shows, not even competitions, but you can count me in as a Claim to Fame fan. When I wrote Kevin's Fangirl Friday post, I hadn't watched it yet, but I am HOOKED! Binged the first two seasons in three days back in February. I need to catch up with the current season. Kevin and Franklin's chemistry as co-hosts are iconic. What I've always loved about the Jonases as a whole is they really are just like us. Kevin and Franklin co-hosting the show are just two brothers occasionally teasing each other and cracking jokes.

It may be weird because I am a complete stranger, but I am so proud of Franklin. The fact that he was able to find his own footing in music after growing up with these musical icons. I've watched this guy grow up. From a kid in the background of his brothers' videos and media to now making a name for himself. Making incredible music. I said this in the Kinda Review, but "Hoboken" is my favorite song of his so far. I watched an interview where he was asked who he's most nervous to show his music to and he said Joe and Nick. Mentioning how Joe wrote "Cake By the Ocean" with DNCE and Nick wrote, "Jealous". He's valid because those are two iconic songs that are still played on the radio years after they were released. But I think Franklin has proven himself an amazing songwriter. It can only go up from here. I very much look forward to watching him grow as a musician as I've watched his brothers for the past two decades.

So here's to you, Franklin! Excited for and patiently waiting for new music, but take your time. No pressure. If I could wait six years for your brothers to get back together, I can wait however long I need to for music from you.

Other Jonas posts:


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