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Defending CrankThatFrank

Fair Warning: This blog is mostly always clean, but his post has some expletives because when I wrote it, I was angry and had a lot of emotions.

I am appalled. And disgusted. Honestly, I am debating even posting this or not, but I feel like I need to vent about it and defend someone who I highly respect and who means the world to me.

As you may know, if you know me, I am a massive fan of CrankThatFrank on YouTube. I wrote a blog post about him. I have been watching his videos for almost four years now. He is sweet enough to grant me an interview on this blog.

I have a love for him, as I have a love for everyone I am a fan of.  But he, specifically, is a person who has gotten me through hell with his content.

Someone in the YouTube community made a video about not liking Frank. They said some things and made some bullshit accusations. I am not going to say who or share the video because I will not play into what that person wants, which is more views.

I did watch their video to get the whole story because I watched Frank and Eva's video responding to it, and their reactions/responses broke my heart.

I wanted to understand the situation. The sad part is the person who made the video is someone I used to watch and occasionally enjoy.

This person made an accusation regarding Frank and Eva's relationship. I am not going to get much into that because I know the truth after watching their videos and their relationship is not my business because they keep it private and I respect that. But I will include their videos at the end of the post, in case you're curious and haven't seen them yet.

This post is mostly in support of Frank, of course, and sharing my opinions on this person's bullshit video.

This person began the video talking about criticism on Frank's channel. They talk about how Frank only makes content regarding certain things - in this case, emo content - to stay relevant. He brings up how Frank goes above and beyond and panders to his audience.

He used the Mania and Trench transitions Frank did. As long as I have been watching Frank, I would consider his YouTube channel comedy. He makes funny content. And I would say he panders to his audience, but there's nothing wrong with that. From my understanding of being a YouTube "consumer" for over ten years, every YouTuber panders to their audience. That's what YouTube is. That is how you become successful on YouTube.

This person then comments how if an artist Frank is making content about goes away, he moves on to someone else. There. Is. Nothing. Wrong. With. That. As someone, who goes through ten obsessions every year, I do the same thing.

I will give a great example. November 2017 until March 2018,  I was OBSESSED with Bruno Mars. Now I'm not. My current obsession is Waterparks and Palaye Royale. But that doesn't make me any less of a fan of Bruno. I still support him,  but he's not coming out with any new music so I look to other people who are more active with their craft at the moment. But I guarantee that when Bruno's next album comes out, I'll probably be obsessed again.

It happens. People get bored and have to find interest in other things. As a matter of fact, a HUGE reason why I latched on to CrankThatFrank when I did and why I became a fan at that time is that my favorite YouTuber, Shane Dawson, wasn't making content I liked very much. I was just supporting him then because I loved him.

This person goes on to say that Frank seems ingenuine because he put this superfan persona on. Frank is a living walking meme. His content is comedic. I believe he genuinely is a fan of everything he makes videos about, but he has to put on a persona. This is how you keep viewers interested and keep them coming back. That's how he's kept me as a fan for so long. I love his content.

I feel like Frank's internet persona - who he is on YouTube and Twitter - is just a heightened version of himself. It's who he really is, but on a lot of caffeine. He seems like a super hyper person, but he probably is the most chill person in real life. And honestly, chill doesn't sell on YouTube.

The only thing I will give this person is the skepticism around Frank's tour because even as a fan, that was a big reason why I wasn't as hyped when he was talking about the tour because I didn't know what to expect. However, I would pay money to just watch Frank and Eva eat cereal on stage for an hour, honestly. And seeing videos and the photos from the tour has made me keep regretting not being able to go. As skeptical as I was in the beginning, I would sell an arm and a leg to go. Just to meet them.

He brought up the ticket prices for the tour. But didn't mention how with every general admission, fans get to meet Frank. That is what I think the tour is TRULY about, Frank getting to meet his fans. Because from what I have seen regarding him reTweeting my blog post and then DMing me and THEN offering me an interview, is Frank really does care about his fans. And that to me is so important and why I will continue to support him, probably for the rest of my miserable existence.

Honestly, this whole video reminded me of Onision. If you don't know who Onision is, you have been spared from YouTube bullshit. Be happy.

I don't want to talk about Frank and Eva's relationship, but I just want to make a comment on what this person was saying.

He said that Eva told him she was scared to leave Frank. That is supposed to be that Eva told him. However, when he accused Frank of cheating and never once even tried to back it up with explaining how he knew or anything. This upset me the most.

When I am a fan of someone, I do fall had and support them blindly, however, I'm not stupid. When an accusation comes up, I need more than just one person saying an accusation and leaving it there. I am not afraid to admit my heroes have flaws. I am not afraid to call my heroes out.

The fact that Eva responded and squashed the allegation is what TRULY made me believe Frank. Because as much as I love and support him, he could have been full of shit in his video, but how Eva spoke in her video truly had me convinced, especially since in this scenario, she'd be the one most hurt it was true.

And it's so upsetting to me because it's not true and it still hurt Frank and Eva.

How low of a person do you have to be, to go after someone's relationship? If the video was just going after Frank's channel, that's fair game. If he wanted to say Frank is a bad friend, fine. But you went after their relationship which goes beyond the line.

As a person, who is invested in celebrity news, I would never even imagine talking about someone's relationship like that. Even last year, when I wrote about Martin Freeman and Amanda Abbington's break up, I felt weird. That's just not okay.

In the end, I think this person is fucking trash. Because even if any of this was true, you don't just air someone else's dirty laundry.

And the worst part is, I KNOW he just did it for views and ad revenue. It's sick and disgusting. And I am sorry Frank and Eva had to ever deal with this.

Here is Frank's video responding:
Here's Eva's video:

I am beyond upset. I just can't believe anyone would sink this low.

I don't know either of them, personally. I am just a fan looking in.

But I wrote a blog post about Frank, never expecting for him to see it. I wrote it because he means a lot to me. He saw it, reTweeted it and then DMed me. He didn't need to do that. He could have looked at the post and moved on with his life. But he DMed me and thanked me for it and then offered to give me an interview. Again, he didn't have to do this, but he did. And I am honored that he is the first person I get to interview, ever.

I may not know him personally, but I sense that he is a kind and loving person. And I know that neither he nor Eva deserves any of this bullshit.

I am just so angry at how hurt they are. They don't deserve it.

This situation is just so stupid. As far as I'm concerned, Frank is the most unproblematic YouTuber I watch. He makes content to make people happy. He doesn't start drama.

That's all I have to say. I just feel really bad for Frank and Eva. And I hope they are doing okay. And regarding this, I will defend Frank to the death.


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