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My Thoughts on Shane Dawson's "The Mind of Jake Paul" Series on YouTube

I know, I said I was taking a break, and I am, but I wanted to write a post about this series once it was over. So here are my thoughts on it.

I probably won't put photos and videos, it'll only be my thoughts, so sorry if it's really long. Also, I apologize if there are any errors that I miss because I am typing this with an injured middle finger and it's making typing a bit tedious.

Everything is my opinion and nothing is meant to be taken to heart by anyone. I just wanted to talk about my thoughts on the series. I don't mean to insult or offend anyone. If I do, I am sorry. This is just how I personally feel.


If you haven't caught up and would like to catch up with "The Mind of Jake Paul" series you can binge and catch up here.

Let me be honest, I was never a fan of either Paul brothers. I never kept up with their YouTube channels or their vines. The only reason Jake Paul was ever on my radar is because he was on Bizaardvark on Disney Channel and I would watch the show when I babysat and I thought he was cute and I was glad that a YouTuber was living their dreams.

With that being said, I never kept up with him. I never kept up with the drama and to this day, even after watching this series, I don't get why Jake Paul is so hated. I always just figured he was just an annoying teenage boy being reckless, but he wasn't the only one doing stupid things on YouTube.

Of course, in 2018, Logan was more on my radar because of his video in Aokigahara, or commonly called "Suicide Forest". Then there was the boxing situation. Matches? Fights? I don't know, I'm not a sports person.

Then comes Shane Dawson, my favorite YouTuber of all time, who mentioned wanting to do a series on Jake Paul.

Most people were talking about boycotting the series and were complaining about Shane giving Jake a platform. I disagreed with this because I trust Shane's judgment. I have been trusting him to entertain me for over ten years now and I knew he wasn't going to disappoint me with this series.

From the beginning, I figured this series was going to make me like Jake in some capacity. Shane has a tendency with his series to make me either feel bad for or really like the people involved.

First off, let me start by saying how proud of Shane and his co-editor/cameraman, Andrew Siwicki. They both did WONDERS with this and the past series and I am so glad Andrew is part of the squad. We stan. I live for his Instagram Story whenever he posts.

Anyway, I am proud of Shane and Andrew and I cannot wait for whatever they do next. But let's get back to this series.

When Shane officially announced the series, I was intrigued. I didn't get the whole "is Jake Paul a sociopath" narrative the series started with, but as I said, I stayed as far from the Paul brothers as I could. They're just not my cup of tea.

Also a big shout out to iNabber, who was in the first video. I don't watch him often, but I have in the past - mostly the Shane and Onision videos - and we stan.

I don't have much to say about the first video because it was mostly an intro video. Also, I watched it three weeks ago and I don't remember much other than iNabber being in it.

But let's talk about the most controversial video of the entire series - so far, because the final video JUST came out - "The Dark Side of Jake Paul". I do get people's concerns and complaints, but I also think A LOT of it was taken out of FULL context. People tend to do that. They take a sliver of something and distort it, instead of looking at the whole picture.

I don't think Kati Morton, the therapist, was saying people with anti-social personality disorder are "icky" as she used that term. I think she meant it as in some symptoms might make you feel uncomfortable to talk about and even think about. Because a lot of what was discussed was manipulation and not having real emotions.

Manipulation in any context is wrong and talking about it could make you uncomfortable. I believe that's what she was walking about. Not the people, themselves.

I think the negative hype over the video was a bit much. But maybe my opinion and point of view on this is wrong.

And I do think a lot of it had to do with how Shane edited the video, but Shane isn't perfect. This is a tough subject to talk about.

And let us not forget that this series is mostly for entertainment purposes.

"The Family of Jake Paul" video, in my opinion, was the least interesting. I didn't enjoy it, to me it felt like a filler video. However, it made me feel like he could have had a screwed up childhood or something maybe happened to him when he was younger.

Also, let me recently go on a quick rant about Logan.

I don't like Logan. Not as in an "I'm just not a fan" way. I don't like him. Something about him bothers me.

When hype around this series first came out, before the first video even went live, Logan tweeted something like "let's do The Mind of Logan Paul next" and that bothered me for many reasons. Mostly it bothered me because it seemed like he was trying to take his brother's spotlight. Maybe he didn't mean it that way and maybe his Tweet was a complete joke, but it did bother me. I am a younger sibling who lived in my older brother's shadow my whole life until I went away for college.

Then, after "The Dark Side of Jake Paul", Logan DMed Shane with some complaints and when Shane offered to give him a platform within the series to voice his concerns and say what he has to say, Logan said no and did his own video. I didn't watch the video, just some clips from it and sorry but Logan just seems like a jerk.

This is all coming from an outsider's point of view. I don't know him personally, but I don't like the internet persona, I have seen.

Also the whole situation with Alissa Violet is screwed up, but we'll lightly get into that later.

"The Enemies of Jake Paul" is SUCH a clickbait title. I love you, Shane, but whyyyyyy? That video very much peaked my interest because it was Shane talking to someone who was once really close to Jake. And I have nothing, but respect for Nick Crompton and his personal values.

I think it was interesting to get a bit of an inside look into Team 10 and Jake, before we actually met Jake in the series.

This is the video where I first cried over Jake. Did I REALLY cry over Jake Paul? Yes. And I am not ashamed to admit that. I am human. And I have been cursed with intense compassion. Like no joke, if I see someone looking sad, I will cry.

I have the time-stamped link to where in the video my heart started breaking a bit here. Nick is explaining why he doesn't think Jake is a sociopath and he talks about when he's seen Jake get hurt, he sees Jake trying to process his feelings. He explains how Jake seems confused and maybe questions why he is feeling the way he is feeling and to me that is so heartbreaking that he has to question his own emotions. I just felt really bad for Jake. I do because if that's how he goes through processing emotions, it's screwed up. He shouldn't have to question his emotions and feelings. He should just be allowed to feel how he feels. Everyone should be able to feel their emotion, without questioning them. Sometimes our emotions don't make sense, but that's what makes us human.

So yeah, I cried over Jake Paul. ON WITH THE BLOG POST!

"The Word of Jake Paul", the fifth part of this series, is where we FINALLY get to see Jake and "meet" him and get a bit of an insight into his world. The house. His friends. Obviously, his fans get to see this in most if not all of his videos, but for me, as an outsider, it was nice.

I think Jake and his girlfriend, Erika Costell, are adorable I don't think they're fake. I think they genuinely care about each other.

The house is huge. Actual goals. How do I join Team 10? Kidding. Not my thing. I am just a blogger. I tried YouTube, but it wasn't my thing. I write better than I talk.

This video and "The Secrets of Jake Paul" were good videos. I have a lot of respect for Erika for being able to be open. I know we didn't see a lot of what she and Shane spoke about, but I'm glad Shane was able to take her to the side and talk to her.

Also, every time Jake mentioned being nervous, it made me like him a little more as a person. Because if he was heartless and didn't care about anything, I don't think he would mention being nervous. And more than once.

These two videos made me further believe what I was saying, which is Jake is/was just a stupid teenage boy who was reckless. And yeah, he's my age - we're both 21, he's a month and eleven days older than me - but if he didn't mature until recent, I still consider him a stupid teenage boy with whatever was his last really stupid mistake.

As I said, I never kept up with him so I don't even know half of the things he did except setting the pool on fire. Other than that I am ignorant of his past. Drama on YouTube was never my thing.

"The Ex Girlfriend of Jake Paul" is another clickbait title. Yes, I am coming for you Shane. I love you, but your content is good enough to not need a clickbait title. Anyway, I'm not going to talk about this video much, but I will say I am not a fan of Alissa Violet.

There is something about her that I don't trust. Again, just like what I said about Logan, I don't know her personally. This is just based on the very few videos I've seen.

It's not my place so I am going to be brief on this subject. Everyone is going after Alissa Violet and slut-shaming her for "cheating" on Jake with Logan. But from what I've seen Logan has gotten away from that unscathed.

That situation bothers me SO much because I have two siblings. And the idea that someone would sleep with a girl involved with his brother is crazy to me. I can't even wrap my head around it. Even if Jake and Alissa weren't officially dating, they were still a thing in some capacity.

If you're gonna hate on Alissa, you should also go after Logan, because he's also in the wrong in that scenario.

This brings us to "Inside the Mind of Jake Paul", the last video of the series and the second time I cried over Jake. I was never expecting to cry over this guy. But I did. Mostly because I am just an over compassionate train wreck, but also I felt bad for him.

In the video, Jake spoke his truth. At least we all believe he did. I kept having to remind myself, he is an actor. But I felt he was honest.

What got me in this video is when Shane brought up the whole Alissa and Logan situation and Jake kept saying he wanted to defend his brother and he didn't want Logan to be mad about talking about it. That hurt me because this guy is putting his family before himself. He is pushing his feelings to the side so he doesn't lose or hurt his brother. And watching Jake struggle talking about it and if you just watch Jake and watch his body language in this entire video. You can learn a lot. Body language can speak volumes.

Part of what makes me like Jake and feel bad for him is I am a younger sibling. And I just feel like he has been in Logan's shadow way too long and maybe that has affected him. In the series, there was a clip of someone mistaking Jake for Logan and that spoke to me personally. There was a time in my life where my friends weren't my friends for me, they just wanted to hang out with my cooler older brother and they were just nice to me because they felt they had to.

So maybe I'm biased and that's why I kind of now have a soft spot for Jake Paul, but it is what it is.

Overall, I think the entire series was great. I imagine depending on who finds this post, there might be some backlash because of my opinions on Logan and Alissa, but I'm not worried.

With all that being said just because I know like and respect Jake Paul, I am not a Pauler and I most likely will not subscribe to his YouTube channel. But if he does any future movies or TV shows I'll support him that way. I did like him on Bizaardvark and honestly, his character was the only reason I didn't hate that show.

That's all I have to say. And I'll add, I didn't want to say anything overtly negative about Logan and Alissa, because I don't know them personally and I don't mean to offend anyone with how I feel, this is just how I felt after this series. In reality, I couldn't care less about them. Not in a disrespectful way. Just as in after I post this, I am not going to follow them anywhere and spew my opinions and harass them or fans.

And I don't think anyone should harass anyone on the internet, even if you don't like them. Don't use your energy to hate. Use your energy to lift the people you like and believe in.


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