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Untitled - A Hamilton One-Shot [Writing #21]

This is another Hamilton one-shot because I have a lot of old fanfiction that I am recycling until it runs out, which seems like it'll be very soon. This is a long one, but I like how it came out.

This is kind of a sequel to the last Hamilton one-shot, which you can read here if you so choose.

Words: 1729

Philip is Born
It had been almost four months since John's funeral. Alexander sat in his study, reading the last letter he had received from his dear John. He didn't understand why the man was on his mind so much today. He should have been thinking of his wife. She was going to be giving birth soon if she hadn't already. He wouldn't know. She was in their bedroom because she had insisted on a home birth. He was nervous about being a father. He feared he would fail his son. At least he was hoping it was a bot. He wished John was here. He knew he could go to John for anything. And since John had been a father two years longer, he'd understand the feeling. There was a knock on the door of his stud, breaking his thoughts.
"Alexander?" His sister in law, Angelica, was on the other side of the door.
"Come in." He quickly put John's letter in one of the desk drawers. Opening the door, Angelica looked at him. She walked into the study. "How is she?"
"Eliza is fine. Everything went well."
"And?" Alexander looked at her.
"She wants to know if you want to meet your son."
"Son? It's a boy, then?" Alexander asked. Angelica nodded. He took a deep breath. Getting up from his desk, he walked towards Angelica and hugged her, catching her off guard. "Thank you for being here."
"Of course. Someone had to be here for her since you were in your office the whole time. Come." She led him to the bedroom. Eliza lied in bed. She looked defeated, exhausted, yet content. In her arms was the baby. She looked up and smiled at her husband.
"Hi." He approached the bed, getting his first look at his child. "He's beautiful."
"He's got your eyes." Eliza looked back at the baby. "He needs a name."
"John." Alexander suggesed, without having to think about it."
"He doesn't look like a John." Eliza stared at the baby. "How about Philip?"
"After your father?"
"Or something else." She was calm, too tired to argue.
"Philip Hamilton." Alexander took a deep breath. "I like it."
"Philip. Do you like that?" Elizabeth cooed. The baby yawned. "Do you want to hold your son?"
"Uh-" Before Alexander could object, Eliza was already placing the baby in his arms. He sat on the edge of the bed, looking at the baby. Eliza watched, admiring every second. "Hi." Philip looked up at Alexander. His small violet-blue eyes made his father feel uneasy. Alexander now had this person who counted on him for everything now. Something about the baby - something he couldn't put his finger on - bothered him.
"Alexander?" Eliza asked, seeing the look on his face. "Is everything alright?"
"Uh- yes." He handed the baby back to Eliza. "You two should rest. I'll be in my study if you need me." He left the room and locked himself in his study, spending the rest of the night writing.

Philip Turns Nine
Alexander sat in his study. He had been writing all day and was planning on taking a beak soon, but not yet.
"Alexander?" Eliza knocked on the door.
"Yes?" He didn't bother looking up from his writing. Eliza entered his study, silently. "What is it?"
"It's Philip's birthday."
"Yes. The boy turns nine today."
"Take a break, Alexander. Philip has a surprise for you before dinner."
"I can't. Not yet."
"Alexander." She sounded annoyed.
"I'll be there in a minute. Save my plate."
"He's got something he really wants to show you. He's been practicing all day."
"Okay. Okay." He got up from his desk and walked to his wife, kissing her. They both walked downstairs to the parlor. Philip sat on the sofa, whispering something to himself, still practicing. Alexander looked at his son. The boy reminded him so much of his dear John. He had missed John so much and Philip was a constant reminder of what Alexander had lost. Aside from having Alexander's violet-blue eyes, Philip was nearly a carbon copy of John Laurens. Mentally and physically and it drove Alexander mad.
"Hello, father." Philip smiled at the sight of the senior Hamilton. He jumped up from the sofa.
"Hello. Your mother said you have something to show me?" Alexander questioned.
"Yes!" Philip looked at Eliza, who nodded.
"Come, Alexander. Sit down." Eliz sat on the sofa, pulling Alexander's hand for him to sit next to her.
"You have my full attention." Alexander looked at his son, despite the sinking feeling in his stomach.
'Okay." The nine-year-old took a deep breath. As Philip began to recite the poem he had written, it brought Alexander back to the night before his wedding. His stag party. John had jumped on the bar and spoke about his best friend and shared some of their favorite stories. Alexander remembered that night - well most of it - so clearly. He couldn't help, but smile. Philip finished his poem, ripping Alexander out of his daydream. "Well done, John."
"John?" Philip seemed confused.
"Did I say John? I meant Philip. I am sorry. It's been a long day and I've had a lot on my mind." Alexander took a deep breath. "You know, I wanted to name you John, however, your mother said-"
"Nine years later and he still doesn't look like a John." Eliza laughed.
"Maybe not to you, but-"
"Philip, it was very lovely. Why don't you wash up for dinner?"
"Alright." Philip left the parlor. Eliza looked at her husband.
"What is wrong with you? Forgetting your son's name? And on his birthday."
"I'm sorry."
"It's bad enough that you don't spend enough time with him, but now you don't even know his name? What's going on, Alexander?"
"Do you remember my best friend, John? We fought in the war together." Alexander stared at the ground.
"Vaguely. I only met him twice. Why? What's he got to do with our son? Didn't he die months before Philip was born?"
"He did, but I just can't look at our son without thinking of him. It's something I can't control, Eliza. Philip looks very much like him." Alexander explained. Eliza stared at him.
"I don't understand what you mean, but dinner should be ready." She left him in the parlor. He knew she was going to be upset with him for the rest of the night.

Burr Agrees
Alexander sat across from Aaron. They were reminiscing about the old days.
"Do you remember when Laurens was so drunk and-"
"Which time?" Alexander asked, laughing.
"It was right before we all left to fight in the war. When he told everyone how he felt about them and he wanted us to take care of ourselves. He didn't want to lose anyone." Aaron smiled, remembering.
"Yes. And yet, we lost him." Alexander shook his head. "I miss him."
"He had a good soul. He always meant well. Lafayette is back in France and I heard Mulligan is raising a family of his own. Have you heard anything from Laurens' widow? Or anything of his daughter?"
"Since his death, I send some money to them every month. I remained anonymous, of course. All they know is I fought in the war with him, but I have not heard anything from them." Alexander explained. "Do you think Philip looks like John?"
"Philip who? Your son, Philip?" Aaron asked. Alexander nodded. "Yes. He does and I find it odd. How old is he now? Seventeen?"
"Yes. He'll be eighteen soon. The boy has my eyes, but he looks just like John. It's a constant reminder."
"I can imagine. I remember how close you and Laurens were." Aaron took a deep breath. "Have you spoken to Eliza about it?"
"She barely remembers John. She keeps telling me I'm overthinking it and that Philip looks like me, but- Burr, I can't look at my son without getting a sinking feeling in my stomach. Every time I look at him, I am reminded that John is gone."
"I don't know what to tell you. Alexander."
"At least you validated me. I really thought I was losing my mind."
"He does look like Laurens. It's odd."
"Eliza barely remembers John. She only met him twice and-"
"Don't be naive, Alexander."
"There would be no way. John was already dead when Philip was conceived. There is no doubt that Philip is my son."
"Then I don't know." Aaron shrugged.
"I should probably get home. Thank you for humoring me, Burr."
"Anytime, Alexander." Alexander left Aaron's office and trudged home.

Philip's Death
Alexander ran into the house, frantically.
"Where is my son?" He asked, walking towards his sister in law. Angelica pointed towards a room. Alexander walked into the room. "Where is he?" The doctor stopped him.
"Mr. Hamilton, he arrived a half hour ago. His wound is infected."
"Is he alive?"
"Yes, but there's not much we can do." The doctor explained.
"Can I see him please?" His voice shaky, Alexander's eyes pleaded with the doctor who nodded and led him into the room where Philip lied. "Philip." The boy smiled at the sight of his father, as he did ten years before in the parlor.
"Pa." Philip's voice was weak. Alexander shook his head. "I did exactly as you said-"
"I know." Alexander's eyes filled with tears. "I know. I know you did everything just right."
"I wanted to make you proud."
"I am proud of you. I am so proud." He looked at his son, but for a few moments, it was as if he was looking at his dear friend, John Laurens laying in that bed. Dying again. "Save your strength, John. Just stay alive. I can't lose you again." It was a whisper.
"Philip!" Eliza barged into the room. "Oh my God!" She kneeled next to the bed. "My little boy. My angel. My son." She began to sob. "Don't leave me, Philip. Please don't.
Alexander stood up and backed away. He felt his heartbreak, just as it had almost twenty years before when he learned of John's death. He couldn't believe it. Backing into the wall, he stared at the dying boy, trying to console his mother in his final moments. It should have been Alexander consoling her, not Philip. But Alexander couldn't think straight. Everything was happening too fast. Too fast.


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