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The Only YouTubers I Watch Religiously

So since my blog has been very music-heavy recently, I thought I'd take a break from writing about music and write about one of my other passions. Watching YouTube. These are the ONLY YouTubers I watch every one of their videos since becoming a fan. I'll count them down.

Everyone's YouTube channel will be linked in their name.
I'm going to be real, I watch The Philip DeFranco show every day. I have it on post notifications and this is really the only news source I follow and use. He keeps it real and he covers things I care about. Plus he keeps it simple for stupid because I have a small monkey brain sometimes.

I enjoy his channel because he covers a wide range of news stories. He covers celebrity news sometimes and he talks about what's happening on YouTube and he talks about what's going on in the US government. It's everything I need. Plus his videos aren't hours long. He keeps it all concise.

If you, like me, can't watch actual TV news channel because it stresses you out, I HIGHLY recommend subscribing to Philip DeFranco.
Before you judge me! I never thought I would ever like this content, but also the videos remind me of Jackass and like I've mentioned before, the Jackass movies are my favorite movies. All of his videos are 4:20. No joke. Go check for yourself.

My enjoyment of this channel is purely based on they entertain me. I don't keep up with the Vlog Squad, just David's videos. But I really do like this channel because with all the craziness going on in the world, it's nice to watch a group of people do stupid things that make you laugh.

This channel is all about being entertaining for views. I respect that. I wouldn't say this channel is for everyone, but if you don't mind stupid pranks and stunts and occasional cameos from Josh Peck, I'd say subscribe.
This channel is for a VERY specific demographic. It is not for everyone. I fumbled upon this channel when I saw an "Iconic Corpse" video. And I, into dark things, clicked on it and fell down the rabbit hole of all of the videos on this channel.

The channel is run by Caitlyn Doughy, a mortician, and she answers a lot of questions people have about the funeral industry and death. It's super informative and I am a nerd who loves learning things so I love this channel so much.

If you are interested in learning more about the funeral industry - and you should - and knowing different options for what to do after you die, you should subscribe.
I don't travel. I wish I could, but I can't and that is why I love this channel. The Carpetbagger travels to different attractions throughout the United States and records his experience. A lot of the attractions are different than your usual fun amusement park and some are history museums.

This plays on me being a nerd because a lot of the places he goes has some history behind it and while in the videos he explains what he knows best he can, it still makes me go and research the places and learn the stories.

The about section of the channel says:
Welcome to the Carpetbagger's YouTube Channel. Here you will find a Yankees unique perspective on living in the South. I am obsessed with Southern Cultures, Folk Heroes, Folk Villains and Roadside Attractions.
And I couldn't sum the channel any better than the man himself. If you are intrigued, you should subscribe to this channel. Also if you donate $3 or more to his Patreon a month, he'll send you a postcard from places he's been!
I love Garrett Watts with all my heart and soul. I found him through Shane Dawson and ever since I have been a fan of his and watched every video he has posted. He doesn't post as much as I wish he would, but YouTube is a harsh business and it's hard to make videos often and to edit and to keep ideas fresh. So I don't hold it against him.

He does a lot of random things. He became Harley Quinn by using things he bought from a dollar store. He built a wall of Doritos - see video above. This is another channel that is just for some good pure entertainment.

He holds chaotic good energy. That's the best way I can describe him and his channel. I think most people would enjoy his channel. In my opinion, everyone should subscribe.
I am subscribed to Morgan because she is one of the most relatable people. And I'll admit it. The first Shane video I saw her in, I kinda had a crush on her. But I really do enjoy her content.

I enjoy that she is relatable. I enjoy that she is not ashamed to show embarrassing moments and I like that she can make fun of herself.

If you like relatable content, subscribe to Morgan. I am looking forward to seeing more videos about her moving out of Shane and Ryland's house if we are getting more videos. I just love those.
I don't even remember how I found this channel, but I love it. It's a channel about Disney parks and attractions. I have never been to a Disney Park. I am a HUGE Disney fan and I hope one day I can go, but as of now, I satisfy my yearning for a Disney park with YouTubers.

There are lots of YouTubers who make videos about the parks, but Offhand Disney is my favorite.

If you like all things Disney, subscribe to Offhand Disney!
I don't watch gamers at all. Mark is the only exception. I don't know why. I can't even stand watching people in my family play games. It's not my thing.

But Mark does it in an entertaining way. His reactions are what got me. I don't even remember why I started watching his videos in the first place. I just did. He was one of three YouTubers I started watching when I went away to college.

I feel like most people are subscribed to him by now, but if you aren't, go do it.
Brandon Rogers is a gem. All of his videos are offensive, but I love them. He uses very dark humor and I love it.

Every time he posts a new video I get so excited. There was a time in my life that was really dark and depression consumed my entire life,  but he taught me how to truly laugh again. I'll write a whole blog post about him soon.

His channel is not for everyone. If you are easily offended, do not watch his videos or subscribe. If you love dark comedy, check him out. He is an icon.
Firstly, I wrote a post about Frank recently, which you can find here. Secondly, he has granted me an interview for this blog which is happening soon. So if you have a question for him, you can send in your question here.

Now that we've got that out of the way let me sell you the emo train wreck that is the CrankThatFrank channel. It's all emo, all the time. But it's entertaining. He reacts to the emo quartet mostly.

However, like I said in the post about him, I don't think his channel is for everyone. But if you consider yourself emo, check him out and subscribe.
This is a love that goes back ten years ago. I was in middle school when I first found Shane's old channel that he occasionally posts on. I have been a fan ever since. He is the only YouTuber who I have stuck with.

He has saved my life and helped me get through a lot. I am going to write a whole post about him. I wrote a quick one on his birthday that you can find here. He is currently doing a series called "The Mind of Jake Paul" and it has had me intrigued. I plan to write a post on my thoughts on the whole series after it's over so expect that soon.

I don't know how to explain Shane's channel and his content because it changes every other year. Right now he's been working on different series with different YouTubers and I love it. He used to do weekly comedy videos. He did daily vlogging for a while and then daily videos of random things. So it changes up. But I'm glad it changes up because I have never gotten bored with his content. I do especially love the conspiracy videos.

He is my favorite YouTuber of all time and no one will ever take that spot from him because he means so much to me.

So that's my top 11 YouTubers.

I want to explain why I didn't include Ryland Adams on this list. I love him. I am a fan and subscribed, but his channel isn't really my cup of tea. I support him because he is part of my favorite YouTube squad and I think he is a good YouTuber, but he's just not my personal preference for what I watch most of the time. But I did defend him when everyone was going after him for throwing out Morgan. That was messed up because it wasn't even that serious. I love you, Ryland. Keep doing you.

Anyway, I hope this was a nice break from the constant music posts. Who are your favorite YouTubers?


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